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How to regain the lost joy from playing L2?



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How to regain the lost joy from playing L2?

Started by Ashlynn, July 08, 2009, 12:10:05 AM

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I'd like to ask you a question.

I am kinda tired from playing L2, I haven't even look on its icon for like 2 months now. Since april I played for about 5 minutes.. Gone are those times when I enjoyed every new level, A grade things were something impossible to reach, ... I can go on like this all night but I guess you already got my point. L2 is not fun for me to play, yet I'd like to.. I just don't know how to enjoy it again..

So, do you have some tips? :)

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


start playing another game or forget that uve ever played and start again
BlackSky - ms/em//necro
tejfel - sps//dn/ms


Use clan chat, or change clan, if it doesn't work. PMing and playing along with your friends should work as well.
Aye, and don't take anything personal nor seriously.


Quote from: Ashlynn on July 08, 2009, 12:10:05 AM
I'd like to ask you a question.

I am kinda tired from playing L2, I haven't even look on its icon for like 2 months now. Since april I played for about 5 minutes.. Gone are those times when I enjoyed every new level, A grade things were something impossible to reach, ... I can go on like this all night but I guess you already got my point. L2 is not fun for me to play, yet I'd like to.. I just don't know how to enjoy it again..

So, do you have some tips? :)

buy xbox, sps, ps3, gameboy download games, for it and for PC
start to watch movies, listen to music, or create some movies or music :> draw, sing, read books, get laid, go some partys meet some chicks, get their number (msn, yahoo w/e) so you'll have to talk with some1 (if you have no legs to go out), or watch some nice if you don't like to move from house, or use google if you haven;t any idea what to do.

google --> and write " god help me, my world ends on lineage2"

google says: " there is no god, QQ moar"
second, answer: you are retired n44b QQ moar
third optional: you can't enjoy having six with your 70y old wife, suicide plz


Quote from: zthrx on July 08, 2009, 01:46:51 AM
buy xbox, sps, ps3, gameboy download games, for it and for PC
start to watch movies, listen to music, or create some movies or music :> draw, sing, read books, get laid, go some partys meet some chicks, get their number (msn, yahoo w/e) so you'll have to talk with some1 (if you have no legs to go out), or watch some nice if you don't like to move from house, or use google if you haven;t any idea what to do.

google --> and write " god help me, my world ends on lineage2"

google says: " there is no god, QQ moar"
second, answer: you are retired n44b QQ moar
third optional: you can't enjoy having six with your 70y old wife, suicide plz
:D why so serious dude?

My RL is interesting enough, thanks for your care anyway, I just want to play from time to time with some old e-friends, yet I don't see any entertainment in this game anymore.. So in fact I'm just asking what is that "something"  that still keeps you playing :)

And just to correct that sh*tload of mistakes you've just written:
- I don't need any numbers from any chicks, since I'm not a lesbian. Well, atleast not totally lol :D
- I am not watching nice, I'll leave it to you guys :)
- I am enjoying six enough. Again - thanks for your care, I really appreciate it.
- I don't have any wife... neither do you, I guess. And you won't get any by watching nice (yes, you maybe think that girlfriends are for noobs who cannot download nice, but that is not really truth :) )

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Ashlynn on July 08, 2009, 02:03:53 AM
:D why so serious dude?

My RL is interesting enough, thanks for your care anyway, I just want to play from time to time with some old e-friends, yet I don't see any entertainment in this game anymore.. So in fact I'm just asking what is that "something"  that still keeps you playing :)

And just to correct that sh*tload of mistakes you've just written:
- I don't need any numbers from any chicks, since I'm not a lesbian. Well, atleast not totally lol :D
- I am not watching nice, I'll leave it to you guys :)
- I am enjoying six enough. Again - thanks for your care, I really appreciate it.
- I don't have any wife... neither do you, I guess. And you won't get any by watching nice (yes, you maybe think that girlfriends are for noobs who cannot download nice, but that is not really truth :) )
hahahahahhaahahha OWNED sh1tzoR!!!  8)



Quote from: Ashlynn on July 08, 2009, 12:10:05 AM
I'd like to ask you a question.

I am kinda tired from playing L2, I haven't even look on its icon for like 2 months now. Since april I played for about 5 minutes.. Gone are those times when I enjoyed every new level, A grade things were something impossible to reach, ... I can go on like this all night but I guess you already got my point. L2 is not fun for me to play, yet I'd like to.. I just don't know how to enjoy it again..

So, do you have some tips? :)

ingame friends are the answer to that.
try joining a new clan, try to internet socialize with them.
there are some fun quests that u can do just for fun if u are such kind of person, to also take pleasures in the simple things.

anyhow, doing something with others, getting to know somebody ingame, will help you to find pleasure in the game again.
in every facette.


Quote from: Ashlynn on July 08, 2009, 02:03:53 AM
- I don't need any numbers from any chicks, since I'm not a lesbian. Well, atleast not totally lol :D

Well.... that sentence is gonna get you numbers from about 500 horny nerds. Grats!



making new haters is the way of refreshing L2 fun xD
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Ashlynn on July 08, 2009, 12:10:05 AM
I'd like to ask you a question.

I am kinda tired from playing L2, I haven't even look on its icon for like 2 months now. Since april I played for about 5 minutes.. Gone are those times when I enjoyed every new level, A grade things were something impossible to reach, ... I can go on like this all night but I guess you already got my point. L2 is not fun for me to play, yet I'd like to.. I just don't know how to enjoy it again..

So, do you have some tips? :)

Become gm and kick Glasy+Narog corrupted assess........ i think hard and good goal for future....


:) i still have to send u pics for sig :D enjoy this heheheheh
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


Quote from: Ashlynn on July 08, 2009, 02:03:53 AM
:D why so serious dude?

My RL is interesting enough, thanks for your care anyway, I just want to play from time to time with some old e-friends, yet I don't see any entertainment in this game anymore.. So in fact I'm just asking what is that "something"  that still keeps you playing :)

And just to correct that sh*tload of mistakes you've just written:
- I don't need any numbers from any chicks, since I'm not a lesbian. Well, atleast not totally lol :D
- I am not watching nice, I'll leave it to you guys :)
- I am enjoying six enough. Again - thanks for your care, I really appreciate it.
- I don't have any wife... neither do you, I guess. And you won't get any by watching nice (yes, you maybe think that girlfriends are for noobs who cannot download nice, but that is not really truth :) )

irony is the most difficult thing to understand in this community   8)