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Nerf Erase

Started by our4n0s, July 10, 2009, 03:45:14 PM

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Quote from: our4n0s on July 10, 2009, 10:37:15 PM
for me lethal is fine, i save myself from it at like 80% of cases, but there s one more thing, try to find a sumoner using his 3rd class pet, you wont since these pets got nerfed really bad at c4, this nerf has no point atm, our 3rd calss pets are suposed to be our best pets but they are pure sh1T atm
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Quote from: Ozukyz on July 10, 2009, 10:45:32 PM
french people french people tastes like frogs looks like people
Quiche Lorraine


Quote from: our4n0s on July 10, 2009, 10:37:15 PM
for me lethal is fine, i save myself from it at like 80% of cases, but there s one more thing, try to find a sumoner using his 3rd class pet, you wont since these pets got nerfed really bad at c4, this nerf has no point atm, our 3rd calss pets are suposed to be our best pets but they are pure sh1T atm

we didn't have lvl 79 summons in c4:P
but overally i agree, lvl 79 summon is a glass cannon.. though even hard to call it a cannon... too low defence to be used in most cases, and erase makes it even less usefull (currently too low chance it will even make it to target unerased xD)


Erase got nerfed and then again the landing rate got high again after the last crashes of server .. and landing rate should be 40% in my opinion .. summoners is OP if u dont erase their summon or kill it .. thats why this skill was made by ncsoft to stop summoners oly domination


erase 50% landing is ok :P
Titan1          pr/bd
Garcon        nec/bd
NTitanN        nec/pal
TtnN             ps/sk
HellzSoul      ol/es
HellzStormer ee/sps


erase is very annoying.... any non farmer char with summon haves no chance to keep a summon alive till the end of the fight... summon dies from 1/2 archer crits or mage hits....

but if erase is on any way affecting(at least in a small part) summoner farmers.... keep it and dont nerf it... for the good of the olys...



Why you need your summon anyway? You can attack with your augment pretty good. Like 500 dmg on 1000 mdef... Kazimira can do more than this. This would be the only thing that could balance oly a bit.  ;)
Quote from: DePayens on August 03, 2009, 05:11:03 PM
Leave server pls or you'll lose all your castles and good farming very soon.
Your tears won't save you forever.


Quote from: cristianvernal on July 11, 2009, 06:49:40 AM
erase is very annoying.... any non farmer char with summon haves no chance to keep a summon alive till the end of the fight... summon dies from 1/2 archer crits or mage hits....

but if erase is on any way affecting(at least in a small part) summoner farmers.... keep it and dont nerf it... for the good of the olys...
yeah this is exactly it, and once again, 3rd calss pets should be something really powerfull to us and it is just as the other guy said, too low pdef/mdef to be used and wont even reach target unerased


i see QQ mode on :) change char or play with that rules .....erease land is ~30 % so cry mode plox :) its really funny read that crappy shit :)


Funny to see how people who get owned 24/7 at oly and whined about everything you could think of before, now talk about QQ to people who say Erase is OP (since it is) hence now erase having a high land rate (again) is kinda stupid.

But ah well, summons die in 1 or 2 hits at PvP anyway.


ye now they dont won 100% fights just 80% :O
Titan1          pr/bd
Garcon        nec/bd
NTitanN        nec/pal
TtnN             ps/sk
HellzSoul      ol/es
HellzStormer ee/sps


Quote from: PersonTRUE1 on July 11, 2009, 01:27:57 PM
i see QQ mode on :) change char or play with that rules .....erease land is ~30 % so cry mode plox :) its really funny read that crappy shit :)

arent u the one who made 2-3 topics crying for oly new system xD ?