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Olympiad blessing ( Fix).

Started by SysTemHacK, July 15, 2009, 10:17:19 AM

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Quote from: our4n0s on July 15, 2009, 05:31:49 PM
Ncsoft didn't allow bsss at oly because oly fights on offi are on self, w/o stacking shites, meaning quite 0 buffs unless you are support.
And offi doesn't have -50% damages..

Yeah fix erase first, because it has already started, yet erase is still OP, i suggest finishing something before starting another
damage reduction not working since HB , we all wanted it back but after we realised how much damage resists are now like chant of protection , song of wind storm , song of elemental and new options to enchant resists buffs + power which made damage way balanced and pvps longer enough to have fun without need for damage reduction system .
I have been watching oly lately and I think erase now success rate is around 55/60% , and summoners/healers and summoners / buffers still pownz without domination .

and for  altheo .. ur encouraging way of thinking that u showed agreeing with removing ur second acumen in oly :D made me wanna ask u some thing , don't u since nerf of mana burn have more fun in oly ?! I mean befor ur chance to win was 100% , used to go  on fight with almost full  self trust and just need to spam 2 buttons to win in few secs ... for now it's way more fun at least u have a Competition , chance to win or lose which in it self pure pleasure .


Quote from: SpoilerAngel on July 15, 2009, 05:44:37 PM
u wont come back , cya :P

see what happens if u pk afk peeps that u can't kill normal way?
now go QQ and leave
AAB94-B2-F-451-D-4-ADE-B2-B0-1-B8-D6-A02-FB9-F" border="0


Quote from: SysTemHacK on July 15, 2009, 06:25:43 PM

and for  altheo .. ur encouraging way of thinking that u showed agreeing with removing ur second acumen in oly :D made me wanna ask u some thing , don't u since nerf of mana burn have more fun in oly ?! I mean befor ur chance to win was 100% , used to go  on fight with almost full  self trust and just need to spam 2 buttons to win in few secs ... for now it's way more fun at least u have a Competition , chance to win or lose which in it self pure pleasure .
Didn't know about the -50% dmg not working, checked it and indeed you are right.
About mana burn, first, it's a bug, second, it was never easy winning with that, i had like 70% rate win vs sps/ee on wm with the real nerf made by drake.
So, atm , i reached this win rate back thanks to stone, but now its really spamming f1 for overnuking the sps, while mana burning them was definitely harder than you think.
So, for the same win rate, i actually prefered back then when we had mana burn,  i made a few pvp too and tbh, i think BPs are kind of OP w/o mana burn.
Tho, i would like to have a mana burn  back before the bug, so ~ 65% land rate, but with mcrit disabled, unfortunetly it is impossible :-\.

But i don't care much if you ask me, i compensated mburn by stone... i wish oly blessing gets removed because then sws/ee shall fail to good pp/th, while atm it's nearly allmighty against everyone


Quote from: our4n0s on July 15, 2009, 06:36:33 PM
Didn't know about the -50% dmg not working, checked it and indeed you are right.
About mana burn, first, it's a bug, second, it was never easy winning with that, i had like 70% rate win vs sps/ee on wm with the real nerf made by drake.
So, atm , i reached this win rate back thanks to stone, but now its really spamming f1 for overnuking the sps, while mana burning them was definitely harder than you think.
So, for the same win rate, i actually prefered back then when we had mana burn,  i made a few pvp too and tbh, i think BPs are kind of OP w/o mana burn.
Tho, i would like to have a mana burn  back before the bug, so ~ 65% land rate, but with mcrit disabled, unfortunetly it is impossible :-\.

But i don't care much if you ask me, i compensated mburn by stone... i wish oly blessing gets removed because then sws/ee shall fail to good pp/th, while atm it's nearly allmighty against everyone

actualy I remember that you said it with ur own tounge here that u had 100% chance with mana burn agumentation and we don't need to talk about that coz we already saw it with our own eyes too so I won't talk about that any more .
bishops are so far away from being OP in Oly specially vs other mages coz simply the combos that have m.def buff in Oly would be bp/pal bp/da and bp/pp and we don't see this combos dominating at all , now matches are longer till the end of it so what  longer fights means more fun .. I still can't get what used to please u in 15 secs matches .. ::)


Quote from: our4n0s on July 15, 2009, 06:36:33 PM
Didn't know about the -50% dmg not working, checked it and indeed you are right.
About mana burn, first, it's a bug, second, it was never easy winning with that, i had like 70% rate win vs sps/ee on wm with the real nerf made by drake.
So, atm , i reached this win rate back thanks to stone, but now its really spamming f1 for overnuking the sps, while mana burning them was definitely harder than you think.
So, for the same win rate, i actually prefered back then when we had mana burn,  i made a few pvp too and tbh, i think BPs are kind of OP w/o mana burn.
Tho, i would like to have a mana burn  back before the bug, so ~ 65% land rate, but with mcrit disabled, unfortunetly it is impossible :-\.

But i don't care much if you ask me, i compensated mburn by stone... i wish oly blessing gets removed because then sws/ee shall fail to good pp/th, while atm it's nearly allmighty against everyone

QQ moarrrrrr


Quote from: lucifsg on July 15, 2009, 06:56:25 PM
QQ moarrrrrr
sure that u made quote to the right person ?  ::) thats would be first flame at this topic  ... till now 200 ppl checked it and 0 flames  ;D


Quote from: Diabolical on July 15, 2009, 05:25:49 PM
olympiad blessing has haste as well .. cut the crap please ...

acumen was added later but originally there was haste always

haste buff is added as normal separate buff like sprint lvl 1 for mages. current oly blessing adds just slight speed increase and c.spd
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

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Quote from: cthon on July 15, 2009, 06:28:59 PM
see what happens if u pk afk peeps that u can't kill normal way?
now go QQ and leave
i kill you 1v1 just u got always full buffs and me nope, anyway i respect my enemies so Gl and hf in dead server ;P