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Started by Cenarius, July 19, 2009, 11:32:05 AM

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Quote from: Furesy on July 19, 2009, 03:06:00 PM
It's a skill that like nobody uses from HE because they are to dumb and only know how press F1 and die.

I bet half the people that play a HE don't even know they have that skill.
let me gues, that shit for reuse? ha! :p
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Sephiroth on July 19, 2009, 03:05:12 PM
Let me think,if it's not'bout new 80+ skills,the only skill from HE I'd like to have is Dash.
blessing of saggitarius (used to work great in IL, now dunno)
quiver of holding
no-mutant, for you high rate server this means alot



come on.......


Quote from: Furesy on July 19, 2009, 03:06:00 PM
It's a skill that like nobody uses from HE because they are to dumb and only know how press F1 and die.

I bet half the people that play a HE don't even know they have that skill.

Quote from: Sali on July 19, 2009, 03:08:32 PM
let me gues, that shit for reuse? ha! :p

Indeed,it's a nice skill,useful while using AI/UD/Vengeance/SoF

But,when I used to play HE/WK and later BD/PR I didn't miss any skill,apart from Dash,and that one to increases Accuracy (useful vs daggers).

Quote from: wildpussy on July 19, 2009, 03:10:10 PM
blessing of saggitarius (used to work great in IL, now dunno)
quiver of holding
no-mutant, for you high rate server this means alot



come on.......

DeadEye used to rox,dunno nowadays with COP/WindStorm.


Quote from: wildpussy on July 19, 2009, 03:10:10 PM
blessing of saggitarius (used to work great in IL, now dunno)
quiver of holding
no-mutant, for you high rate server this means alot



come on.......
who da fak is using that skill and what for? against mages pointes, against wariors decres ur p def givving some shity amount of acuracy, i prefer to put tatoos than use that skill
and its hard to make use of snipe when u pvp in terain, espiecialy when ur alone against many enemy bcos only kite can save uf ass
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Sephiroth on July 19, 2009, 03:12:06 PM
Indeed,it's a nice skill,useful while using AI/UD/Vengeance/SoF
ye now its good when we have improved buffs so its posible to find place for it, in il it was more like imposible to use it and dont get overbuff especialy at char like he/pal
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Sephiroth on July 19, 2009, 02:49:44 PM
Which skills PAL get at lvl 81+?
i'm talking not about skills, cause it's not so easy to get that scrools, i'm about bigger CP/HP/p.atk......all stats.
maybe i'm wrong, but with each lvl you get +stats ;D


Quote from: Sali on July 19, 2009, 03:12:46 PM
who da fak is using that skill and what for? against mages pointes, against wariors decres ur p def givving some shity amount of acuracy, i prefer to put tatoos than use that skill
and its hard to make use of snipe when u pvp in terain, espiecialy when ur alone against many enemy bcos only kite can save uf ass
hawkeye dont give shit accuracy, it gives a huge boost (+10 - the difference between wearing light or heavy), it's used to hit running daggers, lowers your pdef by 10%, which aint alot, also it's maybe enchantable

snipe have some uses, rare but still

and why dead eye is so important ? for bigger dmg and +3 accuracy you shoot slower and takes a buff slot, for a he/pal you'll need all the buff slots you can get, and pls dont tell me attack spd is useless, it's the biggest bull-shit of all :) yea, specialy low atk spd on paladin is great! who care of skill reuses

btw how are mutant archers shooting lvl 85 daggers with iMove? :)


Atk speed for archers wasn't needed in Interlude, now with the lol-icarus bows and all those lol-resists for archers and crit dmg, P atk and Crit dmg isn't the biggest deal for archers anymore.


Quote from: wildpussy on July 19, 2009, 03:26:44 PM
hawkeye dont give shit accuracy, it gives a huge boost (+10 - the difference between wearing light or heavy), it's used to hit running daggers, lowers your pdef by 10%, which aint alot, also it's maybe enchantable

snipe have some uses, rare but still

and why dead eye is so important ? for bigger dmg and +3 accuracy you shoot slower and takes a buff slot, for a he/pal you'll need all the buff slots you can get, and pls dont tell me attack spd is useless, it's the biggest bull-shit of all :) yea, specialy low atk spd on paladin is great! who care of skill reuses

btw how are mutant archers shooting lvl 85 daggers with iMove? :)
even w/o it daggers buffed for evasion are enought to miss on them a lot, and well thx for info that i can enchant hawkeye :P now ill make some use of it xD
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: rezz on July 19, 2009, 03:31:38 PM
of course HE/PAL, most of reasons were mentioned by Fursey, I would just add that HE/PAL is able to get ai, tol 24/7 + can overrun most of chars while wearing light (267 speed afaik with cov).
not... ai have implemented some reuse time that cannot be faster no matter what buffs u have, i noticed it farming with ty/pal xD (i think its some nerf for ty/pal).
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Sali on July 19, 2009, 03:36:00 PM
not... ai have implemented some reuse time that cannot be faster no matter what buffs u have, i noticed it farming with ty/pal xD (i think its some nerf for ty/pal).
last time i tried, reuse was based on attack speed and reuse buffs (champ, renewal) for AI, and for frenzy/zealot - tried on glad/pal and ty/de

however there was something weird with zealot, i used fists, made frenzy, zealot, guts and somehow frenzy and guts have same reuse, altho guts was launched on a higher attack speed due zealot
however if you try to launch a skill on 0 atk spd buffs, and then on full atk spd setup, there is a huge differance

edit: on infinity, dont see why should be differant here


thx mates, now i have  a pr/wk but ill make a he/pal   ;D
Nayfall - Magmeld Server - Aore Cardinal 99 / Genocide Clan Member
Irizar (Trick / SH) -> Hero x 2 (Bugged :D)
DraculeMihawk PAL/HE -> Hero x 3
Aziz -> ILuxx gift ;) Hero x 8 (Sold)