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Some ideas to get new blood for Nightmare (for Nm staff)



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Some ideas to get new blood for Nightmare (for Nm staff)

Started by WindPhoenix, July 23, 2009, 01:33:48 PM

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As many said already, one of the problems this server faces is that we dont have "new blood", that is new players that stick with the community and make it grow. Instead we have just an "old guard" of veteran players that unfortunatelly is shrinking in size.

How can we fix that? In my humble oppinion, this is a 2 steps process:

1. Getting new players
2. Making them stay

The first step is simple:
We need more promotion, that is, a higher position of the server in the l2 tops. For that, vote. Simple.

The second stage is more complicated, and i think there are many things to say/fix here, but i want to talk about one that is very important. Others can add other things that must be fixed.

The most important thing that had to be done on this server atm is to lower the gap between old player (donators or not) and new ones

Imagine how frustrating is for a new guy when the top items that allow him to go "au pair" with the old players are 10-20 times more expensive than the S sets (ffs, dynasty is like 10-20 times more expensive than IC set, is that normal? this way it would take years for a new player to get Dynasty set w/o donating)

I understand that donating keep server alive and there should be no shame being a donator and they deserve the bonuses and stats they get by buying the DNET sets, but the gap with the normal players is just too big.

I know it is the interest of the staff to get as much money from this game, it is no shame to admitt that, it is a business like any other. But think again: if you dont lower this gap hoping ppl will donate more, you're actually losing profit on the long term, because you are losing potential "clients". Trust me, you'd rather have a server of 3000 people out of which 30% are donators (900 donations) than 1000 people out of which 70% are donators (700 donations). Do the math yourself. More people = more cash for the server, healthier community, more fun, more events, bigger pvp, better sieges etc.

And the best way to get more new people on this server is to lower that gap as i said, so that would be easier for the newcomers to reach average-to-top gear in order to stay.

And now, lets see which are the best ways of doing that:
Imo, there are 3 things to do:

1. increase mats and adena drops so that train-making would be profitable again
2. Implement S grade recipes spoil and increase spoil rate for B, A, normal S parts and recipes and also for simple mats
3. Increase quest items drop rate or quantity

As you can see, i said nothing about RB because those are usually farmed by old players in old clans and we dont want the gap to get larger. Also i doubt most of the old players (pvp-oriented) will spoil/craft or do trains, so that will lower the gap.

My ideas might be flawed or imperfect, but i think that with small adjustments, these ideas will be very good for the server on the long run.
Please sticky and bring your own ideas, comments etc.
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


~Dear Wind Penix, u seems so bored lately :D but i appreciate on your posts, however i have written like 3x after i am come back that i am fixing things and that i am bringing old fun back again (spoil like c3-c4 times drops also (mats) ) so that will help very much to newbies in future,
~About promotions, well my dear friend i dont know if you noticed but when we have put vote like so many ppl complained about it and it is just peoples arrogance and bad attitude not to vote, what can i do other, i am doing fixes here working my ass off to fix all and when i ask vote plz 2x a day they tell me track gotfo freak off we find way to disable vote blalabala, i cant win them so about voting and promotions i really cant cure ppls freaked up minds.
~About lowering the gap, well you agree if you wanna play l2 like real player and you do enjoy game you actually dont need top items, i will enable spoil again so average player without giving to server even 10 cents can have s grade weapons/armors without any problems, and then again if they are lazy i cant help it and they will always complain, but in the end ill give chance to everyone.

So bottom line my friend i am here, i am working , i am fixing and preparing all for huge zerg on NM by end of august as every year, but thx for concerning and if u can do anything else for community ur welcome.

Cya later penix

P.s. My friend when i say to them please vote 2x a day they usually do opposite, so ppl DONT VOTE PLZ ur not helping me anyway, maybe this gonna work. So you see now how my job is hard with those haters?
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


INCREASE adena drop rate is a no-sense thing.
becouse adena will loose power (and for sure if one year ago u payed ... EX: ssa 500 adena, now u will pay for it 800-900 )

a good thing should be to make something buyable, for a bigger price than market price
ex: again SS or MATS for potion (not the full potion. too easy this way)
SSA market price is 900
put it in shop for 2000 adena

new player will never buy from there
old player have too many adena to waste, and no time, so they will buy from npc = adena will slowly go down

same for potions.
if u put also the mats in shop, new player will continue craft potions
old ones will for sure go buy combat haste or similar from npc, and finally adena will disappear a bit

MATS: increase mats (a little from drop, much more from spoil) is a good thing
mats for potions: check what i wrote before for adena (new comer will craft etcetc)
mats for items: also a newcomer could be able to  craft something (and maybe will create some good spoiler)

lower a bit price for horn from mammon (25 now?) or increase quest rate item

Recipe: from spoil little increase (and maybe increase little succes rate. 60%----> 80% u still have a 20%shit happens)
Recipe: also in shop for higher price (ofc not 100%, in shop leave the 60%)

why? again: make adena disappear

ohter....dunno atm :D

merge servers :D i can assure u that 90% of infy player would be glad to have someone who answer them (a little lesser for your l2w hunt :D)

keep the good work

ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


Quote from: TrackZero on July 23, 2009, 02:13:36 PM
~Dear Wind Penix, u seems so bored lately :D but i appreciate on your posts, however i have written like 3x after i am come back that i am fixing things and that i am bringing old fun back again (spoil like c3-c4 times drops also (mats) ) so that will help very much to newbies in future,
~About promotions, well my dear friend i dont know if you noticed but when we have put vote like so many ppl complained about it and it is just peoples arrogance and bad attitude not to vote, what can i do other, i am doing fixes here working my ass off to fix all and when i ask vote plz 2x a day they tell me track gotfo freak off we find way to disable vote blalabala, i cant win them so about voting and promotions i really cant cure ppls freaked up minds.
~About lowering the gap, well you agree if you wanna play l2 like real player and you do enjoy game you actually dont need top items, i will enable spoil again so average player without giving to server even 10 cents can have s grade weapons/armors without any problems, and then again if they are lazy i cant help it and they will always complain, but in the end ill give chance to everyone.

So bottom line my friend i am here, i am working , i am fixing and preparing all for huge zerg on NM by end of august as every year, but thx for concerning and if u can do anything else for community ur welcome.

Cya later penix

P.s. My friend when i say to them please vote 2x a day they usually do opposite, so ppl DONT VOTE PLZ ur not helping me anyway, maybe this gonna work. So you see now how my job is hard with those haters?

take a look on Kamaels bugs,plz!!!!most of their skills don't work or don't work as they should!!!what's the point of having HB without Kamaels? :-\
take your time...but don't forget this NEW race!!


Mostly, this server is interesting cos of the stacking subs, and here goes yet another rant about it:
I've seen ppl be at 40 cows and still unsubbed.
We are talking about unorganized newbs (not noobs), in A grade at most,
against full buffed and equipped DE's. Is it that hard to actually disable the tradeable horn drop?
Or have duplicate cows, one that drops items and another one that only drops q. horn (it would be kinda better, wouldn't have a noticeable effect on economy, as far as i can think)


Quote from: TrackZero on July 23, 2009, 02:13:36 PMP.s. My friend when i say to them please vote 2x a day they usually do opposite, so ppl DONT VOTE PLZ ur not helping me anyway, maybe this gonna work. So you see now how my job is hard with those haters?

Im not playing here anyways but if you want more ppl to vote:
Move this:

From te left to the center of page:

Ye I know, that many people will be pissed but... more votes deserve it.

P.S. No, Im not using IE. :F
P.S.2 Please make this server better se we can start to play here again. Because now, when I ask anyone who plays here: "What do you think about us to start playing at NM again?", he always answer "Hell no! Its so freaking boring, noones playing, don't even waste your time here". :(

Quote from: lKentl on July 23, 2009, 05:19:44 PM
Mostly, this server is interesting cos of the stacking subs, and here goes yet another rant about it:
I've seen ppl be at 40 cows and still unsubbed.
We are talking about unorganized newbs (not noobs), in A grade at most,
against full buffed and equipped DE's. Is it that hard to actually disable the tradeable horn drop?
Or have duplicate cows, one that drops items and another one that only drops q. horn (it would be kinda better, wouldn't have a noticeable effect on economy, as far as i can think)
Duplicate wont solve it for sure.
My idea is:
Make a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge area around cow that kick every subbed char = there wont be "high lvl players" with pt of bd/pp, sws/wlk ect.
Golkonda "drops" 1 quest horn with 100% and one more QUEST horn with like 50%.
For sure it shouldn't drop a normal horn.
Dunno how it respawn now but it should be MAX 12h (remember C3/C4 times? Golka had 40min(?) respawn and NO ONE was mad couse of it!)
You could make a Quest to get horn - something like for 3rd job, but maybe longer but not harded - so almost everyone can  make it (same as 3rd job).
Ahh you shouldn't be able to lure/agro/HEAL golkonda.

Dunno what else, but golko should be changed for sure.

Pride - Necro [ON]

BlessedSoul - SK/BP [OFF]
ShowMeYourPower - HE/Pal [OFF]
ShowMeYourMind - OL/EE [OFF]
xPridePLx - Necro/PP [OFF]
PridePL - PR/BD [OFF]


Quote from: TrackZero on July 23, 2009, 02:13:36 PM
~Dear Wind Penix, u seems so bored lately :D but i appreciate on your posts, however i have written like 3x after i am come back that i am fixing things and that i am bringing old fun back again (spoil like c3-c4 times drops also (mats) ) so that will help very much to newbies in future,
~About promotions, well my dear friend i dont know if you noticed but when we have put vote like so many ppl complained about it and it is just peoples arrogance and bad attitude not to vote, what can i do other, i am doing fixes here working my ass off to fix all and when i ask vote plz 2x a day they tell me track gotfo freak off we find way to disable vote blalabala, i cant win them so about voting and promotions i really cant cure ppls freaked up minds.
~About lowering the gap, well you agree if you wanna play l2 like real player and you do enjoy game you actually dont need top items, i will enable spoil again so average player without giving to server even 10 cents can have s grade weapons/armors without any problems, and then again if they are lazy i cant help it and they will always complain, but in the end ill give chance to everyone.

So bottom line my friend i am here, i am working , i am fixing and preparing all for huge zerg on NM by end of august as every year, but thx for concerning and if u can do anything else for community ur welcome.

Cya later penix

P.s. My friend when i say to them please vote 2x a day they usually do opposite, so ppl DONT VOTE PLZ ur not helping me anyway, maybe this gonna work. So you see now how my job is hard with those haters?

<33333333  :-*
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: Pride on July 23, 2009, 05:21:44 PM
Im not playing here anyways but if you want more ppl to vote:
Move this:

From te left to the center of page:

Ye I know, that many people will be pissed but... more votes deserve it.

P.S. No, Im not using IE. :F
P.S.2 Please make this server better se we can start to play here again. Because now, when I ask anyone who plays here: "What do you think about us to start playing at NM again?", he always answer "Hell no! Its so freaking boring, noones playing, don't even waste your time here". :(

----------------------------------------------------------Duplicate wont solve it for sure.
My idea is:
Make a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge area around cow that kick every subbed char = there wont be "high lvl players" with pt of bd/pp, sws/wlk ect.
Golkonda "drops" 1 quest horn with 100% and one more QUEST horn with like 50%.
For sure it shouldn't drop a normal horn.
Dunno how it respawn now but it should be MAX 12h (remember C3/C4 times? Golka had 40min(?) respawn and NO ONE was mad couse of it!)
You could make a Quest to get horn - something like for 3rd job, but maybe longer but not harded - so almost everyone can  make it (same as 3rd job).
Ahh you shouldn't be able to lure/agro/HEAL golkonda.

Dunno what else, but golko should be changed for sure.


i'm not sure you got the point, thing is to duplicate the number of cows, but having 4 give only quest and 4 give drops
newbs would go for the quest cow, i don't think we need such extreme measures, in the end
tbh the main problem is the cow farmes that kill it for the drop horn