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Event-New Players

Started by Lovroo, July 25, 2009, 07:41:38 PM

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btw ungo when im reading ur posts i dont know if u re  stupid ,sick or dunno wtf with u oO check ur posts and think about it...

btw track a lot of ppls re boring of l2 coz of long time playing here :P
Takashii SR/SWS Noblessed
Delicja SPS/ES
letmeheal BP/WK Noblessed       
Hushio PR/OL <= Sold       
Holylady sr/th
Justnice  bd/xx



Jajajajaja takashi alot of peoples are bored but i dont know why...you can find fun on NM almost always :D
Anyway Track I have one question. Why you dont find some one to help you with development some friend in real life or some one that you know good? I think it will be alot easier for you and players will be happier faster  ;)


u dont know why we re bored? :P coz we re playing here so long and we re fighting with same ppls almost all the time ;]
Takashii SR/SWS Noblessed
Delicja SPS/ES
letmeheal BP/WK Noblessed       
Hushio PR/OL <= Sold       
Holylady sr/th
Justnice  bd/xx



Quote from: TrackZero on July 25, 2009, 07:52:06 PM
Thx for caring dude,i believe your idea is very good but there is a problem , on server you can count probably on 1 hand very good people with good intentions and rest is just guys who wanna make profit, so tbh this will be the same case, too many people will exploit this and idea will be ruined.Probably all ****s will try to make a profit even from this , right Draks ?


However i am now focused on fixing priority bugs and spoil , i have a list and doing 1 by 1 , after i finished i promised events so we will  have some fun dont worry. All ides are welcome.

sry track but not all, don't say that you know many ppl on this serv is from poland


Some ppl just got way too much free time! Like TrackPenis. :S


Quote from: TheLox on July 26, 2009, 01:53:51 AM
Some ppl just got way too much free time! Like TrackPenis. :S
whoa. a hybrid?  ;D
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Ungolianth je maybe u tell 1 thing thats good in your post why you need so much QQing and telling him that he is not working good omfg try to make ur own server and sorry im not asslicker i just know what good and bad GM is.... on shadow there was GM aizen selling items +16 for 20$ and on NM u cry cus track is not working like u wanT....


Ok so if im asslicker what are you ??? blow me fuking noob i pwn you with draco set and as+cd and i dont need to asslick track ass im not such and asshole as you are .... freaking noob are you human at last anyway before u say u can ask 50 friends to make chars for this event i wrote but if ur acting in real life like on forum  u dont really have 50 friends ...


Do you want 1v1 when I come from holidays ?


ungo u re funny guy u said we re asslickers? oh great... i dont need to be one ;] and why u re said that u re writing what ppls re thinking?  its ur freaking opinion and each one can said what he think so why the freak u re saying  about them...? oO
Takashii SR/SWS Noblessed
Delicja SPS/ES
letmeheal BP/WK Noblessed       
Hushio PR/OL <= Sold       
Holylady sr/th
Justnice  bd/xx



Ungoliath i donjt want to every one who is oposite to me but  if some one that never fight against me say me that im easy frag and i know i can pwn him i want fight just dont cry if i will kill u with lethal.

