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Event-New Players

Started by Lovroo, July 25, 2009, 07:41:38 PM

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Ive get an idea for event that GM can make, make fun for players and get more peoples on server.
For exaple when 1 persone bring 5 players on server he earn 1 Bewa for 10 new players on server he get 2 Bewa and for 15 new players he get 1 bews its just exaple TrackZero could put other gifts or make event little diffrent. i think with that we can get new players new blood to pwn or new players to pwn us  :P  ;D

I think Track should make event like that its not hard and he can check if  there are new persons or just some1 with 10 chars by IP.
Its just what i think so dont blame me please and tell me what do you think. It would be good if track will answer too....


Good idea, but i think that Track dont have much time to check everybody and bla bla bla. We have only one GM and lot of Bugs.

Anyway if u can bring here few new players .... do it plz .
SpS/EE - nobless
SR/SWS - nobless


Quote from: Lovroo on July 25, 2009, 07:41:38 PM
Ive get an idea for event that GM can make, make fun for players and get more peoples on server.
For exaple when 1 persone bring 5 players on server he earn 1 Bewa for 10 new players on server he get 2 Bewa and for 15 new players he get 1 bews its just exaple TrackZero could put other gifts or make event little diffrent. i think with that we can get new players new blood to pwn or new players to pwn us  :P  ;D

I think Track should make event like that its not hard and he can check if  there are new persons or just some1 with 10 chars by IP.
Its just what i think so dont blame me please and tell me what do you think. It would be good if track will answer too....
Thx for caring dude,i believe your idea is very good but there is a problem , on server you can count probably on 1 hand very good people with good intentions and rest is just guys who wanna make profit, so tbh this will be the same case, too many people will exploit this and idea will be ruined.Probably all ****s will try to make a profit even from this , right Draks ?


However i am now focused on fixing priority bugs and spoil , i have a list and doing 1 by 1 , after i finished i promised events so we will  have some fun dont worry. All ides are welcome.
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Quote from: TrackZero on July 25, 2009, 07:52:06 PM
.Probably all ****s will try to make a profit even from this , right Draks ?

I will not. Not everyone in this country is like Draks. U hurted me :(
SpS/EE - nobless
SR/SWS - nobless


Quote from: marnow on July 25, 2009, 07:48:03 PM
Good idea, but i think that Track dont have much time to check everybody and bla bla bla. We have only one GM and lot of Bugs.

Anyway if u can bring here few new players .... do it plz .

In my town where i leave already i tell every one in my school and friends in real life to come play some of the come some no.... Atm in on holidays in greece and before i was talking with 2 guys they tell me that they play l2 on some luna server and than i tell them to come to NM and i think they will :D

To track: thanks for reading and replying  :-*, je i forget about draks and noobs that are just cheating them self majbe they re happy when they cheat in game but when they will break some1 balls in real life they just can find medical help.

GO...GOO...GOOO every one call peoples to NM :D if u leave in turistical town make poster and put them every where :D gogoogogogo :D
ok now i go drink my pinacolada   8)


Quote from: marnow on July 25, 2009, 07:58:09 PM
I will not. Not everyone in this country is like Draks. U hurted me :(
I forgot about Nimradell too him and Draks really....
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as marnow said not each polish guy is  cheater/tard or w/e   :/ 
Takashii SR/SWS Noblessed
Delicja SPS/ES
letmeheal BP/WK Noblessed       
Hushio PR/OL <= Sold       
Holylady sr/th
Justnice  bd/xx



Quote from: Ungolianth on July 25, 2009, 08:15:55 PM
for example i can bring 50 ppl to play lineage..i can tell em for me to install game in work if they make accounts and i get gifts they will end but i will have profit  ;D tbh who care so much about the server when the server dont care much about us? i know all will say "this is the type of guy who wanna make only profit and shit on server" but its not truth even the fact i play still on this server is miracle... what was the last time when track made some good event with some nice prices? last time i remember i had fun was on anthy when track came and we wanted rapez00r him  ;D but sad is fact he was imortal so nobody could kill him...track always say i work on fixes i do this i do that but its kinda slow and he work only at 1/500 problems/bugs...but rest he ignore or he says i am working on it..if all ppl in earth work so freaking slow like him we are all dead atm  :D tell all i am ignorant tard or wateva u want but i think he dont work so fast like he should...and he know best.i wonder why dyna work rly good and appela dont work at all? xxxxxxx ppl Q_Q about apella sets and what track did? locked topic... wts GT+FO+0
Typical problem here, i am not slow on fixes and those "500" bugs you are telling actually not exists since , complain about bugs became very popular here people complain bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs and when you ask them what is not working, and what should work they say , i dont know i "HEARD" its not working xxx guy told, so bugs u are talking about are not many and those bugs who are left i am fixing them 1 by 1 and u know its not press 1 button and you fix bug, you have to know many things before you can even think to fix something.Also do you understand you are playing on FREE Lineage 2 server, and that some things require time so take it easy a bit, and in the end , IF TrackZero dont care for this community then i really thinking to quit here.
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Quote from: Ungolianth on July 25, 2009, 08:39:58 PM
tell me from heart u do all u can for us and u rly care for us and tell the truth. ok i know we are not playing official and that we play free server but dont act like u spend all your life to make this community better cuz if u rly do nobody will tell u this shits like me...look if u ask ppl from server maybe u will find some1 that would be thankfull to help u and make this server better...start rly care about ppl and ppl will start rly care about this server.. when i see the faking vote for us window i am so pissed off so i will probably make some macro to ignore it :D tell me is it rly so hard to reply on appela topic? dark magican can cry his eyes off to get some answer but u shit on him... u clossed xxxx topics about apella set...many ppl normal players/donators buyed appela set and what they can do with it now? they can throw it to ground and curse u, dude u rly dont care that pppl spended xxx coins on that set and it dont work? i am rly upset u will always find some smart answer with that answer u make fools from  ppl like me but i am trying to tell u truth...i am trying to tell u point of view of many ppl here...when i can see u rly care about players and u start with rly important fixes i will go work hard for u and help u with anything u need, but till that time "vote for us" is faking spam for me. i dont wanna piss u off and i rly dunno why i am rly writting this cuz it wont probably change a shit...but maybe u will look on this from my point of u and it will move you to look on us different way like till now...gl
And what for you is important fix please ? About apella im not ignoring i prefer fixing it then talking, and once again if you dont like how much i care for NM find some other server where gms are more better and i wish u gl w/e you do.
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Ungolianth why you QQ so much TarckZero is working and alot people know that why ur looking whats wrong with other peoples when u have alot things to change on ur self to u will be better persone i know i need change some things to or try to make it better... nobody is perfect and i guess GMs have their life too. Track is on of few GMs on Dragon-community that isnt corrupted he have his own life like we all have maybe he have crazy girl friend that want him all time with her going to H&M and buying her clothes who knows anyway meaning of my post is that i think track is really working on server and try to make it better if you think that is easy to make such a server and fix so much bugs alone and have real life too you should try to make your own server and show  us how u will fixing bugs and making events...
:-[  :'(  :-\  :-[  :'(  :-\

:-X  :-X


one thing... im not a freaking ass licker or something but im playing here 4 years and track is here from long time so he should be good imao and 2nd thing how the freak 1 person can do all shits in few minutes like u want? lol its normal guy not a machine oO and he have RL too so  understand him a little....
Takashii SR/SWS Noblessed
Delicja SPS/ES
letmeheal BP/WK Noblessed       
Hushio PR/OL <= Sold       
Holylady sr/th
Justnice  bd/xx



Quote from: Lovroo on July 25, 2009, 08:59:28 PM
Ungolianth why you QQ so much TarckZero is working and alot people know that why ur looking whats wrong with other peoples when u have alot things to change on ur self to u will be better persone i know i need change some things to or try to make it better... nobody is perfect and i guess GMs have their life too. Track is on of few GMs on Dragon-community that isnt corrupted he have his own life like we all have maybe he have crazy girl friend that want him all time with her going to H&M and buying her clothes who knows anyway meaning of my post is that i think track is really working on server and try to make it better if you think that is easy to make such a server and fix so much bugs alone and have real life too you should try to make your own server and show  us how u will fixing bugs and making events...
:-[  :'(  :-\  :-[  :'(  :-\

:-X  :-X
Thx malakia :D, however i think he just dont enjoy game anymore and he just searching excuses .
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