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Why Lethal rate got high chance again ?



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Why Lethal rate got high chance again ?

Started by Diabolical, August 05, 2009, 12:03:34 AM

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nothing to say much about it , it got nerfed and now its back , may i know why ? is it a mistake ? or they actually intended to do it ?


aham i wonder if it's true  . as it's rly hard for me to get that lethal on my TH . maybe i should take another look ^_^


on retail they "fixed" dagger like this, since it was too strong with lethal on all blows:

deadly blow - only chance to half kill (no chance of crit or lethal)
backstab - chance to crit and half kill ( no chance to lethal )
lethal - chance to lethal .. and dunno others since i don't have it yet :D

and half kill sux BAD, cause if you have something with 1k hp and you normally do 2-3k dmg, if you do half kill you do only 500dmg ... so most of the times you hope you don't do half kill :)
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


you can already test half kill on mobs, it works like that since hb
isnt so bad


Quote from: Scrate on August 05, 2009, 02:12:30 PM
aham i wonder if it's true  . as it's rly hard for me to get that lethal on my TH . maybe i should take another look ^_^
Well im playing th... and lethal rate didnt changed for sure... or maybe even decrased, you were unlucky.
Windoo SH/PS - noble // Phayveroth TH/PAL - noble //PerveroTH TH/WK - noble // Yoshihana AW/SK - noble


Quote from: HelloWorlds on August 05, 2009, 03:32:38 PM
you can already test half kill on mobs, it works like that since hb
isnt so bad
yes, it rocks when I am attacking some dark blue 1/2 HP mob and I see in system window: Lethal Strike! and whooosh! Only half of its HP is gone..

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Ashlynn on August 06, 2009, 01:13:40 AM
yes, it rocks when I am attacking some dark blue 1/2 HP mob and I see in system window: Lethal Strike! and whooosh! Only half of its HP is gone..

Half-hp lethal on mobs works in other way. If u deal damage+half hp lethal it will deal damage first and leave mob w/o half hp left after damage (if mob survives the damage) if u dont deal any damage mob will just stay with half hp.
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: windoo on August 06, 2009, 01:07:19 AM
Well im playing th... and lethal rate didnt changed for sure... or maybe even decrased, you were unlucky.
maybe maybe . iam not that Pro dagger anyways  :P
tbh iam just wondering what's daggers w/o lethals .
and don't u find it funny when some one donated to buy IC weapon and made it + SA and also wearing dyna set gets POWNED by some random dagger not even supped and on A grade  ? :P:P:P


Quote from: Scrate on August 06, 2009, 06:49:07 AM
maybe maybe . iam not that Pro dagger anyways  :P
tbh iam just wondering what's daggers w/o lethals .
and don't u find it funny when some one donated to buy IC weapon and made it + SA and also wearing dyna set gets POWNED by some random dagger not even supped and on A grade  ? :P:P:P
if lethals were removed i think most daggers would reroll, and only hardcore oly ones would stay
unless damage is boosted a bit.
at the moment, daggers completely dominate oly by very far


Quote from: HelloWorlds on August 06, 2009, 10:44:52 AM
if lethals were removed i think most daggers would reroll, and only hardcore oly ones would stay
unless damage is boosted a bit.
at the moment, daggers completely dominate oly by very far

you mean th/pp's do :)
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota

