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Started by Shadowar, August 24, 2009, 02:38:10 PM

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Master Yogi's Tale

Master Yogi is a dedicated disciple who has returned from a long pilgrimage with much to share. He is offering to share his enchanting tales with all who wish to learn more. He has much to offer those who are willing to put their patience and devotion to the test. If you possess the strongest of faith, you could be rewarded with goods many only dream of.

Collect Master Yogi's enchant scrolls by hunting monsters and retrieving the scrolls that they drop. When you have obtained several scrolls, visit Master Yogi and purchase a Staff of Master Yogi for 1,000 adena. Use the event scrolls to enchant the staff and see how powerful you can make it! The higher you enchant the staff, the greater the reward that Master Yogi will have for you.

Master Yogi's enchant scrolls will also be available for sale by Master Yogi. You may purchase 24 enchant scrolls for 6,000 adena but only once every 6 hours (per account). If you don't want to wait for another 6 hours or hunt for more scrolls, you can purchase additional scrolls for 77,777 adena each.

Once you have enchanted the staff as much as you dare, give Master Yogi the staff for one of many rewards.

   Master Yogi's Scroll: Enchant Weapon    --   Use this scroll to enchant the Staff of Master Yogi. This item can be traded, dropped, and stored.
   Staff of Master Yogi    --   Purchase this staff for 1,000 adena from Master Yogi. This item cannot be dropped, sold, traded, or stored.

Enchant   Reward
0 - 3    No Reward
4     Firework  or
5     2 Fireworks  or
        Large Firework
6     3 Fireworks or
        2 Large Fireworks
7     Shadow Item - Top Hat
       Shadow Item - Black Mask
       Shadow Item - Rider Goggle
8    Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D)
9    Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D)
       Scroll: Enchant Armor (D)
10    Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C)
11    Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C)
       Scroll: Enchant Armor (C)
12    Scroll: Enchant Armor (B)
13    Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A)
14    Event - Top Hat
       Event - Black Mask
       Event - Rider Goggles
15    Grade S Accessory Chest (Event)
16    Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76
17    Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S)
18    Grade S Armor Chest (Event)
19    Grade S Weapon Chest (Event)
20    Red Soul Crystal - Stage 12
       Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 12
       Green Soul Crystal - Stage 12
21     Red Soul Crystal - Stage 13
       Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 13
       Green Soul Crystal - Stage 13
22    Red Soul Crystal - Stage 14
       Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 14
       Green Soul Crystal - Stage 14
23   S80 Grade Armor Chest (Event) (u could change that to Dynasty Set part)
24+    S80 Grade Weapon Chest (Event) (and that to Dynasty Weapon)

Those with the most impressive gift of enchantment will find themselves with the most powerful of prizes.

Good luck and happy enchanting!

Source : http://lineage2.stratics.com/php-bin/show_content.php?content=30810


My first Lineage II Video
Don't let it die! Just comment \/\/\/


If you think freak is funny, freak yourself and save the money!

~Nightmare x30~

...started  >> 01.08.2006  <<


Es/Pw is  the real power Reloaded Bass is Back
ShockEffect >>> ty/pal <3

http://www.myvideo.de/watch/6719938/Mein_18 DANCEE WITH ME SOMEBODY!!! :D:D:D:D


if those prices for staffs and scrolls would remain, server would be filled with dynasty weapons :P

And I wouldn't mind :)

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Well price could be greatly increased for e.g 50kk per scroll and 10kk per staff? That would help to lower the adena on the server. It's not easy to enchant weapon to +24 :). You can also obtain those scrolls from drops which could ahve the same drop rate as Alchemist Keys now ^.^ So everything would depend on ur luck ^.^. BTW if people was lucky it could balance higher old playesr in PvP if ya know what i mean (if people was lucky then maybe we would have some chances to pvp against guys in dyna,dnet sets with dyna, icarus weps)

My first Lineage II Video
Don't let it die! Just comment \/\/\/


scrool only from drop, not shop
If you think freak is funny, freak yourself and save the money!

~Nightmare x30~

...started  >> 01.08.2006  <<


Quote from: Shadowar on August 24, 2009, 02:38:10 PM
Master Yogi's Tale

Master Yogi is a dedicated disciple who has returned from a long pilgrimage with much to share. He is offering to share his enchanting tales with all who wish to learn more. He has much to offer those who are willing to put their patience and devotion to the test. If you possess the strongest of faith, you could be rewarded with goods many only dream of.

Collect Master Yogi's enchant scrolls by hunting monsters and retrieving the scrolls that they drop. When you have obtained several scrolls, visit Master Yogi and purchase a Staff of Master Yogi for 1,000 adena. Use the event scrolls to enchant the staff and see how powerful you can make it! The higher you enchant the staff, the greater the reward that Master Yogi will have for you.

Master Yogi's enchant scrolls will also be available for sale by Master Yogi. You may purchase 24 enchant scrolls for 6,000 adena but only once every 6 hours (per account). If you don't want to wait for another 6 hours or hunt for more scrolls, you can purchase additional scrolls for 77,777 adena each.

Once you have enchanted the staff as much as you dare, give Master Yogi the staff for one of many rewards.

   Master Yogi's Scroll: Enchant Weapon    --   Use this scroll to enchant the Staff of Master Yogi. This item can be traded, dropped, and stored.
   Staff of Master Yogi    --   Purchase this staff for 1,000 adena from Master Yogi. This item cannot be dropped, sold, traded, or stored.

Enchant   Reward
0 - 3    No Reward
4     Firework  or
5     2 Fireworks  or
        Large Firework
6     3 Fireworks or
        2 Large Fireworks
7     Shadow Item - Top Hat
       Shadow Item - Black Mask
       Shadow Item - Rider Goggle
8    Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D)
9    Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D)
       Scroll: Enchant Armor (D)
10    Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C)
11    Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C)
       Scroll: Enchant Armor (C)
12    Scroll: Enchant Armor (B)
13    Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A)
14    Event - Top Hat
       Event - Black Mask
       Event - Rider Goggles
15    Grade S Accessory Chest (Event)
16    Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76
17    Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S)
18    Grade S Armor Chest (Event)
19    Grade S Weapon Chest (Event)
20    Red Soul Crystal - Stage 12
       Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 12
       Green Soul Crystal - Stage 12
21     Red Soul Crystal - Stage 13
       Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 13
       Green Soul Crystal - Stage 13
22    Red Soul Crystal - Stage 14
       Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 14
       Green Soul Crystal - Stage 14
23   S80 Grade Armor Chest (Event) (u could change that to Dynasty Set part)
24+    S80 Grade Weapon Chest (Event) (and that to Dynasty Weapon)

Those with the most impressive gift of enchantment will find themselves with the most powerful of prizes.

Good luck and happy enchanting!

Source : http://lineage2.stratics.com/php-bin/show_content.php?content=30810


If i m not wrong thats the latest event from official.
Its cool and funny one but dunno if it will work for 2 reasons .first cuse its made on Gracia final and second cause enchant rate atm is nerfed to the bone :D


Quote from: Deavon on August 25, 2009, 08:49:33 AM
If i m not wrong thats the latest event from official.
Its cool and funny one but dunno if it will work for 2 reasons .first cuse its made on Gracia final and second cause enchant rate atm is nerfed to the bone :D
Its not that MALAKA, is more about that Ai of npc cant check enchant amount, and with this client ver. is kinda hard to make it, i will check it one more time and see if is possible to make it on HB.
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Lol he didn't denied that enchant rate is ultra nerfed ;P


Quote from: Javardsnegger on August 25, 2009, 12:13:03 PM
Lol he didn't denied that enchant rate is ultra nerfed ;P
I do deny now thats not nerfed :S
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My first Lineage II Video
Don't let it die! Just comment \/\/\/