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Started by stefanSRB, August 31, 2009, 12:59:47 PM

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I heard for smth that Track will move to Dragon... And that is crap... That will be Dissaster for NM! Track has reputation of best GM on DN!!! I'm not asslicking i'm just saying the truth... Yeah, it is also truth that he is not respected on NM... first of all, that FreaksLord who scammed everything has guts to tell him "He can't touch my chars!" .. he should be banned forever...  just don't leave Track, or we are rly fuked up...

Flamers: u can kiss my ass :*


its too late, ur whole comunity doesnt deserve such a great gm like track,its time for him to try something new  :)
Salerano ~ PenaFuriqta ~
Team Severance


Quote from: IvolveR on August 31, 2009, 01:37:30 PM
its too late, ur whole comunity doesnt deserve such a great gm like track,its time for him to try something new  :)

Track won't do anything for Dragon,eltardo and the rest of corrupted GMs got the last word.


Quote from: stefanSRB on August 31, 2009, 12:59:47 PM
I heard for smth that Track will move to Dragon... And that is crap... That will be Dissaster for NM! Track has reputation of best GM on DN!!! I'm not asslicking i'm just saying the truth... Yeah, it is also truth that he is not respected on NM... first of all, that FreaksLord who scammed everything has guts to tell him "He can't touch my chars!" .. he should be banned forever...  just don't leave Track, or we are rly fuked up...

Flamers: u can kiss my ass :*

Stop picking up loose rumours, Track said that in one pissed of post in another topic. And why do you start a new topic whenever something pops up in your head?
You have started more topics in this section then i have and you have 22 posts.....



Track will stay, we need his godfather services anyway  :D

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: IvolveR on August 31, 2009, 01:37:30 PM
its too late, ur whole comunity doesnt deserve such a great gm like track,its time for him to try something new  :)
I think u didnt get last line i wrote...
I opened topic cuz i wanted so, if that is problem, track or other mod will delete it. I played on shadow and i know how is it having sh1t gm, so that is why i appreciate all track is doing for nm... and i wish him to stay, otherwise we are fuked up...


Quote from: stefanSRB on August 31, 2009, 02:45:49 PM
I think u didnt get last line i wrote...
I opened topic cuz i wanted so, if that is problem, track or other mod will delete it. I played on shadow and i know how is it having sh1t gm, so that is why i appreciate all track is doing for nm... and i wish him to stay, otherwise we are fuked up...

we wanna rollo aka aizen for gm  ;D
Hpegasus Ne/Wk//Pal/Bp-->Off
xAlfyx Pr/Sk+N-->Off
OoAlfyoO De/ty-->Off
Alfy Soultaker//SH/SE//SR/SWS//DE/TY Noblesse-->Off
Rpg 5x


Quote from: alfy on August 31, 2009, 02:59:02 PM
we wanna rollo aka aizen for gm  ;D
Aizen did sh1t... like he didnt exist... =GM=Nebbia ? i saw him once in my life like 1 year before i left shadow... we had 3 adm and 2 gm and never staff online.... altought, track is online everyday at least once...


Quote from: stefanSRB on August 31, 2009, 12:59:47 PM
I heard for smth that Track will move to Dragon... And that is crap... That will be Dissaster for NM! Track has reputation of best GM on DN!!! I'm not asslicking i'm just saying the truth... Yeah, it is also truth that he is not respected on NM... first of all, that FreaksLord who scammed everything has guts to tell him "He can't touch my chars!" .. he should be banned forever...  just don't leave Track, or we are rly fuked up...

Flamers: u can kiss my ass :*
few few stay doggy stay
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  Nightmare 30x

