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Good destro on trains and bosses?? DE/WK ??



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Good destro on trains and bosses?? DE/WK ??

Started by greg270, September 14, 2009, 06:33:25 PM

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i know that de/tyr is good   but what do u think abaut Mutan DESTRO / WARLOCK ??

looking good char to kill bosses solo with WC + BD buff outside, Trains too

buffs from cat for reuse 35% psyhical skills or criticals   to use Frenzy Rage zelot faster :)
Arcane Agility  + 10 reuse is it works on psyhical skills too?

or maybe DEstro/PAL   AI + 2x UD    ( AI stack with Zelot?)
or maybe DESTRO/BD  destro with dances ??  


Quote from: greg270 on September 14, 2009, 06:33:25 PM
i know that de/tyr is good   but what do u think abaut Mutan DESTRO / WARLOCK ??

looking good char to kill bosses solo with WC + BD buff outside, Trains too

buffs from cat for reuse 35% psyhical skills or criticals   to use Frenzy Rage zelot faster :)
Arcane Agility  + 10 reuse is it works on psyhical skills too?

or maybe DEstro/PAL   AI + 2x UD
or maybe DESTRO/BD  destro with dances ??

although I am not an orc player, I can say that Destro/BD is useless, since you can have BD on boxed support char :)

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: greg270 on September 14, 2009, 06:33:25 PM
i know that de/tyr is good   but what do u think abaut Mutan DESTRO / WARLOCK ??

looking good char to kill bosses solo with WC + BD buff outside, Trains too

buffs from cat for reuse 35% psyhical skills or criticals   to use Frenzy Rage zelot faster :)
Arcane Agility  + 10 reuse is it works on psyhical skills too?

or maybe DEstro/PAL   AI + 2x UD    ( AI stack with Zelot?)
or maybe DESTRO/BD  destro with dances ??   

Queen of Cat - Race: Animal
100% Resistance to Derangement
Speed: 198

Blessing of Queen
Party Magic
Target = self
Attribute: None
Reuse Delay: 8
Increases Critical and Critical Damage

Gift of Queen
Party Magic
Target = self
Attribute: None
Reuse Delay: 8
Increases P.Atk. and Accuracy

Cure of Queen
Party Magic
Target = self
Attribute: None
Reuse Delay: 8
Effect: Cure Atk. Speed, Accuracy and P.Atk. debuffs

Arcane Agility Casting Spd. +20%, Magic Skill Reuse Delay -10%, Magic MP Cost +10%, HP regen per tick -50
"I feel so insulted with this common appearance of modernity"


U need to read bit more in wiki or any other site ;)
About your questions taht wasn't answered:
AI stuck with zealot, but not with guts/frenzy
de/bd is pointless as they said it already
Song's will help u much more (reneval+champion)
Solo RB is little bit harder since HB came but u can aways ask for friends help.
ty/de will be aways best RB killer and 2 ppl can easy reach full buffed green RB Killer.


Quote from: kuko on September 15, 2009, 07:35:04 AM
U need to read bit more in wiki or any other site ;)
About your questions taht wasn't answered:
AI stuck with zealot, but not with guts/frenzy
de/bd is pointless as they said it already
Song's will help u much more (reneval+champion)
Solo RB is little bit harder since HB came but u can aways ask for friends help.
ty/de will be aways best RB killer and 2 ppl can easy reach full buffed green RB Killer.

First and last lesson . "Why is ty/de best (and allways will be best)  RB solo killer ?"    "Bcos he have bizon."  Thats the simpliest answer u can get but is as well the only one u need .
not mentioned pasive atak speed from tyrant and force bariere . Try to use UD on de/pal if u solo boss xDDDDD I just cant imagine how others chars can work .is like manual gearbox vs automatic gearbox .

btw cat dont give reuse , only horse . And only for magical skils . de/wk = wasted horn . de/ol reach 15k patak on fullbuff , but ty/de with dha+8 reach 22,5k (tested by myself) with 500 crit rate (that mean EVRY SECOND HIT = CRIT)


Puma+fist fury + risk haste weapon = uber reuse of skill (frenzy zealot and so on).If you want a nice train maker the only suggestion is Destro/warlorld, only for some spear wide mastery...but tyr/des is still better


Quote from: jaroPC_x15 on September 18, 2009, 05:38:26 PM
puma and fist fury(or only fist fury) works only on fist
SO CHACKram ( c grade fist in girna) + rsk haste :)
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10