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NPC for subclass reset



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NPC for subclass reset

Started by BRexoo7, September 17, 2009, 03:12:04 PM

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Maybe it's a stupid ideea, hard to code, a nonsense in other's eyes, but sometimes i wanna try something different ingame  (imaybe im not the only one) and I 'm to lazy to start from scratch a new char. For this reason we can have a NPC that can give to any subbed char a quest horn by deleting his DN subclass (obtained throught classical way: quest or droppable horn).
Feel free to comment, or just delete this topic if it's a nonsense.


This idea is not bad, but:
1. This with Q horn wont happened cuz of donate may be.
2.Idea is not bad in part with just delete DN sub without any Q horn back.


would seem more fun for me aswell since after playing years here (for other people), there's kind nothing left ingame to do... Myself rerolled like pretty much by now, and i still intend to do tbh. Just when i dont feel like logging i think of other subs and that's what makes it fun for me again, playing a different kind of char.

+ People would need to exp their new subclasses again wich leads pvp at good exp places.


I'd say just option to delete your sub, you don't get anything back from it, just sub delete is fine.


the idea is not so bad - i like it too...

dusaka  WC/DE  since 5.5 years

Kondjo   Warsmith/B.Hunter  BEST CRAFTER in NM



It should be nice, and don't think impossible.

NPC in guild already delete  subclasses (the retail ones)

i  m sure we will have lot of fun and many more golky pvp around :D
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


Nightmare 30x
Nimradell BD/PS Hero ;)
Nivael Glad/PP
Arakiba WC/Bp


I like this idea too and I agree for doing it  ;)



much better would be if we could dn-sub all our retails.
"ПроÑ,,ессор Mijamoto!  Ð' прикидывании дурачком, лукавсÑ,ве и заумныÑ... высказыванияÑ... Ñ,ебе неÑ, равныÑ...!"
ИмÑ...о, Mijamoto адекваÑ,нее и разумнее большей часÑ,и населения русской веÑ,ки.[img]

DNx15 / l2inc - Dievs, Stalingrad
HRx25 - Dievs, Severance


Quote from: BRexoo7 on September 17, 2009, 03:12:04 PM
Maybe it's a stupid ideea, hard to code, a nonsense in other's eyes, but sometimes i wanna try something different ingame  (imaybe im not the only one) and I 'm to lazy to start from scratch a new char. For this reason we can have a NPC that can give to any subbed char a quest horn by deleting his DN subclass (obtained throught classical way: quest or droppable horn).
Feel free to comment, or just delete this topic if it's a nonsense.

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