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Simple test :)

Started by pan4o16, October 05, 2009, 11:09:11 AM

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Hi guys :) i was reading these post : http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,202168.0.html and i was thinking - what is the harm of drake posting one simple post (no questions, no replys, no anythink) just to bring some of the lost trust :) BTW i don't play here anymore (if you wanna now where i am playing PM me you wont be sorry)  So if drake post one threat or post i will come back to play here :)


+1 and I think this goes for everyone. Posting about it won't help nothing tho, you will just get flamed. Everyone would like to see updates written by drake, an update in the rabbit section, or just a new poll by him bout what he's gonna nerf, change, add or delete. It's just not how it works out here anymore. We all gotta cope with that particular fact.
Quote from: Loatheof all the things i lost i miss my mind the most ^^
Proud family member of Ambrosia


Quote from: oxigan on October 05, 2009, 11:11:56 AM
+1 and I think this goes for everyone. Posting about it won't help nothing tho, you will just get flamed. Everyone would like to see updates written by drake, an update in the rabbit section, or just a new poll by him bout what he's gonna nerf, change, add or delete. It's just not how it works out here anymore. We all gotta cope with that particular fact.
You people impress me soo much , he do post in client for gods sake are u blind or what.........
Opel DN client and scroll down there is all updates u need to know. 1 more useless topic.

@ Pan4o please do not come back,play where u are now. Suddenly all people who play on XXXX servers come here and balbala how bad we are wtf!!!??!
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