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trading between servers - solution



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trading between servers - solution

Started by barberas, October 06, 2009, 09:32:44 PM

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hi all my nick in game is burta/staretzu ...
i know that for exchanging items/adena/coins between servers is hard to achieve
so i offer my help to anyone who wants that
about trust i think much ppl know me till now
i dont need anything i just want to do this for free to help ppl move on the server they like
i think its a good ideea and no scamming is possible
i put in the line all my accounts / chars / ips
there is no trick or something else
i just want to help ppl
gms said loud and clear that they do not want to do this kind of work
the trades will be made like this:
give me the items/adena/coins then i make the trade with the ppl
this way there will be no scamming issues
the only thing is to trust me
so again i will say this i just want to help this kind of trading
if that type of trading will be banned my role in this will be useless
ty for reading this and i hope ppl try this kind of trading


in game on nightmare : burta / staretzu / mucu


Quote from: barberas on October 06, 2009, 09:32:44 PM
hi all my nick in game is burta/staretzu ...
i know that for exchanging items/adena/coins between servers is hard to achieve
so i offer my help to anyone who wants that
about trust i think much ppl know me till now
i dont need anything i just want to do this for free to help ppl move on the server they like
i think its a good ideea and no scamming is possible
i put in the line all my accounts / chars / ips
there is no trick or something else
i just want to help ppl
gms said loud and clear that they do not want to do this kind of work
the trades will be made like this:
give me the items/adena/coins then i make the trade with the ppl
this way there will be no scamming issues
the only thing is to trust me
so again i will say this i just want to help this kind of trading
if that type of trading will be banned my role in this will be useless
ty for reading this and i hope ppl try this kind of trading

;D ;D ;D ;D gogogo earn some coins man.

I used my clan members tbh, they are all very reputable  ::) ::) ::) ::)
^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime


i dont need coins or anything else
i guess you dont even know me or heard about me


if someone wants to trade between servers pm me in game or post here


Quote from: barberas on October 06, 2009, 09:32:44 PM
hi all my nick in game is burta/staretzu ...
i know that for exchanging items/adena/coins between servers is hard to achieve
so i offer my help to anyone who wants that
about trust i think much ppl know me till now
i dont need anything i just want to do this for free to help ppl move on the server they like
i think its a good ideea and no scamming is possible
i put in the line all my accounts / chars / ips
there is no trick or something else
i just want to help ppl
gms said loud and clear that they do not want to do this kind of work
the trades will be made like this:
give me the items/adena/coins then i make the trade with the ppl
this way there will be no scamming issues
the only thing is to trust me
so again i will say this i just want to help this kind of trading
if that type of trading will be banned my role in this will be useless
ty for reading this and i hope ppl try this kind of trading
hehe nice idea xD  ;)

Manezis Hero
Kastelo Hero
Anjeli Hero Baby


SO...let me understand....
i give you my item ...on infy ....and what i get here in nm??

let's say...

1 raid set (full)
100 coins (+ -)
+..... dunno some other shit A-S grade around

ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


Quote from: barberas on October 06, 2009, 09:32:44 PM
hi all my nick in game is burta/staretzu ...
i know that for exchanging items/adena/coins between servers is hard to achieve
so i offer my help to anyone who wants that
about trust i think much ppl know me till now
i dont need anything i just want to do this for free to help ppl move on the server they like
i think its a good ideea and no scamming is possible
i put in the line all my accounts / chars / ips
there is no trick or something else
i just want to help ppl
gms said loud and clear that they do not want to do this kind of work
the trades will be made like this:
give me the items/adena/coins then i make the trade with the ppl
this way there will be no scamming issues
the only thing is to trust me
so again i will say this i just want to help this kind of trading
if that type of trading will be banned my role in this will be useless
ty for reading this and i hope ppl try this kind of trading
I do support u +++++1, but if i heard 1 scam action ill burn you believe me. But if all fine, you have my blessing! ++++++1 for u again, thank you
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mh...interesting idea

track available also the "wtt CHAR"?

Ps: for barberas: just as info. if u find someone that want to trade between nm/infy, take care and FIRST take item on infy.

if someone scam u on NM, u can always ask to track
in infy..it's not so easy :)
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


Quote from: Dag on October 08, 2009, 11:55:03 AM
SO...let me understand....
i give you my item ...on infy ....and what i get here in nm??

let's say...

1 raid set (full)
100 coins (+ -)
+..... dunno some other shit A-S grade around


he could help, if u have a person in NM with whom u want trading your staff, if im right. he is just guarantor of not being scammed...sry for my engl.

Nightmare (30x)


i just want to be a middle man between 2 ppl who want to trade items from a server to another
and im the dwarf that made correct prices for emana and combat , and maybe other items/materials
i have my accounts here from the beggining of nightmare server
it took me 1 year to low those prices
and my earnings from this bussiness its laughable compare to other things
i just like to play here
its my last server
if dragon dies i quit l2

and again i explain the process:
i take from both players for ex on nm from pl 1 , 1 coin  and from dragon from pl 2 ,  1 coin
then only when i have from both players 1 and 2 coins
i give to pl 2 on nightmare the coin and on dragon the coin to pl 1
i think its explained ok
you can ask me anything about this middle man thing
i dont want anything from anyone
if my trust must be put at test i suggest to try trading with small amounts of values
lets say 1 coin at a time or 50-100kk at a time or whatever you wish
last night i thought about basic/weapons/armors materials too
recipes/anything you wish to trade

its the best way against scamming
i wish to trade between servers but im 100% i will be scammed
so i forgot about me and i try to help others and gms
and for me its not a problem 2-3-5 minutes to help the comunity
i will make on all servers chars for trading when it will be needed

if someone has a better idea or can improve my method pls feeel free to post

ty again to all who post here with info/opinions

and you know that the gms are not suppose to do EVERYTHING we can help each others too and
always think how to solve a problem
we all want to have a server without bugs/walkers/rasists



some1 know that guy btw ? xD

try to look around you when you play or when you are in aden

and something else in 1 year of selling emana almost every morning or night i guess there is no player on nightmare that never bought from me emana



as i said :) could be a good idea

u only have to protect yourself couse remember that there are many ugly bastards around

ps: anyone wanna smthg in infy? :D
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10