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conunter mind and chance

Started by darkdevilct, October 23, 2009, 02:51:33 PM

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this skill must be passive not active... whit this new buff slot i dont have space....and some skill enchant still dont work



That why you must to know what buff  use


Quote from: Diver on October 23, 2009, 03:44:41 PM
That why you must to know what buff  use

That's pure bs,even if u know which buffs u must use he'll get overbuffed,the same for everybody that uses pots and Counter atacks.


Thats why i don't use now song of vitality, mana regeneration, mental shield rsist dark attack....


Quote from: Diver on October 23, 2009, 06:05:29 PM
Thats why i don't use now song of vitality, mana regeneration, mental shield rsist dark attack....

Vitality and Mental Shield r a must I think,w/o them any fighter would be easy to kill/debuff by mages.
Mana Regeneration? What for? I guess that not many clever ppl used in in IL/C4 times.
Resists rn't a problem at all,since any archer can reach like 2k+ M.Def.


Quote from: neitan on October 23, 2009, 07:14:55 PM
Even if they make it passive like it supposed to be it will take you buffslots.
It will, but those skills are not pushing away other buffs. Correction: They shouldn't push away another buffs.

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