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New Event, New bugs

Started by flamingAwe, November 13, 2009, 01:25:18 PM

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Wait..wait....You people go there just to farm  shitty coins???LOL
Enjoy this fast-party pvp !


Quote from: flamingAwe on November 13, 2009, 01:25:18 PM
Event: Colleseum PvP
1)passing thru door
2) when several members of 1 party cast at same time incantation of valor skill on NPC, all party members get Several coins (expected 1 per/fight), so party of 9 can get 81 coin total in 1 fight
3)when watching fights thru observer tower and match ends, observer gets view of Giran town, still remaning in observer mode (return bunnon visible/usable) and ca't view next fight w/o exiting/reentering observer
And 1 match can give 162 coins if u dont kill enemy ang allow them cast npc with ur pt :]