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About drop on IC recipe from epic bosses



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About drop on IC recipe from epic bosses

Started by surecom, November 12, 2009, 01:10:33 PM

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First of all - thx for last nice updates (without one imo ).
Now on topic - this with recipe will bring more big disbalance in server. Like we all know Temp control this bosses - this mean - Temp ppl will become more overpowered, this will bring more disbalance - normal players not in good ally ( actualy there is only one good ally atm - Temp) never will has chanse to get icarus by this way. This players will lost fast wish for playning cuz top items in game will be controled by few ppl ( leaders on clans in top ally).
I know there may be Track will say - "well, organise new good ally and control this bosses too" - but atm that is imposible -   unfortunatly my lovely NM is not so well populated in last monts.
My proposition is to remove this drop from bosses and things to stay like now.
p.s. Temp ally is given here only lile example ( actualy i havent what other example to give :) ) If we was server with very good population may be then that drop on IC is good idea, but atm i consider this like mistake.


There is quest for IC recipes changed by staff to get more donations. Now u want to give temp more IC weapons by adding drop to epic bosses. IMO it's better to fix quest than edit drop list.
SpS/EE - nobless
SR/SWS - nobless


Quote from: marnow on November 12, 2009, 02:56:48 PM
There is quest for IC recipes changed by staff to get more donations. Now u want to give temp more IC weapons by adding drop to epic bosses. IMO it's better to fix quest than edit drop list.
Maybe it is time to put small d1ck ego problems and make 1 big ally vs temps? Ever think about it?

I never freaking heard that some1 complain that is a PROBLEM that 1 ally rule the whole server. What prevent you to make same ally and farm till death? And seriously, you will freakin cry for every freakin thing we freakin make here, yes i said freakin, oh did i said just fickin again?
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Quote from: TrackZero on November 12, 2009, 03:05:37 PM
Maybe it is time to put small d1ck ego problems and make 1 big ally vs temps? Ever think about it?

I never freaking heard that some1 complain that is a PROBLEM that 1 ally rule the whole server. What prevent you to make same ally and farm till death? And seriously, you will freakin cry for every freakin thing we freakin make here, yes i said freakin, oh did i said just fickin again?

I like this server, even if GM is emo. I writed only my opinion about it. I think that adding IC recipes to epic RB drop list is a mistake. It's better like it was yesterday.
SpS/EE - nobless
SR/SWS - nobless


Damn... Temp is back? (Or mb they never left?) Last time I played temps were changing server. Think I need to go online to get updated on this, if the Temps are still here thats fantastic every boss is a PvP zone^^



Quote from: TrackZero on November 12, 2009, 03:05:37 PM
Maybe it is time to put small d1ck ego problems and make 1 big ally vs temps? Ever think about it?

I never freaking heard that some1 complain that is a PROBLEM that 1 ally rule the whole server. What prevent you to make same ally and farm till death? And seriously, you will freakin cry for every freakin thing we freakin make here, yes i said freakin, oh did i said just fickin again?
oh freak
Track said freak !!!!!

ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


lol it's not x1000 new players need time to get top items. Game is not only items. Make good aly like Track siad.

Sry for my english.


Track i have a question, you said yesterday about icarus part from quest i check this today and i get dynasty part i ask you when you fix it on IC parts. I w8 on answer and thx for good updates gj to you and your helper


Quote from: xJOPAx on November 12, 2009, 05:52:06 PM
Track i have a question, you said yesterday about icarus part from quest i check this today and i get dynasty part i ask you when you fix it on IC parts. I w8 on answer and thx for good updates gj to you and your helper

Rate is a bit lower to get then dynasty
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Quote from: TrackZero on November 12, 2009, 03:05:37 PM
Maybe it is time to put small d1ck ego problems and make 1 big ally vs temps? Ever think about it?

I never freaking heard that some1 complain that is a PROBLEM that 1 ally rule the whole server. What prevent you to make same ally and farm till death? And seriously, you will freakin cry for every freakin thing we freakin make here, yes i said freakin, oh did i said just fickin again?
dunno why u said we will see in 1-2 weeks(about temp down maybe but by who ?) cuz every one know that no one wanna make a new ally to defeat temp, they wont be less active cuz they got all they want here (why should they leave if its so easy for them to farm all Epic boss :D)


there are other ways to oppose a to strong ally.


Quote from: TrackZero on November 12, 2009, 03:05:37 PM
Maybe it is time to put small d1ck ego problems and make 1 big ally vs temps? Ever think about it?

I never freaking heard that some1 complain that is a PROBLEM that 1 ally rule the whole server. What prevent you to make same ally and farm till death? And seriously, you will freakin cry for every freakin thing we freakin make here, yes i said freakin, oh did i said just fickin again?

Coz the best clan on the server  don't give a shit for farming and w/o that clan the others have no chance of making some sort of super ally  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Flame  war any1??  :P :P :P
^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime