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Started by Rhae, November 13, 2009, 10:02:18 AM

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Quote from: qwertyzxc on November 14, 2009, 01:36:06 AM

i never use vr skil or dance for hb zaken + anthy rox u can regular ur hp about 30%  no more ;) with dance skill vr u cant so buy zaken anthy and stop qq :D

So...? Anthy + Zaken have same effect than before or not?
SpS/EE - nobless
SR/SWS - nobless


Quote from: qwertyzxc on November 14, 2009, 01:38:46 AM

olso on hb i use for train dha+hp ... 1 hit fir 1 chimera and change target to next one its not hard trust me ;) and u can regular ur ho to max 30 % :D and u`ll kill this train in like 30 sec

Pls show me how you make trains on hb with dha+hp - it should be interesting :)


Quote from: qwertyzxc on November 14, 2009, 01:38:46 AM

olso on hb i use for train dha+hp ... 1 hit fir 1 chimera and change target to next one its not hard trust me ;) and u can regular ur ho to max 30 % :D and u`ll kill this train in like 30 sec

i think, u dont make trains there a long time... I can't making trains with zaken + anthy and u can w/o vr or vamp dance?? :o it's impossible now.
btw. U make trains with dha+hp and ur hp is still 30%?! it's unrealistic :O
I think ur trains have 7-8 chimeras not more...Try to do train with all chimeras in up room.
~~~~[ NM x30 ]~~~~
~ Lubon - he/wk <3 ~
~ Snoorlax - tyr/de ~

~~~ [TAR] ~~~
~ Pavulon - sps/ee ~


Quote from: marnow on November 14, 2009, 03:08:32 AM
So...? Anthy + Zaken have same effect than before or not?


oOMiaOo - BananaMama - TingTong - Yoshi- CooYah


Quote from: LUBON on November 14, 2009, 10:34:32 AM

i think, u dont make trains there a long time... I can't making trains with zaken + anthy and u can w/o vr or vamp dance?? :o it's impossible now.
btw. U make trains with dha+hp and ur hp is still 30%?! it's unrealistic :O
I think ur trains have 7-8 chimeras not more...Try to do train with all chimeras in up room.

I saw him doing trains with dha+hp, but he is always with frenzy´+ zealot and bison activated, when is hp gets lower than 30% he hits to hard on mobs and his hp raises, he change target and the same, hp gets down, frenzy and bison makes efect and boom big damage.


Quote from: zenice on November 14, 2009, 11:20:52 AM
I saw him doing trains with dha+hp, but he is always with frenzy´+ zealot and bison activated, when is hp gets lower than 30% he hits to hard on mobs and his hp raises, he change target and the same, hp gets down, frenzy and bison makes efect and boom big damage.

with more that 20 chimera on him ?


Quote from: seboulba on November 14, 2009, 12:44:38 PM
with more that 20 chimera on him ?

10 chimeras max, not 20+ or all chimeras from room... my first trains on chimeras. I did first time trains with 8 chimera's with dha+hp, not more... so u make with 10 chimera's max not more i think...
~~~~[ NM x30 ]~~~~
~ Lubon - he/wk <3 ~
~ Snoorlax - tyr/de ~

~~~ [TAR] ~~~
~ Pavulon - sps/ee ~


Quote from: trooperXkoki on November 13, 2009, 01:48:12 PM

Lol u made from second incisors canines.... no comment.... go to school next time... watch some movies.....
moonbreaker - sh/ps
Alicja - wc/sws



Quote from: LUBON on November 14, 2009, 10:34:32 AM

i think, u dont make trains there a long time... I can't making trains with zaken + anthy and u can w/o vr or vamp dance?? :o it's impossible now.
btw. U make trains with dha+hp and ur hp is still 30%?! it's unrealistic :O
I think ur trains have 7-8 chimeras not more...Try to do train with all chimeras in up room.

tak dla twojej wiadomosci zabieram wszystkie chimery << hardstyle


Quote from: moonbreaker on November 14, 2009, 01:19:45 PM

Lol u made from second incisors canines.... no comment.... go to school next time...
i cant go more to school...wtf they said me -go make some IQ test...
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: qwertyzxc on November 14, 2009, 01:27:30 PM
tak dla twojej wiadomosci zabieram wszystkie chimery << hardstyle

Pls show us how you make train with all chimeras in the room and then you kill it with dha


Quote from: Curtis on November 14, 2009, 03:07:22 PM
Pls show us how you make train with all chimeras in the room and then you kill it with dha

i tried this morning at the guardians its working and i was only with bd/pp (no baium-zaken-anthy)