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New Coliseum Event

Started by Diabolical, November 13, 2009, 02:07:39 PM

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Quote from: Diabolical on November 15, 2009, 03:07:14 PM
im sorry im not cheap freak like u , i like to earn my stuff

Manezis Hero
Kastelo Hero
Anjeli Hero Baby


wtf every event will be f cuked up by assholes :P 

this is a reasson why servers poppulation is going down. since we made evrything to let out  new blood with our actions .

there was a way for new ppl to get event coins so they can buy items and sell tem. but  due t lot's of assholes this is gona be 1 more faill so do not say that server is going down when we are pushing it to go.
To say I love you is easy
But to prove it is the most difficult


Quote from: NIORI on November 15, 2009, 08:08:16 PM
wtf every event will be f cuked up by assholes :P  

this is a reasson why servers poppulation is going down. since we made evrything to let out  new blood with our actions .

there was a way for new ppl to get event coins so they can buy items and sell tem. but  due t lot's of assholes this is gona be 1 more faill so do not say that server is going down when we are pushing it to go.
Niori my friend....   
please think about that what u wrote again....
how could the "NEW" player like u said get the event coins if other ppl with dyna sets and icarus weapons join this event also lol

Manezis Hero
Kastelo Hero
Anjeli Hero Baby


okey, my idea... :)

As Track said some time ago, we'll have Underground Colliseum together with ordinary one. Let's make 2 sort of events. One held at Underground Colliseum for DN-subbed people and one held at ordinary Coliseum for people who are not subbed yet, so newcomers can have their chance to fight for some stuff :)

Well, but we would need some sort of bot protection :P

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Ashlynn on November 15, 2009, 08:59:29 PM
Well, but we would need some sort of bot protection :P

normally, the protection is called: gm


Quote from: Futile on November 15, 2009, 09:02:36 PM
normally, the protection is called: gm
what is gm? some kind of new drink?

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Montana on November 15, 2009, 08:42:59 PM
Niori my friend....   
please think about that what u wrote again....
how could the "NEW" player like u said get the event coins if other ppl with dyna sets and icarus weapons join this event also lol

wtf dude wtf wtf i didn't know i would agree with you someday !


Quote from: Ashlynn on November 15, 2009, 08:59:29 PM
okey, my idea... :)

As Track said some time ago, we'll have Underground Colliseum together with ordinary one. Let's make 2 sort of events. One held at Underground Colliseum for DN-subbed people and one held at ordinary Coliseum for people who are not subbed yet, so newcomers can have their chance to fight for some stuff :)

Well, but we would need some sort of bot protection :P
fail, people will go on dnet and +++ icarus weapon on nonsubed chars just like draks used to farm Quest golk with his non subbed destro, basically the principle of the idea was the same as yours, but it failed and so would yours !


Quote from: our4n0s on November 15, 2009, 09:11:36 PM
wtf dude wtf wtf i didn't know i would agree with you someday !
everything happens at some times for the first time  :P

Manezis Hero
Kastelo Hero
Anjeli Hero Baby


Quote from: our4n0s on November 15, 2009, 09:13:03 PM
fail, people will go on dnet and +++ icarus weapon on nonsubed chars just like draks used to farm Quest golk with his non subbed destro, basically the principle of the idea was the same as yours, but it failed and so would yours !
now you made me feel bad!

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Deavon on November 13, 2009, 07:35:55 PM
Could you please drink a CUP OF STFU?
You freaking whining for everything you cant win/get/farm  .

sure, blow  me 1st


Quote from: Ashlynn on November 15, 2009, 08:59:29 PM
okey, my idea... :)

As Track said some time ago, we'll have Underground Colliseum together with ordinary one. Let's make 2 sort of events. One held at Underground Colliseum for DN-subbed people and one held at ordinary Coliseum for people who are not subbed yet, so newcomers can have their chance to fight for some stuff :)

Well, but we would need some sort of bot protection :P
do you rly think that this event can give smth except funny thingies like those hats which will devalue soon caz of their amount..neah, this event is just for some fun it wont help any new player

but i like that thought about unsubbed pvps even with dyna sets and ++weapon..would be fun