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Started by chlipus, November 24, 2009, 09:45:36 PM

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Quote from: our4n0s on November 28, 2009, 11:47:00 AM
I personally, watched the movie, i see the fights you're talking of, and i see it 2 ways, my failure on the lineup, no doubt, our lineup was ok for a 5 v 5 event ress allowed, we had only 1 nuker aka kazimira and once he got mcrit non elem atack 7k we were screwed up, so yeah, mistake on lineup.

Now, about the skills, the way i pvped, i would say i impressed myself, and i doubt anyone would do any better, since i managed, being the only healer, to keep rest of buddies alive for a freaking very long time  :) i managed to heal, recharge at the same time, to overheal their crappy assist on any member, shortly from that movie i see the awesome job i did, i aint the only one tho, but once kazimirra was down it was just almost impossible to win so yeah keep flaming because you're butthurt i rape your ass in oly (btw i guess i will transfer funkeh for pal just because of that msg kk?  ;)) but  i wont bother replying to you since the awesome job is obvious, kkty.
i`m not flame on u,but i can`t understand how u can loose on forum u write msg like u will won this event. yes it`s normal that my pal/pp don`t heave chance with your sps/ee. yes go and make transfer ofc show to all nm your QQ mode. i hero for my self i make pkt on Roamer for hero and only transfer is dangerous for me now. i thiknk that u are ok but u heave problem with your self.
Damiano10 Roamer xxNigelxx
Sheva member


Quote from: Roamer on November 28, 2009, 02:52:30 PM
i`m not flame on u,but i can`t understand how u can loose on forum u write msg like u will wont this event. yes it`s normal that my pal/pp don`t heave chance with your sps/ee. yes go and make transfer ofc show to all nm your QQ mode. i hero for my self i make pkt on Roamer for hero and only transfer is dangerous for me now. i thiknk that u are ok but u heave problem with your self.
oooooooo paladin lover :P
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: TrackZero on November 25, 2009, 01:25:30 AM

Post pics and movies...

Downloaded ensign's movie (hosting sux BTW), also imo view from the top is more interesting at least because ensign didnt'n use (ALT+H) :P. Just in case i post small part of my movie, which I have found in my fraps folder and there is 1 free advice to track. The point is 2 make pvp in coliseum across the battlefield.  First of all, because observing mode totally SUX , also second is that it will be easier 2 fraps the action from outside, but distance from observer mode is far, so nicks arent accessible ...and when action is across all goes well :P

here you go=>>>>>>


NM 30x  lHyaJIa Sps/Sws    ProblemChild He/Wk



Quote from: TrackZero on November 25, 2009, 01:25:30 AM
Dude its really not true what are u talking.


Post pics and movies...

its true...

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce