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crit rate with sword

Started by BeGood, December 08, 2009, 04:34:02 PM

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Quote from: dosko on December 08, 2009, 09:56:26 PM
R u freaking kidding me?
Quote from: Ashlynn on December 08, 2009, 09:57:29 PM
yes, I do.

the right answer was 'yes, I am'.

freak you, mr imneverwronginenglishgrammar.


Quote from: M3tta on December 08, 2009, 10:38:19 PM
the right answer was 'yes, I am'.

freak you, mr imneverwronginenglishgrammar.
Aye, my fault. Nevermind, I was busy while ending at work. Why so serious?

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: M3tta on December 08, 2009, 10:38:19 PM
the right answer was 'yes, I am'.

freak you, mr imneverwronginenglishgrammar.
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: dosko on December 08, 2009, 09:48:26 PM
WTF you want to tell me? its that all of chars in L2?!?!?!  Archer/xx Mage/xx and Dager/xx?
It was hard with Glad/Pal on full buff/song/dance to kill any other char , and now its IMPOSIBLE!
I dont want to boost Paladin or Gladiator dude , i just want bring back stats on one hand wepons.
Actualy , i even dont need your opinion , you are archer.
And when you spoke about Ic. Bow , can you go to donny , read statistic of all Ic weapons , and tell me - Which one have different atc. speed
We are still nighmare - bullshit , we are Nightmare who hates fighters , and try to kill them slowly.
and ill repeat 1 more time if u dont get it, all changes are made to "balance" server, i wont comment how good they are. Also duno how long ur playing here but after every1 changes new era coming- better for warrior or fighters and its working like this from c3.
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Ok time for some cry cry then!

I can't kill anyone with SWS/EE, fix please :(


Quote from: Furesy on December 09, 2009, 12:16:18 PM
Ok time for some cry cry then!

I can't kill anyone with SWS/EE, fix please :(
and ty/pal cant get down whole pt!!! give him power again!!!!!
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: dosko on December 08, 2009, 09:48:26 PM
WTF you want to tell me? its that all of chars in L2?!?!?!  Archer/xx Mage/xx and Dager/xx?
It was hard with Glad/Pal on full buff/song/dance to kill any other char , and now its IMPOSIBLE!
I dont want to boost Paladin or Gladiator dude , i just want bring back stats on one hand wepons.
Actualy , i even dont need your opinion , you are archer.
And when you spoke about Ic. Bow , can you go to donny , read statistic of all Ic weapons , and tell me - Which one have different atc. speed
We are still nighmare - bullshit , we are Nightmare who hates fighters , and try to kill them slowly.
learn to play your freaking char if you can`t kill anyone with a glad/pal on full buff
MyMind th/wl
bshopy ne/ee
MonkeyMonk ty/ol


ok I dont know what to say, after few more checks I have to admit, my char is pwned, WL/PAL , few weeks ago nice vr "fix" and no more nice trains, but ok ,lets say shit happens, but now U own my very last skill that let me give some dmg in pvp, what the hell should I do with such foked up char? plz dont call it a ballance when U nerf  the most important skill for pal to make de/pal a bit weaker, a whole mutant idea is sick and if U keep destroying every single char because of them soon we will have like a 3-4 kind of subs playable on this serv, is that really what U want?


Quote from: Sali on December 09, 2009, 11:14:25 AM
and ill repeat 1 more time if u dont get it, all changes are made to "balance" server, i wont comment how good they are. Also duno how long ur playing here but after every1 changes new era coming- better for warrior or fighters and its working like this from c3.

Interesting point of view.
So , in every new "UPDATE" (era) i must create new char? - the great bullshit i ever hear!
I play subbed 2 years , i like my sub , i can play it , but this "UPDATE" - downgrade - takes me out.
2 years im reading in this forum , bla bla bla mages , bla bla bla archers - 2 years archer and mages are recieving upgrades - becouse of balance - ok its no problem. I dont care , i wont play archer or mage , not my type of char.
2 years i work on my Glad/Pal - farming , collecting coins , even donate , and after all the work i become nod bad , killing t-rex alone , some raids (not like the orcs , slower - but solo) , not bad in pvp too. Yestarday when i log in , and what i saw? - my char is noob , its like im in some b-grade set + shadow weapon. I start to wonder , why the fick i buy dynasty , raid jewels , enchant skills and why the fick i loose so many time to making char , when one "New Era" can kill me in few hours.
Becouse i know your answer allredy , ill give you a question:
What you will do Sali , if one new era , low your crit. dmg 3 times? Are you going to be quiet?
And remember it it happends , ill be the first one who will wait you here whit your words " QQ Mode".


Quote from: BeGood on December 09, 2009, 05:01:39 PM
ok I dont know what to say, after few more checks I have to admit, my char is pwned, WL/PAL , few weeks ago nice vr "fix" and no more nice trains, but ok ,lets say shit happens, but now U own my very last skill that let me give some dmg in pvp, what the hell should I do with such foked up char? plz dont call it a ballance when U nerf  the most important skill for pal to make de/pal a bit weaker, a whole mutant idea is sick and if U keep destroying every single char because of them soon we will have like a 3-4 kind of subs playable on this serv, is that really what U want?
You're a tank dude, what else?


Quote from: BeGood on December 09, 2009, 05:01:39 PM
ok I dont know what to say, after few more checks I have to admit, my char is pwned, WL/PAL , few weeks ago nice vr "fix" and no more nice trains, but ok ,lets say shit happens, but now U own my very last skill that let me give some dmg in pvp, what the hell should I do with such foked up char? plz dont call it a ballance when U nerf  the most important skill for pal to make de/pal a bit weaker, a whole mutant idea is sick and if U keep destroying every single char because of them soon we will have like a 3-4 kind of subs playable on this serv, is that really what U want?

Ofcourse they want that.
45% mages - 45% archers and 10% dwarfs on L2W...that is.
Just look around.400 bots in Aden + 100 -150 l2w , all dwarfs.
How many Warlords , Gladiators left? 5-6?
As i say it before - just rename server - Nightmare x 30 (Archers vs Mages)
All of new "Updates" and "  Fixes" only makes ppl to leave , and lets dont speak about new players (they stay 2-3 weeks and leave)