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crit rate with sword

Started by BeGood, December 08, 2009, 04:34:02 PM

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Quote from: Ashlynn on December 08, 2009, 10:44:10 PM
Why so serious?

Check @Screenshot...d0g0  title "Why so Serius" xD

Ps.: i know that serious is the right one :P
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: dosko on December 09, 2009, 06:50:59 PM
As i say it before - just rename server - Nightmare x 30 (Archers vs Mages)
sounds good tbh


Quote from: Furesy on December 09, 2009, 06:43:53 PM
You're a tank dude, what else?
U people seriously overestimating AI before update, Do U think I was some kind of killing machine then? I dont think so, its just that in 1 vs 1 pvp I had some solution and when I did it right I could defeat some noobs with much better chars for pvp, but on oly I didnt had any chance with any mage ( btw I wonder if there ever going to come a day when SPS/EE will be at least a little bit nerfed ), but still I had some chance with glads and daggers, now its like lol, all I can do is turn on UD and drink a tea, because my dmg is like 80 and with crit its 250( on uppated AI ofc) really interesting game indeed. What I want to say is to not to make this char a god of war because its not a char for pvp but plz dont take from him any chance of fighting back. TY for reading ;)


And coz that topic is going to become spam , i have last question.
Is there will be answer of high level?
I want to know , is this will remain like now , or is a chance to be back.

P.S. Not all here players , are so rich to buy horns , bogs and etc , for new chars in every new update.


heh I didn't checked on NM but on infinity there was only 2 time fight on oly since it started today, it was: sps/ee vs ee/es and sps/ee vs sps/I dont know what XD and later me (WL/PAl) vs sps/ee ( dont know what was the 2nd fight). I was just funny really , even that sps didnt know what happened ^^
I guess its reserved for sps/xx and dagger/xxx now.
orcs pwned, xxx/pal pwned archers never really had a chance there so it will be a really entertaining oly now.
or maybe U know how to defeat sps/ee who gives me debuffs for atk speed and speed while giving 1-2k dmg per hit, while I can barely hit him with my 100-200 dmg well I guess Im not pro enough for this game.
But still keep a good work with your making a skill working as officials w/o thinking of its consequences.


Quote from: dosko on December 09, 2009, 06:50:59 PM
Ofcourse they want that.
45% mages - 45% archers and 10% dwarfs on L2W...that is.
Just look around.400 bots in Aden + 100 -150 l2w , all dwarfs.
How many Warlords , Gladiators left? 5-6?
As i say it before - just rename server - Nightmare x 30 (Archers vs Mages)
All of new "Updates" and "  Fixes" only makes ppl to leave , and lets dont speak about new players (they stay 2-3 weeks and leave)
once again for ur stone head, bcos of stack system sub classes like wl, glad. pal etc are a sub for a main class that mostly is dagger/archer/mage. Dont blame a updates but whole sub stack system, u chosen that server to play with stucked subs so why u cry. U dont like it go play an non-stack sub server.
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Sali on December 10, 2009, 12:54:55 AM
once again for ur stone head, bcos of stack system sub classes like wl, glad. pal etc are a sub for a main class that mostly is dagger/archer/mage. Dont blame a updates but whole sub stack system, u chosen that server to play with stucked subs so why u cry. U dont like it go play an non-stack sub server.
I just cant undarstand , why you continue to post bullshits?
Its so obviously archers have prevlilegies here (i dont see you comments on my question of Ic.Bow, why is that?) . Its not about stack system.
Now all kinda of tanks  are not playable , they are just possible subclasses? Hah.
Your incompetent and tight vision about L2 , makes me die.
Its easy to say - if you dont like it , go play other server. So what will happend? Slowly ppls like me must leave?
Like one guy say it upstairs - They will be 3-4 playable chars here, coz chance to fight back is taken form most chars.
I have no comment about legendary "cry"


Quote from: BeGood on December 09, 2009, 07:39:57 PM
U people seriously overestimating AI before update, Do U think I was some kind of killing machine then? I dont think so, its just that in 1 vs 1 pvp I had some solution and when I did it right I could defeat some noobs with much better chars for pvp, but on oly I didnt had any chance with any mage ( btw I wonder if there ever going to come a day when SPS/EE will be at least a little bit nerfed ), but still I had some chance with glads and daggers, now its like lol, all I can do is turn on UD and drink a tea, because my dmg is like 80 and with crit its 250( on uppated AI ofc) really interesting game indeed. What I want to say is to not to make this char a god of war because its not a char for pvp but plz dont take from him any chance of fighting back. TY for reading ;)
Still, the class its main role is tank, that most people only made PAL's because they wanted to 'pwn' on AI and just kill-kill-kill is not anyone's problem, just those that made it. Now AI got fixed, dmg based wise. It's a tank, nothing you can do about it.

Besides, be happy you still do some dmg! I play support/support and I can't even hit back! xD