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some changes that should be discused and considered.

Started by Sali, December 10, 2009, 01:10:59 AM

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Love people who are unable of producing any of intelligence or any form of an argument so they just start with saying 'cry topic'.


I would suggest to be reconsider the skills of FS (sry i dont know names,i never had a fagger char) on the reuse .
Anyone can let me know the current reuse ?


Quote from: Sali on December 10, 2009, 01:10:59 AM
just an ideas:

-remove off-hand daggers or remove shield effect from them- reason: after last updates daggers starts to make nice dmg what is lets say fine, but stick to some idea of equal input-output dmg if u get what i mean. In past it wasnt a big deal cause no1 was using evasion and shield def buffs, daggers have huge evasion now so poor archers like me miss a lot anyway, and when u finally hit a target ur making lil bit silly dmg, cause its reduced by an off-hand dagger.
-decres blow land rate in heavy armore- not to much but to make difrence noticable if ur in light and heavy, daggers/tanks well buffed are geting rly low dmg, they can use pow instead of cov since they got nice pdef and shield defense so they running fast enough to get every enemy, so it would make dagger/tanks think if they want to play more as a tanks or killers.
-add some kind of attribute to ol's attacks- as an example take ol/ee who is a sealer/support/and dammage dealer in 1 time, that chars are already strong and imagine what can happend if some1 will finaly make ol/ee in dwarf skin and lvl it up to 85 lvl- possibility to enchante skills so he wont be such a mana hore( even now he have enough mana to win 2v1 nuking, sealing and draining) and possibility to learn forggoten scrolls will make this char just sick

ps: no its not a QQ topic


                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


Quote from: Diver on December 10, 2009, 04:34:02 PM
lol another QQ poor archers they can't do dmg with icarus ;( it's so freaking sad. Oh no w8 it's not sad. Go donate more or bug your char again.....
this time poor archer is not a donator and play he/pp that got nered so many times and never ever cried about it, and when i came up with some idea u go for "noob, donator, cried", rly i was expecting much more from u.ps...
ps: if ur so hurted by archers buy smthing better than tallum set....
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Sali on December 10, 2009, 01:10:59 AM
just an ideas:

-remove off-hand daggers or remove shield effect from them- reason: after last updates daggers starts to make nice dmg what is lets say fine, but stick to some idea of equal input-output dmg if u get what i mean. In past it wasnt a big deal cause no1 was using evasion and shield def buffs, daggers have huge evasion now so poor archers like me miss a lot anyway, and when u finally hit a target ur making lil bit silly dmg, cause its reduced by an off-hand dagger.
-decres blow land rate in heavy armore- not to much but to make difrence noticable if ur in light and heavy, daggers/tanks well buffed are geting rly low dmg, they can use pow instead of cov since they got nice pdef and shield defense so they running fast enough to get every enemy, so it would make dagger/tanks think if they want to play more as a tanks or killers.
-add some kind of attribute to ol's attacks- as an example take ol/ee who is a sealer/support/and dammage dealer in 1 time, that chars are already strong and imagine what can happend if some1 will finaly make ol/ee in dwarf skin and lvl it up to 85 lvl- possibility to enchante skills so he wont be such a mana hore( even now he have enough mana to win 2v1 nuking, sealing and draining) and possibility to learn forggoten scrolls will make this char just sick

ps: no its not a QQ topic

I agree , nerf all chars , make archers kill evrery thing in one hit, hahahaha
ps: Yes , its QQ - Cry me a river topc


Quote from: dosko on December 10, 2009, 06:01:10 PM
I agree , nerf all chars , make archers kill evrery thing in one hit, hahahaha
ps: Yes , its QQ - Cry me a river topc

same like luci made  , i gues what ? he get what he want...

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


Only the strongest will survive,
Lead me to heaven when we die,
I am a shadow on the wall,
I\'ll be the one to save us all.

Save us all!

IshidaMitsunari one of the last in his kind
Lumii exHero
xEmeKx exHero


Quote from: Onionis on December 10, 2009, 07:49:14 PM
Mb its time to use skill called "hawkeye" :)?
NO SH1T????? rly what do this skill, me noob me dont know lawl. And its refering to wich part of topic?
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Start to use guidance and dance of inspiration ppl  ;D


Quote from: Sali on December 10, 2009, 08:31:33 PM
NO SH1T????? rly what do this skill, me noob me dont know lawl. And its refering to wich part of topic?

the part of the topic where u write " i miss a lot..... blabla "  and ye u are a naaby and nothing will change it :D
Only the strongest will survive,
Lead me to heaven when we die,
I am a shadow on the wall,
I\'ll be the one to save us all.

Save us all!

IshidaMitsunari one of the last in his kind
Lumii exHero
xEmeKx exHero


Quote from: Sali on December 10, 2009, 08:31:33 PM
NO SH1T????? rly what do this skill, me noob me dont know lawl. And its refering to wich part of topic?

u noob.. go use hawk eye and stop crying.. this oniosh1t dude is pro menz sali san
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BuHToBaP [Maestro]