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some changes that should be discused and considered.

Started by Sali, December 10, 2009, 01:10:59 AM

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Quote from: Sephiroth on December 10, 2009, 10:42:10 PM
hit'em  forget'bout it(forget'bout making 2k,even 1,5k on fighters properly buffed)
forget'bout 'forget'bout, dont'ake you'ook any bad'ss



Quote from: Ungolianth on December 11, 2009, 06:29:52 PM
ye sali is hurted cuz when good dagger catch him he cant do a shit so he try make QQ topic and cover it with "i wanna balanced server"
blizard bots should stay silent when serious players talks. ty. And as Strike pointed, luci cried so much and finaly he reached the target, but difrence is that im not QQing like "omfg i cant kill any1, nerf others and boost me" Changes i proposed are small and there is so much pain around it,
Quote from: Evolution on December 12, 2009, 12:43:06 AM
ffs fvck of from ol's good acrhers still can easy pwn ol/xx or ee/ol ... so nvm... i don't know why u cry about ee/ol lul  ??? just change this bug for making ol/xx in skin dwarf with lvl 85...  ::) and all will be fine... btw. about daggers... in nowadays... rly they are overpowered... like a th/wl or pw/es on full buffs they are fvcking hard to kill. nothing more to say.

peace.  ;)
ye i won with wahka cus i run out his dances, gg. He can heal and drain health in 1 time so  got like permanently full hp since dmg they deal is insane bcos of lack atribute on it.
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


im making more damage on Archer/tank that sps/ee XD



Quote from: Ungolianth on December 12, 2009, 04:13:59 AM
this is fuking bad idea u talk about now so pls shsss  :P

i don't "shsss" delete this sh1t... because this is rly overpowered... but fvck of from normal hybrid's like ol/xx with max 80lvl...
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


Quote from: Sali on December 10, 2009, 01:10:59 AM
just an ideas:

-remove off-hand daggers or remove shield effect from them- reason: after last updates daggers starts to make nice dmg what is lets say fine, but stick to some idea of equal input-output dmg if u get what i mean. In past it wasnt a big deal cause no1 was using evasion and shield def buffs, daggers have huge evasion now so poor archers like me miss a lot anyway, and when u finally hit a target ur making lil bit silly dmg, cause its reduced by an off-hand dagger.
-decres blow land rate in heavy armore- not to much but to make difrence noticable if ur in light and heavy, daggers/tanks well buffed are geting rly low dmg, they can use pow instead of cov since they got nice pdef and shield defense so they running fast enough to get every enemy, so it would make dagger/tanks think if they want to play more as a tanks or killers.
-add some kind of attribute to ol's attacks- as an example take ol/ee who is a sealer/support/and dammage dealer in 1 time, that chars are already strong and imagine what can happend if some1 will finaly make ol/ee in dwarf skin and lvl it up to 85 lvl- possibility to enchante skills so he wont be such a mana hore( even now he have enough mana to win 2v1 nuking, sealing and draining) and possibility to learn forggoten scrolls will make this char just sick

ps: no its not a QQ topic
For me its looks like QQ topic. U r talking here that this "ideas" would prevent from mass reroll to daggers but, daggers power-up update was almoust 2 months ago, and still i see only same ppls who playing on daggers chars. About ur 1st idea taking off-hand dagger wouldnt change alot in yours dmg. Some time ago i was playing on dagger with and without off-hand daggers, and i must say,  there there is only small diffrence, and if u think that thanks that update u will start making some big dmg to daggers u r wrong. About 2nd idea, tell me how many daggers/tanks r playing on nm amt ?, cuz in temp - ur main enemy, its only Astric? and  mby some1 form EB, and mby Bakoos (but i think he is on your site so he cant be problem for u:P, and he is not very active atm ) so can u tell me what other dagger make for u such big problem?. And about that what wrote Kapibar about th/wls and pw/ess how many th/wls and pw/ess we have on nm? Yoshimo, Misiek3, DeadlyBeautyfull ? all of them r playing from very long time and have very good equip, so u cant nerf daggers chars only cuz few good equiped, experienced players r able to kill u, lol. Its like i would say nerf all sps/es cuz kazimira (with ic+a+++, valakas, many good augumentations) where able to hit me for 7k form m crit XD. I see many ppls here can only write +1,+1, but didnt notice that facts?. Sorry for my not very good English :P.


Quote from: Sali on December 12, 2009, 05:47:35 AM
blizard bots should stay silent when serious players talks. ty. And as Strike pointed, luci cried so much and finaly he reached the target, but difrence is that im not QQing like "omfg i cant kill any1, nerf others and boost me" Changes i proposed are small and there is so much pain around it, ye i won with wahka cus i run out his dances, gg. He can heal and drain health in 1 time so  got like permanently full hp since dmg they deal is insane bcos of lack atribute on it.

u say about best geared ee/ol on server now .. because he got Val...  ::) and u see... u kill him... and he able too to kil u ... so plx don't cry about ol/xx  ;)
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


Quote from: QuaredPL on December 12, 2009, 11:48:40 AM

For me its looks like QQ topic. U r talking here that this "ideas" would prevent from mass reroll to daggers but, daggers power-up update was almoust 2 months ago, and still i see only same ppls who playing on daggers chars. About ur 1st idea taking off-hand dagger wouldnt change alot in yours dmg. Some time ago i was playing on dagger with and without off-hand daggers, and i must say,  there there is only small diffrence, and if u think that thanks that update u will start making some big dmg to daggers u r wrong. About 2nd idea, tell me how many daggers/tanks r playing on nm amt ?, cuz in temp - ur main enemy, its only Astric? and  mby some1 form EB, and mby Bakoos (but i think he is on your site so he cant be problem for u:P, and he is not very active atm ) so can u tell me what other dagger make for u such big problem?. And about that what wrote Kapibar about th/wls and pw/ess how many th/wls and pw/ess we have on nm? Yoshimo, Misiek3, DeadlyBeautyfull ? all of them r playing from very long time and have very good equip, so u cant nerf daggers chars only cuz few good equiped, experienced players r able to kill u, lol. Its like i would say nerf all sps/es cuz kazimira (with ic+a+++, valakas, many good augumentations) where able to hit me for 7k form m crit XD. I see many ppls here can only write +1,+1, but didnt notice that facts?. Sorry for my not very good English :P.

tell me what good stuff :) Puff is rolling with ica+cd+7 dnet set and he is not full RB jewels and still making 3k on stab yoshi isnt the same Evasion ftw 10 hit 8 miss .


Quote from: QuaredPL on December 12, 2009, 11:48:40 AM

For me its looks like QQ topic. U r talking here that this "ideas" would prevent from mass reroll to daggers but, daggers power-up update was almoust 2 months ago, and still i see only same ppls who playing on daggers chars. About ur 1st idea taking off-hand dagger wouldnt change alot in yours dmg. Some time ago i was playing on dagger with and without off-hand daggers, and i must say,  there there is only small diffrence, and if u think that thanks that update u will start making some big dmg to daggers u r wrong. About 2nd idea, tell me how many daggers/tanks r playing on nm amt ?, cuz in temp - ur main enemy, its only Astric? and  mby some1 form EB, and mby Bakoos (but i think he is on your site so he cant be problem for u:P, and he is not very active atm ) so can u tell me what other dagger make for u such big problem?. And about that what wrote Kapibar about th/wls and pw/ess how many th/wls and pw/ess we have on nm? Yoshimo, Misiek3, DeadlyBeautyfull ? all of them r playing from very long time and have very good equip, so u cant nerf daggers chars only cuz few good equiped, experienced players r able to kill u, lol. Its like i would say nerf all sps/es cuz kazimira (with ic+a+++, valakas, many good augumentations) where able to hit me for 7k form m crit XD. I see many ppls here can only write +1,+1, but didnt notice that facts?. Sorry for my not very good English :P.

First of all you're telling bullcraps concerning players, you only seem to mention those who are famous/been hero, there are shilenmaster, xilef etc..
As for kazimirra, with two 'r' please ! it has 0 augment.
(aye, stop assuming please)
and the funniest part of your post is this one
Quote from: QuaredPL on December 12, 2009, 11:48:40 AM

About ur 1st idea taking off-hand dagger wouldnt change alot in yours dmg. Some time ago i was playing on dagger with and without off-hand daggers, and i must say,  there there is only small diffrence, and if u think that thanks that update u will start making some big dmg to daggers u r wrong.
I think i saw him writing about 5 times he is looking for small differences, doubt you're teaching him anything right now, are you?


Archers suck agins daggers, just accept the way it is and stop QQ.


If u cant hit dagger with heavy armor u should consider changing ur setup lol



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So fu... idiot post OMG.  NERF DAGER'S THAY ARE TO MUCH OVERPOWER RLY OMG. 80% of this server are so noobish and so weak( 1 vs 1 that rly crap).

OFF HAND DAGER LOOOOOOL WTF Dagers always use off hand dager and have many evasion omg what a idiot topic... QQ
1 of the oldest player on NM
Misiek3 pw/es <-- try it 1 vs 1
and many others...


Quote from: MisiekIII on December 12, 2009, 08:36:49 PM

Quote from: MisiekIII on December 12, 2009, 08:36:49 PM
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Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired