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Skills rdy to use after olympiad fight - Page 2



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Skills rdy to use after olympiad fight

Started by sziii, December 10, 2009, 10:53:53 PM

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Quote from: Neozinhu on December 11, 2009, 03:18:39 AM
How many different ppl fight oly actually?

Last time that i saw... U / Draks and Kazimira....the rest were some bots...or alternative chars to make feeded heros

Ps.: Sry for all those "..." , its an habit
altheo and kazimira went on infinity, dnt play on nm anymore
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


As a ty/wc i agree with skills reuse should be 0 only after u exit the Oly, for faster skills reuse i have to make relogs, use some of my skills to have bigger atack speed/cast in order to activate skills.
As some1 else said yes it would be funnier to have more ppls at oly, doesnt matter who are they.

+1 for topic


Quote from: our4n0s on December 11, 2009, 03:23:41 AM
last time you watched was a while ago, now it's draks, me, sps/ee, random combos that survived
Some months tbh :P

Quote from: Un4givenII on December 11, 2009, 10:56:29 AM
As some1 else said yes it would be funnier to have more ppls at oly, doesnt matter who are they.

Would be cool one "equip limit" like on the pvp events...Max S grade (no DN/Dynasty armors) for example...

(Someone will flame me...but w/e =X)
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


So what?
Will we see UD/Vengeance/SOF/FSs skills in every single fight? Is that what u want? It's ur problem if ur class got high reuse in Oly,make another one like EE/SPS or TH/PP...
Just think a lil'bout that...


Quote from: Sephiroth on December 11, 2009, 03:25:51 PM
So what?
Will we see UD/Vengeance/SOF/FSs skills in every single fight? Is that what u want? It's ur problem if ur class got high reuse in Oly,make another one like EE/SPS or TH/PP...
Just think a lil'bout that...

tbh...this high reuse is one of the causes of have always the same classes at oly...why one glad/da (for example) would join...if he'll need to w8 5 min to fight again...while one SPS/EE can join w/o w8 for anything?... if u know how to win them...u can do it with them using UD/vengence, etc.

Ps.: I know that my english is sux
Ps².: I have one SPS/EE...but i personally dont like to win a fight bcuz the other player haven't a Skill Rdy..
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: Sephiroth on December 11, 2009, 03:25:51 PM
So what?
Will we see UD/Vengeance/SOF/FSs skills in every single fight? Is that what u want? It's ur problem if ur class got high reuse in Oly,make another one like EE/SPS or TH/PP...
Just think a lil'bout that...
I disagree bout this, it`s cooler to have a lot of different classes at oly not just those standart subs
MyMind th/wl
bshopy ne/ee
MonkeyMonk ty/ol


Quote from: Sephiroth on December 11, 2009, 03:25:51 PM
So what?
Will we see UD/Vengeance/SOF/FSs skills in every single fight? Is that what u want? It's ur problem if ur class got high reuse in Oly,make another one like EE/SPS or TH/PP...
Just think a lil'bout that...
they ll join anyway so what is the difference iff they ll join in 1 m inut than 20 minut ?? for me skills should be rdy after oly fights :P iff i remember well there was a topic alrdy in c4 about it :P they made oly without augument so im sure they can make oly with skill reuse :P
  Nightmare 30x


There is an easy soultion for that case: just make a buff containing song of champion/renewal and blessing of sagittarius when u are teleported to stadium. Make buff's time 45 sec so it will be over before match starts.

It wont completely remove re-use but will make it much faster for some classes.
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Sooner or later u'll cry'bout tanks,about the FSs,and so...


Quote from: Alex on December 11, 2009, 05:17:29 PM
There is an easy soultion for that case: just make a buff containing song of champion/renewal and blessing of sagittarius when u are teleported to stadium. Make buff's time 45 sec so it will be over before match starts.

It wont completely remove re-use but will make it much faster for some classes.

This can solve problems for using buffs that take long reuse, but not problem about most skills reuse, cause u will use UD (for example) in the middle of battle, not during time u use to buff.


Add option to oly manager to re-use skills for adena, like pay 10kk for all skills re-used.

Those who need it will pay, will cost em a lil adena, less adena on server, everybody happy.


agree with szi.. i think is stupid for someone  to w8 20 mins to rejoin oly...