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For all who hvnt seen yet... Enjoy!

Started by CIIaCubo, December 21, 2009, 02:20:21 PM

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Not bad action during the sieges

NM 30x  lHyaJIa Sps/Sws    ProblemChild He/Wk



before i dl this...
its the same u posted before? aden-rune-siege mix?  ???


Quote from: Gonzal on December 25, 2009, 11:42:00 PM
before i dl this...
its the same u posted before? aden-rune-siege mix?  ???

nop:P  its from summer section ^^
NM 30x  lHyaJIa Sps/Sws    ProblemChild He/Wk



Alright I know Im just acting ungrateful for all the things that I have in my life. Dont get me wrong, I do enjoy life, I am grateful for everything that I have in my life. And yes I find moments everyday(or at least try to) that make me fell great. (such as talking to the girl.) But Im so tired of the mediocrity of life. I try to do things that are different but nothing is drastic enough. I guess I am just stuck in some sort of suburban slump where I want ANYTHING out of the norm to happen. And yeah usually I would be completely content if I could just hang out with the girl, but she and I havent seen each other since early June. Well not until Mondya, thats when I see her again but even then, our tasks are piling up and our parents are both arguing and talking about divorce so….I guess we help each other there. Oh and whover the anonymus guy is, no I dont think Im too young, even if I am Im stuck in it now. But Ive been in it a year so Im really not that bothered, I control it not the other way around. And I only use the game on the bears that I like. (well not anymore since the girl but you know)
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