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Started by darkpuffa, December 22, 2009, 01:19:22 AM

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i pown u all....... ;D



Quote from: mark_elesse on December 22, 2009, 10:35:01 AM
your a retard again. my description was about the question, why to to pick up an unusable sub to a PR, what can you combine with better subs. srsly AW sub is only for the extra dmg for back. anyways, if you have prob with my knowledge about l2, feel free to msg me ingame for 1v1, well see who can set up a char better.

U'r the retard here,u don't even know to express urself properly,something common in tard ppl.
Btw,again the 1 vs 1 shit? Equal gear and for sure I'll accept.


Quote from: Sephiroth on December 22, 2009, 11:14:29 PM
U'r the retard here,u don't even know to express urself properly,something common in tard ppl.
Btw,again the 1 vs 1 shit? Equal gear and for sure I'll accept.

HAH ! so we have a double :P fight in the air :P


To get some attention wot ppl doesnt do... QQ
NM: Dante / Giusy (atm)


Quote from: FckMeImFamous on December 22, 2009, 11:40:21 PM
To get some attention wot ppl doesnt do... QQ
It is not about attention, lol. It's just about having some fun :)

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Sephiroth on December 22, 2009, 11:14:29 PM
U'r the retard here,u don't even know to express urself properly,something common in tard ppl.
Btw,again the 1 vs 1 shit? Equal gear and for sure I'll accept.

Easy, both play in A grade shits and watch Mark pew pew you. Tbh you don't stand a chance  :)
^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime


Quote from: Shreed on December 22, 2009, 10:54:50 AM
darpuffa- try to ask this no-lifer FTRjin ^^  he made one. and Mark is telling the truth with this dmg from back ... but in other sytuation you are just poor PR or poor AW without a sub :( ("suck like a normal pr") . Go go make PR/BD and then you can pew pew this poor he/glad called LoveRockets^^
better passives, thats an imporatant also, but ye if ur not part of zerg and no1 will run away from u its kinda useless char ;)
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


pr/aw suck balls, like mark said  its make better dmg only  if some1 try to kite you, or run from you :=D
Carebears,BlackHand - 15x,30x
 sc4ry  , c0t ,  CrystalTear  ,  sc4rry , Phenomen
Since 2005


Quote from: scary on December 23, 2009, 07:57:22 AM
pr/aw suck balls, like mark said  its make better dmg only  if some1 try to kite you, or run from you :=D

Shame its not better damage if the person tries to return.... then we would all pew pew some temp mages some more.
^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime


Quote from: Zuluman on December 22, 2009, 11:44:20 PM
Easy, both play in A grade shits and watch Mark pew pew you. Tbh you don't stand a chance  :)

Pew pew? Bunch of fcking tards with tard expressions,damn,do u really look what u'r writting? I guess not,nevertheless,u've showed us that u lack of brain.


Quote from: Ungolianth on December 23, 2009, 04:08:51 AM
i think u told me u not play here at all ::) -------------------> /usesoe to ur server
I think I am not really talking to you about such stuff at all, but ye, I'm currently at C4 server with Lox :D

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: mark_elesse on December 23, 2009, 05:31:52 PM
funny to see you calling everyone brainless xDDD but honestly, you can freak yourself, worthless unknown flamer wannabe.

I'm not flaming,I'm stating facts.