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Started by XKOMOKX, December 30, 2009, 10:30:04 AM

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Quote from: MARIEGOLD on February 23, 2010, 08:14:19 AM
A kidney stone is a hard mass developed from crystals that separate from the urine within the urinary tract. Normally, urine contains chemicals that prevent or inhibit the crystals from forming. These inhibitors do not seem to work for everyone, however, so some people form stones. If the crystals remain tiny enough, they will travel through the urinary tract and pass out of the body in the urine without being noticed.

Kidney stones may contain various combinations of chemicals. The most common type of stone contains calcium in combination with either oxalate or phosphate. These chemicals are part of a person’s normal diet and make up important parts of the body, such as bones and muscles.
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Quote from: Shreed on January 02, 2010, 06:31:00 AM
Coz you making trains with chimeras :P i was there today 2h i kill around 100+  and only 3 jawels, 0 energy. so drop rate is around 2-3%. we need around 20 stones and 70 jawels to make waepon on +9 anf full bar. so its very very hard. I think old drop rate wast to high but its should be around 7-8% for jawels and 3-4% for energy.

20 stones? I used 78 :/



well... i'm a lil lost....energy stones = ?

i know about the normal stonez / crystalz / jewelz...
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: Neozinhu on February 23, 2010, 04:46:20 PM
well... i'm a lil lost....energy stones = ?

i know about the normal stonez / crystalz / jewelz...

Energy is really rare imo.... You can use it from 9-12!!!!



Quote from: kidicarus on February 23, 2010, 04:52:52 PM
Energy is really rare imo.... You can use it from 4-6.
u mean...crystalz? ...i got some..and i used :D
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


energy dont drop anymore. they should drop at least in anomic foundry where u need a freakin hard quest to go .
they should be implimented again even if max lvl is 9 and not 12


drop rate of jewels is very fuked atm... it was nice before , but drake change it when was xmas event and he put 6 jwls for 1 coin at donny

Quote from: kidicarus on February 23, 2010, 04:52:52 PM
Energy is really rare imo.... You can use it from 4-6.

energy is from lvl 9 to 12 but max is 9 so they were kinda same as jewels... the one from 4-6 are crystals :d
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