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Attribute system sucks

Started by wildpussy, January 03, 2010, 12:57:18 PM

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Quote from: Torek [IF] on January 05, 2010, 04:09:57 PM
u play in a high rate server for this reason u don't farm at all

Still, even you are already old on a server, all here are. But have you guys tried to start somewhere aka 0 adena no equip lvl 1 char? I did on frintezza server a while ago, rates 10.. i was asking, hmm istnt that too high for me?  And after 4 months of non stop grinding an exping I was so pissed off that i better left it. Cause it was only a one big agrind. Considering that from lvl 78 to 79, you need the same number of exp like from whole game  1-78. To lvl 80 the same exp as 1-79, etc, etc. It made me totally sick. Hearing heroes that play  12 hours a had shout  81 finally. While I never met them cause they were only farming HB isle for those attrib stones and nothing more. They only came for baium Antharas valakas, most of the times they did not care even about sieges aka for me the best thing in L2, cause sieges did not gave them more overechannts, more stones, more eqip. Oly was unplayable. All heroes were from feeding. You see somebody who can lose to you, just a slight chance? He disconnects. Fights only when its certain victory, maybe even then not, cause when they go to feed they are not fight-ready.

About those weapon and armor attrib. If you are a lvl 78 mage with A grades, a mage with S80 and attrib defence matching your attack, will outcppout you.  And about exping over  79, heh, lets call it funny.  I remember when I was playin on . (IL server with HB skills) I made it to 79 and that was end. On 79 i was around  15% and couldnt get higher and that I wasnt any pvp hyperactive I had a freaking prophet. So HB... really... not nice thing to play. Maybe if the made it the way like till 78 5x rates, 79 10x, 80 15x, 91 20x.. etc... at least for exp and SP.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Quote from: SyD on January 05, 2010, 04:03:20 PM
I farm only when necessary other time pvp, clan things etc. so ur wrong. I made my equips from farm ofc, im not that rich in RL. Just look our pvps and u will see this DN set and Icarus weapons no kill fun on high lvl.

:DDDD ofc it don't kill the fun... for ppl who have have all and can own easilly. But for ppl who want challenge without negative handicap, and who don't have those (who don't want to bot, or steal from accs, or farm as a nolifer), it kills all fun.
Or you wanna say, the dnet sets(+656456% bonus for 8 attributes) or icarus spitter(aka ak47) is balanced? Then i don't know why don't have the icarus spitter normal atk speed, and why not have ANY + attributes armor such as dnet on official or on the 99% of other cracked servers? Maybe bcuz they're unbalanced as hell...

And btw dragon is a high rate server, there is much easier to farm everything than infinity, so its not the same.
Infinity 5x: inactive
Valkyria:  shiet
free from L2 since 2 years



An attribute system that allows the summoners to transfer their attribute abilities to the servitor has been added. This only applies to Warlocks, Phantom Summoners, and Elemental Summoners and their associated third class.

When the summoner equips a weapon with an attribute that corresponds with that of the servitor, 80% of the corresponding attribute value automatically applies to the servitor.

The attribute value only applies to the servitor's attacks power, not to its defense power.

When the summoner receives an item grade penalty, the attribute system does not apply on their pets.

When the attribute of the equipped weapon does not correspond with that of the servitor, the attribute system does not apply.

doesn't work, tested on wind pony (mirage the unicorn)


Quote from: disc on January 05, 2010, 03:28:58 PM
Yes things should change in better way... but here this isn't happening. And you should play wow, there you can farm for ages ;) cuz as i see you like it. But l2 WAS a pvp based game (until hb and maybe il).
Ofc some ppl like the donator shits (what came with il and hb), cuz with those they can feel they are pros against the ppl without these (so they compensate their lack of skills with those "balanced (lol)" equipment, it's like wh-ing in fps multiplayers).
BTW more and more new servers start with C4! Guess why? Cuz it was maybe the best?
dude, pure bullshit, l2 was always a farm based game, its one of those mmorpg where u need to farm xxxxxxxxxxxx years to go for pvp, just private server changed face of this game :P
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Ofc L2 was always farm based game, if not like go play with FPS or RTS. U need to do a lot things for good equips. In normal server(not exist) u need to go with clan, friends to farm parts etc. I remember old times when a thousand of ppl were in catacombs shouting LFP for farm stones. But everything changed in official servers too cuz L2 will be more pvp oriented when new chronicles comin. Vitality system, Paliaka etc. Here we still have something like modded C4. ;D Tons of bugs not workin things etc. But this is a free private server, cuz need a lot of modify and extra things for make profit. U have an option to play here for free but need money for servers and everything what u see here need money. So really we need donate system. Someone wanna donate others farm u can chose. Or can make trades for money, coins.


Quote from: disc on January 03, 2010, 05:19:18 PM
all dn system sucks
-donate only "balanced (LOL)" equip
-40 restart/day
-bot parties farming chimeras 24/7 on hb without ban
-no gm
-50 chars playing from one pc
- "fixes" by drake

^^ that's dn :)

I'm so happy I left DN, LOL.

Thank you Icey! You rock D:


atrib system in dragon servers really sux.wil be better if removed.totaly removed.it makes the already strong shars, stronger and the weak chars, weaker.as a result, 1 pt of those chars in hands of totaly retarded kids, ruin the whole server.remove it asap.within 2 months only a handfull of ubersuperoverenchanted icarus will remain in server.
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