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ThugArt Entertainment Signatures Shop

Started by Ammut, January 06, 2010, 02:32:57 PM

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http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,190143.0.html (http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,190143.0.html)

Quote from: Ammut on May 21, 2009, 04:54:47 AM

Hi all,

If you want a Banner PM me and make me a Offer  :D Put the offer in a PM.
Offers can be DC (Dragon Coins) AA, Adena, or Items.

First you pay me, what you offerd. And in the next 2days or few Hours, depense
On Insparation and RL stuff ofcourse, You wil get youre banner.
It wil show up here in the Banner Shop and you can save it to youre PC,
and you can copy the link so you can put it in Forum.

Greetingzz Ammut.

Date 16-03-2010
Customer : Drake

Date : 12-03-2010
Price : None

Date : 07-03-2010
Price : None

Date : 18-02-2010
Price : None

Date : 08-02-2010
Price : None

Date : 07-02-2010
Price : None

Date : 01-02-2010
Price : None

Date : 27-01-2010
Price : Free, for friend, he wanted Bike theme.

Date : 26-01-2010
Price : 2 coins

Date : 24-01-2010
Price : None

Date : 21-01-2010
Price : Free, for old friend.

Date : 21-01-2010
Price : none, new style banner, the name banner.

Date : 13-01-2010
Price : 2 Coins

Date : 13-01-2010
Price : Free

Date : 13-01-2010
Price : Free

Date : 12-01-2010
Price : None

Date : 12-01-2010
Price : None

Date : 08-01-2010
Price : None

Date : 04-01-2010
Price : 1 Coin

Date : 02-01-2010
Price : 1 Coin

Date : 02-01-2010
Price : 1 Coin

Date : 01-01-2010
Price : 1 Coin

Date : 01-01-2010
Price : None
[url="http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,190143.msg1908324.html#msg1908324"]Interested in a signature:[/url]


Quote from: Ammut on January 06, 2010, 02:32:57 PM


THUG ENTERTAINMENT* 1st fail. (there's no word "tertainment" - well if you've tried to connect Thug+Entertainment I can only say to you that the connection of those words just feels awkward so still +1.)
Big caption on the left top corner 2nd fail.
3rd and 4th fail.
5th and 6th fail. (yea I don't have enough time to draw it perfecly, but you can see your faults.)

Do I need more proves to say that you just suck right now? And you want to sell singatures for 1 coin? Shavour is making his job very well for 2 coins and this what you made isn't even half of his job. I've got 1 advice for you. Get experience on your computer, make signatures for yourself. Then come here and try to do something on a big lvl for coins. Oh I forgot, it's signatures not banners.

Okay that's my 5 cents.

Mat. :)


Quote from: Grabsia on January 06, 2010, 10:37:57 PM

THUG ENTERTAINMENT* 1st fail. (there's no word "tertainment" - well if you've tried to connect Thug+Entertainment I can only say to you that the connection of those words just feels awkward so still +1.)
Big caption on the left top corner 2nd fail.

Do I need more proves to say that you just suck right now? And you want to sell singatures for 1 coin? Shavour is making his job very well for 2 coins and this what you made isn't even half of his job. I've got 1 advice for you. Get experience on your computer, make signatures for yourself. Then come here and try to do something on a big lvl for coins. Oh I forgot, it's signatures not banners.

Okay that's my 5 cents.

Mat. :)

What are you, A little KID, with nothing beter to do thene talk BULLSH1T !!, The Word ThugTerTainment was a JOKE, most people get it, but you prob to stupid for it. My main char in phoenix was ThugLord, clan Outlawz, ally Immortals and I use ThugArt for my Art work (ThugArt Entertainment) If you woth know anything about rap, thene you woth know that all those words are used, Bye rappers like 2pac, Outlawz, Yukmouth, Most of it was from 1 of the greatest rappers ever 2pac aka makavelli (Rest in Peace).

ThugTerTainment is from a Rapper :




So you say there is no word like ThugTerTainment maby you shout GOOGLE something first before y talk some
Bullsh!t......... and you find out that you find alot with ThugTerTainment.

Thene you compare me with Shavour, first off all im not shavour, I know him. He is even a Real Live friend of mine, I know him for more thene 10years. And some stuff I even learned from him, so in a kind of way you are dissing him also.

Thene you are talking about (Do I need more proves to say that you just suck right now?) proof !! what are you a jugde LOL, WTF you are talking about, I do this cuz its fun and I like it. It seems some people like it also cuz they pay me 1 coin.

And if you don't like my work thats fine, cant make everybody happy, but don't talk some BULLSH1T. I wanted those overlays  in the banner, or signature what ever you wanna call it, cuz its the same. most people pick a size and make a banner/signature, and I wanted a overlay in it. Something that I dont see many people doin'.  

You know 1 thing I dont need any proof off, cuz you showed me youreself : is that you are just a Little pisser with nothing beter to do thene talk BULLSH1T. And that banner you use LOL, I can do 1000x beter on my worsed day.

And whene you make banners /signatures it is about the custumer, It counts if the people that pay for it like it. I could not give a flyin' freak if a pisser like you likes it or not, cuz thats what you are to me, just a little pisser with nothing beter to do thene talk Sh1t.

Haters make me famous, And behind every person that is tryin' to do something, there are a 1000 haters talking Bullsh1t.
[url="http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,190143.msg1908324.html#msg1908324"]Interested in a signature:[/url]


Quote from: Ammut on January 07, 2010, 01:30:35 AM
What are you, A little KID, with nothing beter to do thene talk BULLSH1T !!, The Word ThugTerTainment was a JOKE, most people get it, but you prob to stupid for it. My main char in phoenix was ThugLord, clan Outlawz, ally Immortals and I use ThugArt for my Art work (ThugArt Entertainment) If you woth know anything about rap, thene you woth know that all those words are used, Bye rappers like 2pac, Outlawz, Yukmouth, Most of it was from 1 of the greatest rappers ever 2pac aka makavelli (Rest in Peace).

ThugTerTainment is from a Rapper :




So you say there is no word like ThugTerTainment maby you shout GOOGLE something first before y talk some
Bullsh!t......... and you find out that you find alot with ThugTerTainment.

Thene you compare me with Shavour, first off all im not shavour, I know him. He is even a Real Live friend of mine, I know him for more thene 10years. And some stuff I even learned from him, so in a kind of way you are dissing him also.

Thene you are talking about (Do I need more proves to say that you just suck right now?) proof !! what are you a jugde LOL, WTF you are talking about, I do this cuz its fun and I like it. It seems some people like it also cuz they pay me 1 coin.

And if you don't like my work thats fine, cant make everybody happy, but don't talk some BULLSH1T. I wanted those overlays  in the banner, or signature what ever you wanna call it, cuz its the same. most people pick a size and make a banner/signature, and I wanted a overlay in it. Something that I dont see many people doin'.  

You know 1 thing I dont need any proof off, cuz you showed me youreself : is that you are just a Little pisser with nothing beter to do thene talk BULLSH1T. And that banner you use LOL, I can do 1000x beter on my worsed day.

And whene you make banners /signatures it is about the custumer, It counts if the people that pay for it like it. I could not give a flyin' freak if a pisser like you likes it or not, cuz thats what you are to me, just a little pisser with nothing beter to do thene talk Sh1t.

Haters make me famous, And behind every person that is tryin' to do something, there are a 1000 haters talking Bullsh1t.
1st. Who are you*
2nd. I don't feel like a kid because I 18 but whatever, you don't even know me and you are saying so many things like guy who know me for years. ::)

1. better*
2. than*
3. then*
4. by* - or you wanted to say goodbye? :D
5. them*
6. even*
7. maybe*
8. search - i'd rather write than talk with my PC. ;)
9. then*
10. than*
11. learnt*
12. whene*
13. customer*

O.o? - would maybe?

- enrich your dictionary please, you are repeating yourself.
Oh i forgot, there's no censorship ;) (you can write bullshit, too many L2 or online games with censorship) ;D

QuoteThe Word ThugTerTainment was a JOKE, most people get it, but you prob to stupid for it.

Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaha, so funny!


QuoteMy main char in phoenix was ThugLord, clan Outlawz, ally Immortals

Yeah, but tell me, who cares?

QuoteSo you say there is no word like ThugTerTainment

Sure, give me description of this word from any dictionary then. As far as I saw u told that it's rapper "nick" not an english word.

QuoteAnd that banner you use LOL, I can do 1000x beter on my worsed day.

Of course. Big mouth strikes again? Oh and it took me 5 mins to do it. Remember that skills in game are more counting than forum signaure. :)

QuoteHaters make me famous, And behind every person that is tryin' to do something, there are a 1000 haters talking
Cool.! So you ain't even well known then if you count truth as a hate, you must be really useless in real life if you want to be so famous on inet :D :D

Don't take everything to your heart! It can broke! :D

Remember that intelligent conversation > conversation with profanity english.

Summing up whole your post I have to put an image because I have no words to describe your stupidity. ::)

And as I said in my 1st post, better take your work for yourself. :-* I can see that trurh hurts you and makes you mad, that's want I wanted it to be >:D

P.S. Don't hate me hoe! ;)

Mala Przyjemnosc

Quote from: Ammut on January 07, 2010, 01:30:35 AM
What are you, A little KID, with nothing beter to do thene talk BULLSH1T !!, The Word ThugTerTainment was a JOKE, most people get it, but you prob to stupid for it. My main char in phoenix was ThugLord, clan Outlawz, ally Immortals and I use ThugArt for my Art work (ThugArt Entertainment) If you woth know anything about rap, thene you woth know that all those words are used, Bye rappers like 2pac, Outlawz, Yukmouth, Most of it was from 1 of the greatest rappers ever 2pac aka makavelli (Rest in Peace).

ThugTerTainment is from a Rapper :




So you say there is no word like ThugTerTainment maby you shout GOOGLE something first before y talk some
Bullsh!t......... and you find out that you find alot with ThugTerTainment.

Thene you compare me with Shavour, first off all im not shavour, I know him. He is even a Real Live friend of mine, I know him for more thene 10years. And some stuff I even learned from him, so in a kind of way you are dissing him also.

Thene you are talking about (Do I need more proves to say that you just suck right now?) proof !! what are you a jugde LOL, WTF you are talking about, I do this cuz its fun and I like it. It seems some people like it also cuz they pay me 1 coin.

And if you don't like my work thats fine, cant make everybody happy, but don't talk some BULLSH1T. I wanted those overlays  in the banner, or signature what ever you wanna call it, cuz its the same. most people pick a size and make a banner/signature, and I wanted a overlay in it. Something that I dont see many people doin'.  

You know 1 thing I dont need any proof off, cuz you showed me youreself : is that you are just a Little pisser with nothing beter to do thene talk BULLSH1T. And that banner you use LOL, I can do 1000x beter on my worsed day.

And whene you make banners /signatures it is about the custumer, It counts if the people that pay for it like it. I could not give a flyin' freak if a pisser like you likes it or not, cuz thats what you are to me, just a little pisser with nothing beter to do thene talk Sh1t.

Haters make me famous, And behind every person that is tryin' to do something, there are a 1000 haters talking Bullsh1t.
Whore Attention . U are not nigga / gangsta / blackbro so don not use their tagz / slangz .


Quote from: Ammut on January 07, 2010, 01:30:35 AM
Thene you are talking about (Do I need more proves to say that you just suck right now?) proof !! what are you a jugde LOL, WTF you are talking about, I do this cuz its fun and I like it. It seems some people like it also cuz they pay me 1 coin.
Well now that's a little funny theory. Of course he can judge your signatures just like everyone else can. This is how it works. You put a topic on a forum and people are telling their opinions. It's not like "hey I made this topic and those sigs so get the fack out of my topic cause it ain't your business nigga!".

Maybe it's time to think about your attitude since not really everyone wants to buy stuff from arrogant salesman, and that might be also reason why you need to advertise so much and still have only 3 pages of reactions which are in addiction rather inconsistent. Mine lame (yet popular since I made them for free and nobody wanted to get other signatures but mine back then ^^ ) topic about signatures selling had 26 pages in few weeks. Yours have 3 pages after more than 7 months. Think about what are you doing wrong imo  :)

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Ashlynn on January 07, 2010, 05:31:15 PM
Well now that's a little funny theory. Of course he can judge your signatures just like everyone else can. This is how it works. You put a topic on a forum and people are telling their opinions. It's not like "hey I made this topic and those sigs so get the fack out of my topic cause it ain't your business nigga!".

Maybe it's time to think about your attitude since not really everyone wants to buy stuff from arrogant salesman, and that might be also reason why you need to advertise so much and still have only 3 pages of reactions which are in addiction rather inconsistent. Mine lame (yet popular since I made them for free and nobody wanted to get other signatures but mine back then ^^ ) topic about signatures selling had 26 pages in few weeks. Yours have 3 pages after more than 7 months. Think about what are you doing wrong imo  :)

Everbody can jugde me, thats not the prob, It's the way he did it. If he don't like it thats fine. And offcourse you got more pages thene me, LOL thats not hard to understand if you make theme for FREE, But I show respect to people that give respect. Nothing to say about youre work, Its good. But I did not liked the way he did it.

And im thinking im doin' oke, I sold a few, and ofcourse its hard to sell, If some people make theme for free. And don't forget Shavour he also make's great banners and bin doin' it for a while, So there is alot people can pick from, and others dont care about a signature or the can make something themeself they like.

But what I find funny is that you read what I tell him and call me a arrogant salesman. But you have nothing to say about him, and the way he talk to me. I think he was the arrogant one. If I was a arrogant salesman i woth say my work is so great and good and I never said that. Im learning everyday new things, and getting beter, but there always be people that make even nicer stuff. And much respect to all those people.
[url="http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,190143.msg1908324.html#msg1908324"]Interested in a signature:[/url]


Quote from: Ashlynn on January 07, 2010, 05:31:15 PM
Well now that's a little funny theory. Of course he can judge your signatures just like everyone else can. This is how it works. You put a topic on a forum and people are telling their opinions. It's not like "hey I made this topic and those sigs so get the fack out of my topic cause it ain't your business nigga!".

Maybe it's time to think about your attitude since not really everyone wants to buy stuff from arrogant salesman, and that might be also reason why you need to advertise so much and still have only 3 pages of reactions which are in addiction rather inconsistent. Mine lame (yet popular since I made them for free and nobody wanted to get other signatures but mine back then ^^ ) topic about signatures selling had 26 pages in few weeks. Yours have 3 pages after more than 7 months. Think about what are you doing wrong imo  :)


Even mine topic feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew time ago (about 1-1,5 year) with sigs for free had more > 20 pages in few weeks.

@Ammut - As upper - sad but true mr. wanna be uber sig seller. :D


Quote from: Ammut on January 07, 2010, 06:44:46 PM
Everbody can jugde me, thats not the prob, It's the way he did it. If he don't like it thats fine. And offcourse you got more pages thene me, LOL thats not hard to understand if you make theme for FREE, But I show respect to people that give respect. Nothing to say about youre work, Its good. But I did not liked the way he did it.

And im thinking im doin' oke, I sold a few, and ofcourse its hard to sell, If some people make theme for free. And don't forget Shavour he also make's great banners and bin doin' it for a while, So there is alot people people can pick from, and others dont care about a signature or the can make something themeself they like.

But what I find funny is that you read what I tell him and call me a arrogant salesman. But you have nothing to say about him, and the way he talk to me. I think he was the arrogant one. If I was a arrogant salesman i woth say my work is so great and good and I never said that. Im learning everyday new things, and getting beter, but there always be people that make even nicer stuff. And much respect to all those people.

Mine post was too hard for you to answer? :D

QuoteBut what I find funny is that you read what I tell him and call me a arrogant salesman. But you have nothing to say about him, and the way he talk to me. I think he was the arrogant one.

I've just told you the truth, is it arrogant? arrogant is your way of writing to me. You have failed hard like before man.

btw. sorry for double posting. You have wrote before me.


Quote from: Mala Przyjemnosc on January 07, 2010, 04:46:08 PM
Whore Attention . U are not nigga / gangsta / blackbro so don not use their tagz / slangz .

How you know if im not a nigga !!!.. do you know me, do I have a picture of me that im a white guy !! Ohh I forgot you the guy, that also said that in my pvp movie was no RAP .. did you google it olready !! and found out that it is.
[url="http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,190143.msg1908324.html#msg1908324"]Interested in a signature:[/url]

Mala Przyjemnosc

Quote from: Ammut on January 07, 2010, 06:53:33 PM
How you know if im not a nigga !!!.. do you know me, do I have a picture of me that im a white guy !! Ohh I forgot you the guy, that also said that in my pvp movie was no RAP .. did you google it olready !! and found out that it is.
lolz. It was rap . I had said what it was so stfu <3 . And to become nigga (ye it seems stupid ) U have to think as him . No just "comz manx mi nigga weed aashhh smokz aa " . Start to use brain plx .


Quote from: Mala Przyjemnosc on January 07, 2010, 06:58:04 PM
lolz. It was rap . I had said what it was so stfu <3 . And to become nigga (ye it seems stupid ) U have to think as him . No just "comz manx mi nigga weed aashhh smokz aa " . Start to use brain plx .

A nigga is a black guy, it has nothing to do with the way you act. And you dont know if im black of white. so dont talk crazy.
[url="http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,190143.msg1908324.html#msg1908324"]Interested in a signature:[/url]