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Tank Skills update as of 05/02



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Tank Skills update as of 05/02

Started by Merm, February 06, 2010, 10:18:20 PM

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Here are my thoughts about part of the update from 05/02 concerning tank skills:

UD, Vengence and AntiMagic Armour - nerf for archers and mages. Ok, can't argue too much here - nobody wants to face any damage dealer with long distance attacks and  massive def. bonus. Maybe one thing worth commenting is why mages only get m. crit rate taken down and archers get penalty for atk range and atk. spd/crit.dmg? Mage/tank can still use a shield that gives extra defence, so why nerf archers more when they can't? If it is because mage/tank players cry about lower UD def. bonus in robe already then well, tough - tank is a warrior, you want full bonus - switch to warrior stats...

Shield of faith - as much as the above skills nerf archers and mages since attacks with nukes/arrows are "unrelated to the tank class", SoF IS a PARTY buff, therefore I don't see a reason why archers & mages get nerfed here. Lately there was a lot of fuss about making daggers stronger becasue they are 'so weak' that people stop playing as daggers. Tanks are no longer usefulll since the era of ty/des, except the last thing, which is the ability to support party with the defence, and now we nerf that.
So yeah lets make mages do less magic crits and  archers hit for 20% less on crits and reduce their range by 20% on top of that (just to illustrate HE on Snipe not only cant move but instead of 1100 range he has 880, SR with RapidFire instead of 600 range ends up with 480??). At the same time enemy team (it must have been about pvp, nobody would whine about such stats in PvE) can get SoF as well, and now we have i.e. dagger with lethals running around with same def. bonus as archers - this is OK yep? Imagine this: SR vs TH, both on SoF- dagger only needs to travel that 480 distance between them (probably on dash) and guess what - Mirrage which "Has a chance to cancel the target of an enemy who attacks you" always changes your target so bb archer...
Now archer/tank vs non-archer/non-tank has a lower chances of winning if both get SoF. Funny thing is that if archer/tank uses UD only (say other skills not ready) then non-archer enemy with SoF will rape him since our 'haxxor' archer/tank just lost 20% atk spd. Imo we just made a little un-balanced gameplay here...
With the other skills that make you immobilised there is no point to i.e. put a nerf on dagger or dual-swords (altho you can use ranged skills here) cos comon who's gonna be stupid enough to get face-to-face-close to i.e. dagger on UD?? :D I see that as good when we talk about ranged-dd/tank characters that can self-ud.  But when we'r talking about something that everyone gets, why make any exceptions? Come to think about it - ty/des will get the same def. bonus... (maybe make him run 50% slower on SoF lol)
Dagger/tank - same def. bonus plus the advantage of quiping the shield at the same time as his weapon (shield makes a huge difference, sometimes you get 1dmg point only).

So my point is:
SoF should work same for everyone.
Other UD skills that work on caster-only could be left as they are now but imo there could be a better solution (after all this is the whole idea of stacking-subclasses system, you are using skills that are not related to your main class, so saying "tank unrelated" this or that is a sortof dumb excuse, sorry :( It's just like saying: let's make bison work with fists only! 1/2h-swords/blunts are unrelated to tyrant class etc etc and after few minutes you realise that there are so many classes that should never see some of the skills they use all the time. It's okey if you want to balance the server but please come up with a smarter explanation - what I read in loader made my angry enough to write THIS much even that I'm not afected by the update - I'd rather hear "half of server population that do pvp was crying a river about being powned by haxxor xx/tank, so to shut em up and make them happy we made this nerf" - that'd be better, at least I know that this load of people may stay here and play instead of leaving the game).
I don't want to start another flame-fall, noob-attack, nerf-lauch thread or anything alike but I don't think it would be fair if SoF will be left like it is. I know certain people for whom file is easier now will try to turn everything that I said against me or just say "naab" as the answer but I hope that some people can look at this in a neutral and objective way.

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dont forget that archer/tank in UD can wear heavy and mages cant
so mages have only 25% of UD/veng bonus, which is not much

i think its fair enough to nerf mages less

dagger/tanks are already "nerfed" with speed bonus from dash and evasion

glads and destro or ty mutants are next in line xD

P.S. my char is sk/ps, constant nerfs every few months since C4 and is still fun to play (no dmg+no defence+no buffs+no heals= pure fun)
SK/PS - on x15 server since C2 ... ex-HERO /OFF
BP/DA - first on x15 /OFF
BD/SE - buff bot... /OFF
TH/PP - DF ninja /OFF
PR/WL - PWN-Dwarfie /RIP


btw the most stupid thing of this update its sof -20% bow range  i wwant just to inform u that with sof u can move without problem :P
The only Necro/Da HERO!
oly record 303 point!!


SK/PS - on x15 server since C2 ... ex-HERO /OFF
BP/DA - first on x15 /OFF
BD/SE - buff bot... /OFF
TH/PP - DF ninja /OFF
PR/WL - PWN-Dwarfie /RIP


Quote from: Argriev on February 07, 2010, 05:35:43 PM
btw the most stupid thing of this update its sof -20% bow range  i wwant just to inform u that with sof u can move without problem :P
yeh right, tell it to SR who have 600 (?) range, is this cool to go face to face with bunch of angry enemies? :D
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


You stole my avatar and then edited it! SCAMMER! :o >:(
You Can't Kill the Messiah.


<Some random shit was floating here due to misunderstanding, so it was removed>
It's been quoted by legendary so it doesnt really help but I hope that at least it shows that I'm not going to say Im right when Im not, or keep on flaming without thinking.. :)
+ I made a better avatar now hehe

Your friendly Merm  ;D
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Quote from: Merm on February 07, 2010, 10:06:13 PM
1. I thought I just typed "Bleach hollow mask" in google search, found a wallpaper ( http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/7300000/hollow-mask-bleach-anime-7344290-1600-1200.jpg (http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/7300000/hollow-mask-bleach-anime-7344290-1600-1200.jpg) ) and made it into an avatar myself, while you probaly got a ready one from an avatar website...

2. Learn the definition of word 'scammer' so you can use it correctly. First try  http://translate.google.com/#en|es|scammer (http://translate.google.com/#en%7Ces%7Cscammer)

3. Your post is unrelevant to my topic. If you want your post count increased so badly make own topic, maybe "legendaryvicious exclusive spam" instead of fokin around here.

Your friendly Merm  ;D

1. Got it from a friend

2. Notice that the word scammer is used deliberately the wrong way in a manner of joke.

3.  If i'd care to increase my post count it'd already be higher than 157......
You Can't Kill the Messiah.


@ legendaryvicious
Well if it was a joke then you have my apologies and I'm removing my other post right now. Btw I suppose it would help if you put a laughing smiley, so I get a hint - unfortunatelly there is many people who would say that in a serious manner.

Please keep on track with the topic.
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+1 for nerm

There is already downside on playing archer/tank and now we they put some ridiculous update on it... Like merm said... archer/tank cant use a shield, so they loose much protection (yea, if u noob think a shield dont give so much pdef, try get hit by an archer and after u will see that this shield probly saved ur ass more than u think).

Ok, from the last update we had the UD+walking working but comon ? i mean does everyone think we got full bonus ? full buffed + dash i had about 89 run speed... what am i gonna do with this ? even with a dagger, when u have under 200 run speed, u will run long if u enemy kite u... this ud+walking is not so great as people tought and beside, who stay in range of an archer on ud ? when u use ud, people just run away and wwait till you come back, whats the big deal on archer+ud ? just run away and chill...

on the part about mage, oh plis this is bs... mage can still make like 90% mcrit and only 10% taken off? lol... take that off so we play hard, or nerf it lie you should so u CAN say you made a good balance... such a nerf is just so you can cover your ass and say u nerfed mage also with this update... sry but...


Quote from: GekKey on February 08, 2010, 12:44:32 PM
+1 for nerm

There is already downside on playing archer/tank and now we they put some ridiculous update on it... Like merm said... archer/tank cant use a shield, so they loose much protection (yea, if u noob think a shield dont give so much pdef, try get hit by an archer and after u will see that this shield probly saved ur ass more than u think).

Ok, from the last update we had the UD+walking working but comon ? i mean does everyone think we got full bonus ? full buffed + dash i had about 89 run speed... what am i gonna do with this ? even with a dagger, when u have under 200 run speed, u will run long if u enemy kite u... this ud+walking is not so great as people tought and beside, who stay in range of an archer on ud ? when u use ud, people just run away and wwait till you come back, whats the big deal on archer+ud ? just run away and chill...

on the part about mage, oh plis this is bs... mage can still make like 90% mcrit and only 10% taken off? lol... take that off so we play hard, or nerf it lie you should so u CAN say you made a good balance... such a nerf is just so you can cover your ass and say u nerfed mage also with this update... sry but...

Buhuu archers are nerfed in UD. Ever tried playing a real tank? I have ~ 360 range with bow, if im lucky i can fire 1 arrow before the enemy gets out of my way. If i stand in the middle of monster derby track my arrows can't reach the corners.
And 80+ speed on UD? You're practically a speed deamon!
I got my ud at +10 decrease penalty and my max speed on buffs and rabbits is 65~

Crying that mages don't get nerfed as hard as archers.... What about us tanks? We got nerfed aswell, and we werent exactly great to begin with. Especially nowadays when defence doesn't matter vs theese damn attributes.....



Quote from: GekKey on February 08, 2010, 12:44:32 PM
+1 for nerm

There is already downside on playing archer/tank and now we they put some ridiculous update on it... Like merm said... archer/tank cant use a shield, so they loose much protection (yea, if u noob think a shield dont give so much pdef, try get hit by an archer and after u will see that this shield probly saved ur ass more than u think).

Ok, from the last update we had the UD+walking working but comon ? i mean does everyone think we got full bonus ? full buffed + dash i had about 89 run speed... what am i gonna do with this ? even with a dagger, when u have under 200 run speed, u will run long if u enemy kite u... this ud+walking is not so great as people tought and beside, who stay in range of an archer on ud ? when u use ud, people just run away and wwait till you come back, whats the big deal on archer+ud ? just run away and chill...

on the part about mage, oh plis this is bs... mage can still make like 90% mcrit and only 10% taken off? lol... take that off so we play hard, or nerf it lie you should so u CAN say you made a good balance... such a nerf is just so you can cover your ass and say u nerfed mage also with this update... sry but...
Well you can't expect to kiting on UD...