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Tank Skills update as of 05/02

Started by Merm, February 06, 2010, 10:18:20 PM

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UltimateDefense: -10% bowrange, -20% bowspeed, -10% magicCritical
MISS: -15% CASTING SPEED -5% castrange

ShieldOfFaith: -20% bowCriticalDamage, -30% magicalCritical, -20% bowRange
MISS: - 15% M ATK -10% castrange

Vengeance: -10% bowRange, -20% bowSpeed, -20% magicalCritical
MISS: -15% CASTING SPEED -5% bowrange

AntiMagicArmor: -20% bowRange, -20% magicalCritical
ok :)



Quote from: Piccy on February 08, 2010, 01:48:11 PM
UltimateDefense: -10% bowrange, -20% bowspeed, -10% magicCritical
MISS: -15% CASTING SPEED -5% castrange

ShieldOfFaith: -20% bowCriticalDamage, -30% magicalCritical, -20% bowRange
MISS: - 15% M ATK -10% castrange

Vengeance: -10% bowRange, -20% bowSpeed, -20% magicalCritical
MISS: -15% CASTING SPEED -5% bowrange

AntiMagicArmor: -20% bowRange, -20% magicalCritical
ok :)

I still don't see why they have to nerf it in % instead of just capping it :/ You're slowly sufficating my poor tank.....



Well after all it's better to make it percentage-based because if you have low stats it takes less away (if i.e. you had 400 range - 20% is only 80range taken away). If it was a constant value and they had to take HE on snipe in count and i.e. took just 300range off everyone you would end up with 100 range (following the example above).

It's good to see that mages are affected by the nerf a little more as well - NO not because I hate you nukers, just because it seems more fair, you have drains etc archers don't :)

Yeah,we should keep in mind the tanks that are not archers... Before, tank could go UD and pull out a bow to at least scare people off, damage was not all this great but he could hit more careless people. Now a tank on UD (that is NOT archer) will just stand there like an idiot for a little longer than normally while nukers spam their skills on him outside of his range. Maybe try to activate the bow nerf on chars that actually have Bow Mastery.

Shield of faith... well I don't think that I will gain anything here. But please reconsider once more to keep it without nerf or minimise the nerf a little. Everyone can get SoF! So if there is pvp between 2 parties both receiving SoF from one of their players the pvp should look just like both parties had no SoF (each class should have their advantages and disadvantages as before) but obviously pvp would last longer. Why for example HE/PP with SoF from his fellow tank should be put into a loosing position vs Glad/PP that got SoF from his friend tank? Both can run, right? Glad has sonic move, right? Glad has Duelist Spirit, 30second invincibility, 25% dmg bonus from War Cry, makes even more crits from skills now (example here: glad makes 4.5k dmg on my char with crit triple sonic slash - same lvl, back then I was wearing IC set on my HE, same buffs as well). If you think that this is fair now, could you share with us the reasons behind it?
[ x5 ] ] ] ] ] ]  ] ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ]   ]    ]    ]    ]     ]      ]      ]      ]         ]
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Silver ranger now in ud and that skill that lower range...mmm better put on a dagger xd


+1 for merm who wrote at last a witty post! finally someone who think really about the game and write something without be stupid! Gg dude
Marily - SK/PR
Doel - Glad/PP Noble
CastWoman - SPS/EE Noble

Since Old C4 several clans made my history thank to all my mates: Hyuga - Redeemer - DevotedSoul - newMDK - Severance. Actually again Hyuga


Quote from: Merm on February 08, 2010, 02:28:45 PM
Well after all it's better to make it percentage-based because if you have low stats it takes less away (if i.e. you had 400 range - 20% is only 80range taken away). If it was a constant value and they had to take HE on snipe in count and i.e. took just 300range off everyone you would end up with 100 range (following the example above).

Capped meaning "Whilst in UD range is reduced to 600" for example. Then it would only effect the archers.

And if i have 400 range and are left with 320 im not happy it only took away 80 points... Im pissed it left me with 320, when im already low on range.



@ kidicarus
I know and I feel sorry for you. That's what I mentioned in um 3rd paragraph - put bow nerf on characters that have Bow Mastery. So as a pure tank you ofc don't have a Bow Mastery you get as an archer, therefore you should not get any nerf here.
Capping it to a strict value would not be fair either. You said i.e. make it 600 range on UD - that would mean that non-archer characters would have higher range with bow than normally (by 200). Also why should HE on snipe (that gives range bonus) should have same range on UD as SR on Rapid Fire (which reduces range). That would make no sense to me.
[ x5 ] ] ] ] ] ]  ] ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ]   ]    ]    ]    ]     ]      ]      ]      ]         ]
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Quote from: Merm on February 09, 2010, 09:05:46 PM
@ kidicarus
I know and I feel sorry for you. That's what I mentioned in um 3rd paragraph - put bow nerf on characters that have Bow Mastery. So as a pure tank you ofc don't have a Bow Mastery you get as an archer, therefore you should not get any nerf here.
Capping it to a strict value would not be fair either. You said i.e. make it 600 range on UD - that would mean that non-archer characters would have higher range with bow than normally (by 200). Also why should HE on snipe (that gives range bonus) should have same range on UD as SR on Rapid Fire (which reduces range). That would make no sense to me.

Capped means that you can't go higher then that value, it doesn't necessarily mean that all others gets boosted to that set value.
And if someone makes SR/TK instead of HE/PAL as a consequence of that I would see it as a positive sideeffect :)

But this is only one alternate solution, getting the nerf on characters with bowmastery would ofcourse be better but seems like it would be alot more work. And daggers/tank with low lvl mastery will probably cry that they get nerfed on the same terms as archers.



Quote from: Piccy on February 08, 2010, 01:48:11 PM
UltimateDefense: -10% bowrange, -20% bowspeed, -10% magicCritical
MISS: -15% CASTING SPEED -5% castrange

ShieldOfFaith: -20% bowCriticalDamage, -30% magicalCritical, -20% bowRange
MISS: - 15% M ATK -10% castrange

Vengeance: -10% bowRange, -20% bowSpeed, -20% magicalCritical
MISS: -15% CASTING SPEED -5% bowrange

AntiMagicArmor: -20% bowRange, -20% magicalCritical
ok :)
archers have fullpower UD cuz they can wear heavy, mages only 25% (+900 pdef+500 mdef with imobilization)
so this sugestion is dumb cuz tank/mages will be more nerfed then any archer or other subbed char

and yes, i care about my "10-nerfs-per-year" sk/ps
SK/PS - on x15 server since C2 ... ex-HERO /OFF
BP/DA - first on x15 /OFF
BD/SE - buff bot... /OFF
TH/PP - DF ninja /OFF
PR/WL - PWN-Dwarfie /RIP


Quote from: Merm on February 08, 2010, 02:28:45 PM
Yeah,we should keep in mind the tanks that are not archers... Before, tank could go UD and pull out a bow to at least scare people off, damage was not all this great but he could hit more careless people. Now a tank on UD (that is NOT archer) will just stand there like an idiot for a little longer than normally while nukers spam their skills on him outside of his range. Maybe try to activate the bow nerf on chars that actually have Bow Mastery.

Good point. +1


Quote from: FDX on February 10, 2010, 09:16:50 AM
archers have fullpower UD cuz they can wear heavy, mages only 25% (+900 pdef+500 mdef with imobilization)
so this sugestion is dumb cuz tank/mages will be more nerfed then any archer or other subbed char

and yes, i care about my "10-nerfs-per-year" sk/ps

Vengance is no longer 100% in robe?



Quote from: kidicarus on February 10, 2010, 10:30:10 AM
Vengance is no longer 100% in robe?
vengeance is half power.. but i noticed just now you can use it WITH UD (new feature?)
so ud+9 + veng +gs+9 + arcana set+5 + talismans i have 5k pdef
ud+gs+tali=2k pdef
only equip+gs=1.k
no gs=950 pdef

but afaik vengeance need to be activated near enemy and at 75% hp which is ~2.8-3k hp of mage/tank on oly
SK/PS - on x15 server since C2 ... ex-HERO /OFF
BP/DA - first on x15 /OFF
BD/SE - buff bot... /OFF
TH/PP - DF ninja /OFF
PR/WL - PWN-Dwarfie /RIP