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Max lvl of attribute in weapon



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Max lvl of attribute in weapon

Started by lasombra, February 07, 2010, 12:17:08 PM

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Why we have max lvl attribute 450 in weapon ?
It should be max 150 in HB
If there will be max 150, than You can protect with mixed attributes in armor, now You need 6 armor sets, all full enchanted for 1 attribute...
It's impossible now, protect against lvl 9 (450 power) attribute in weapon...

It sux hard, change this attribute in weapon for max 150.


I armor should be max lvl 3
In weapon max lvl 4.

and ofc wipe those attributes which are today....couse many ppl have already 450 power

Zenith / Infinity server
Felissin - Storm Screamer/Spectral Dancer

Prayer for the wild heart kept in cages

Tarantula server
FelissinII - sps
Felissin - SH


Quote from: lasombra on February 07, 2010, 12:17:08 PM
Why we have max lvl attribute 450 in weapon ?
It should be max 150 in HB
If there will be max 150, than You can protect with mixed attributes in armor, now You need 6 armor sets, all full enchanted for 1 attribute...
It's impossible now, protect against lvl 9 (450 power) attribute in weapon...

It sux hard, change this attribute in weapon for max 150.



Quote from: lasombra on February 07, 2010, 12:17:08 PM
Why we have max lvl attribute 450 in weapon ?
It should be max 150 in HB
If there will be max 150, than You can protect with mixed attributes in armor, now You need 6 armor sets, all full enchanted for 1 attribute...
It's impossible now, protect against lvl 9 (450 power) attribute in weapon...

It sux hard, change this attribute in weapon for max 150.

+3 (lol 2 ppl postef be4 i finished typing)

or let us put more attrib. def. in the armour...
wait a second.... why do we even bother? players with 450atrib in their weapons will just flame us now. Unless we get half of the serv crying nothing will change, sorry.  You see, it's easier to nerf i.e. all archers on UD than make attrib dmg a bit lower so that archers on UD without 450 attrib dmg dont suck... you know the drill - cry, flame and please wait ^^
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are U stupid or what?
Many ppl spend a lot of adena/time to make lvl 9 attribute and now U want to wipe it just because U cant to it? Give me a break...


Quote from: BeGood on February 07, 2010, 07:40:39 PM
are U stupid or what?
Many ppl spend a lot of adena/time to make lvl 9 attribute and now U want to wipe it just because U cant to it? Give me a break...
actualy i spent 7 coins, not a big deal, tho instead of wipe, just reduce the number from 450 to 150, ull have max anyway and ur money wont be "wiped" thats the point!
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


If U mean by that making 150 on lvl 9 then Im ok with it.


Quote from: BeGood on February 07, 2010, 07:40:39 PM
are U stupid or what?
Many ppl spend a lot of adena/time to make lvl 9 attribute and now U want to wipe it just because U cant to it? Give me a break...

why You think I can't ? Did I tell smth like this ?
And yes, I think about making max lvl at 150. Couse now it's sick, ppl cannot defend against 450. I should be happy, couse I'm mage....but I'm not happy, this sux hard.

Zenith / Infinity server
Felissin - Storm Screamer/Spectral Dancer

Prayer for the wild heart kept in cages

Tarantula server
FelissinII - sps
Felissin - SH


So if u dont like ppl with those "450" lvl attribute cuz they hit too much u will be scared of this notice, at least on Dragon, 450 is not working, just 170 is working but u can give weapon up to 450, but what is says is not what u hit.

So 170 is max, if u cant defend think twice to flame again to attributes bcuz ppl will hit u more :D

At armor is working? I havnt tested but it wasn't working last time I test it.


Quote from: Zidkon on February 09, 2010, 02:49:20 AM
So if u dont like ppl with those "450" lvl attribute cuz they hit too much u will be scared of this notice, at least on Dragon, 450 is not working, just 170 is working but u can give weapon up to 450, but what is says is not what u hit.

So 170 is max, if u cant defend think twice to flame again to attributes bcuz ppl will hit u more :D

At armor is working? I havnt tested but it wasn't working last time I test it.
maybe 1st you should get info on how the system works, then put again your opinion about it please



Quote from: Dadghamor on February 09, 2010, 04:52:08 PM
How much % output does give 450?

wrong question, so you will not get right answer
you need to ask about diffrence between attaker's atck attribute value  and targets defence attribute value
with 450 (as for 150+) damage modifier is +70%