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TOP BUG<- tnx for fixing, close topic

Started by lucifsg, February 13, 2010, 10:35:39 PM

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ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: lucifsg on February 16, 2010, 01:00:11 AM
we dont use em cause they dont matter . whats the point of using fear when it never lands lol, same as mass slow. the vampirc attack gives back sh1t hp
and the pet dies in 2 hits. the bane is useless here due to potions.
what should be done is protections fs opening on imunity
lol no way! mistic immunity means u doesnt resive any buff or debuff under it even if its yours....

Nightmare (30x)


Quote from: Ungolianth on February 16, 2010, 04:43:16 AM
tbh necro spike should hit lowest from all other dmg spells,,,atm its fuked up...i got 11 k m attack and i hit sali with normal resist (elemental prot+elemental song) for 400 hits, crits for 2 k after succesfull vortex and messalina with same m attack after vortex hitted him for 5 k so tell me some logic in this...
coz sali have valakas(res fire) and need frinteza(res dark)
ungo-mungo ganja-manja  :P
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: lucifsg on February 16, 2010, 01:00:11 AM
the vampirc attack gives back sh1t hp
Ahahaha xD ok lol (not)

and the pet dies in 2 hits.
That true.

the bane is useless here due to potions.
Oh cmon, we all know you only care about oly xD

Quote from: lucifsg on February 16, 2010, 05:32:25 AM
u cant know messalinas m att , and a lot does matter in ur case like attributes etc...
but if u want a pure test do this, find a necro with death spike @ 117 power and a sps with hydroblast @117 power. hit player or npc with no resists u ll see dmg is the same. i test that my self. and by default necros skills are lower than sps and sorceror. but he can enchant em like u can .
It's true that attribute system is bugged (totally freaked up more like it) and has way more positive effect on Dark attacks than any other elemental attacks.


Quote from: lucifsg on February 16, 2010, 03:25:58 AM
why do u blabla so much on forums saying ur opinion about game since u dont play ? we know we r not nukers morron we never asked for nukes. all we say is that if hydroblast has 117 power and deathspike 117 they should hit the same nomatter if i have pet and tranfer pain or not. thats how ncsoft made it or u wanna power of skills to be changed as well ... ? basically u never was any good so pls stfu and keep ur opinion for ur self
It is "moron", moron.
And i DO play, i am just not a no-lifer like you.
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: WindPhoenix on February 16, 2010, 12:31:41 PM
It is "moron", moron.
And i DO play, i am just not a no-lifer like you.

KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: lucifsg on February 16, 2010, 01:00:11 AM
we dont use em cause they dont matter . whats the point of using fear when it never lands lol, same as mass slow. the vampirc attack gives back sh1t hp
and the pet dies in 2 hits. the bane is useless here due to potions.
what should be done is protections fs opening on imunity
oh yes right! so now i ask for boost for my he/pp, i have only buffs, stun shot never lands, hamstring never lands, im doing silly dmg with skills, i was tb/battle roar/war cry and mby smthing else, plx boost my char bcos it suck!
Quote from: trooperXkoki on February 16, 2010, 10:52:25 AM
coz sali have valakas(res fire) and need frinteza(res dark)
ungo-mungo ganja-manja  :P
nop, frintezza
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Sali on February 16, 2010, 03:00:39 PM
nop, frintezza
shhh! He knows better what you have and what you need.

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Ashlynn on February 16, 2010, 03:03:36 PM
shhh! He knows better what you have and what you need.
sorry.  :-[
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Nayfall - Magmeld Server - Aore Cardinal 99 / Genocide Clan Member
Irizar (Trick / SH) -> Hero x 2 (Bugged :D)
DraculeMihawk PAL/HE -> Hero x 3
Aziz -> ILuxx gift ;) Hero x 8 (Sold)


Quote from: Sali on February 16, 2010, 03:00:39 PM
nop, frintezza
Quote from: Ashlynn on February 16, 2010, 03:03:36 PM
shhh! He knows better what you have and what you need.
eat my cokc kido. ok u re 'TOP' pk...bots or l2w ...u noob b-grade
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: trooperXkoki on February 16, 2010, 05:04:38 PM
citereat my cokc kido. ok u re 'TOP' pk...bots or l2w ...u noob b-grade
hi attention whore!

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired