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About OLs,mages and gameplay. Track read it please



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About OLs,mages and gameplay. Track read it please

Started by Nobody, February 26, 2010, 11:27:20 PM

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Well as u might have noticed,mages are raping the shit out of anything and any1 these days.
1st of all,OLs drains are nonelemental and there is hardly a chance for anything to win vs a fullbuffed ol/ee for example,getting 1k normal hits and 4k crits by an OL on a full anti-mage buff is far away from normal,especially if u give just 1k crit in return.
Secondly,the lack of buffslots for fighters-its impossble to get a proper fighter buff including mages resistances atm,28 buffslots are not enough and the counter skill make it even more freaked up,when they activate 4 at a time.
On the other hand mages need 1st-fewer buffs to get fullbuffed,and 2-it takes 2x less slots to get buffed vs archers than mages.
Adding the recent SOF nerfs,the powerfull hb OL debuffs and the lowered archers dmg, we get a greatly unbalanced gameplay.
What we had some months ago -sort of a balance between mages archers and much longer pvps than now (4k 4k by ols on ur pt's bps and its all over) should be remade.

1)make ols drains dark attacks as in IL
2)reduce mages overall dmg OR give more range/dmg to archers
3)as track said 28 buffslot IS the max we can get,BUT there is other ways to reduce the needed buffslots.u could merge some buffs such as holy+elemental protection etc. ,move the counter buffs to the debuff bar,because thats what they are most of the time.

And for the flamers,im a fully equiped pr/sk with dnet boss set and icarus and i know how to buff and play so dont bother


Why it's always mages vs archers? Oh wait, cause all the other classes don't stand a chance on PvP vs mages/archers so that's why almost nobody plays them! Yay xd


Quote from: Nobody on February 26, 2010, 11:27:20 PM
Well as u might have noticed,mages are raping the shit out of anything and any1 these days.
1st of all,OLs drains are nonelemental and there is hardly a chance for anything to win vs a fullbuffed ol/ee for example,getting 1k normal hits and 4k crits by an OL on a full anti-mage buff is far away from normal,especially if u give just 1k crit in return.
Secondly,the lack of buffslots for fighters-its impossble to get a proper fighter buff including mages resistances atm,28 buffslots are not enough and the counter skill make it even more freaked up,when they activate 4 at a time.
On the other hand mages need 1st-fewer buffs to get fullbuffed,and 2-it takes 2x less slots to get buffed vs archers than mages.
Adding the recent SOF nerfs,the powerfull hb OL debuffs and the lowered archers dmg, we get a greatly unbalanced gameplay.
What we had some months ago -sort of a balance between mages archers and much longer pvps than now (4k 4k by ols on ur pt's bps and its all over) should be remade.

1)make ols drains dark attacks as in IL
2)reduce mages overall dmg OR give more range/dmg to archers
3)as track said 28 buffslot IS the max we can get,BUT there is other ways to reduce the needed buffslots.u could merge some buffs such as holy+elemental protection etc. ,move the counter buffs to the debuff bar,because thats what they are most of the time.

And for the flamers,im a fully equiped pr/sk with dnet boss set and icarus and i know how to buff and play so dont bother

maybe earth not dark


Quote from: Nobody on February 26, 2010, 11:27:20 PM
Well as u might have noticed,mages are raping the shit out of anything and any1 these days.
1st of all,OLs drains are nonelemental and there is hardly a chance for anything to win vs a fullbuffed ol/ee for example,getting 1k normal hits and 4k crits by an OL on a full anti-mage buff is far away from normal,especially if u give just 1k crit in return.
Secondly,the lack of buffslots for fighters-its impossble to get a proper fighter buff including mages resistances atm,28 buffslots are not enough and the counter skill make it even more freaked up,when they activate 4 at a time.
On the other hand mages need 1st-fewer buffs to get fullbuffed,and 2-it takes 2x less slots to get buffed vs archers than mages.
Adding the recent SOF nerfs,the powerfull hb OL debuffs and the lowered archers dmg, we get a greatly unbalanced gameplay.
What we had some months ago -sort of a balance between mages archers and much longer pvps than now (4k 4k by ols on ur pt's bps and its all over) should be remade.

1)make ols drains dark attacks as in IL
2)reduce mages overall dmg OR give more range/dmg to archers
3)as track said 28 buffslot IS the max we can get,BUT there is other ways to reduce the needed buffslots.u could merge some buffs such as holy+elemental protection etc. ,move the counter buffs to the debuff bar,because thats what they are most of the time.

And for the flamers,im a fully equiped pr/sk with dnet boss set and icarus and i know how to buff and play so dont bother



Quote from: Nobody on February 26, 2010, 11:27:20 PM
Well as u might have noticed,mages are raping the shit out of anything and any1 these days.
1st of all,OLs drains are nonelemental and there is hardly a chance for anything to win vs a fullbuffed ol/ee for example,getting 1k normal hits and 4k crits by an OL on a full anti-mage buff is far away from normal,especially if u give just 1k crit in return.
Secondly,the lack of buffslots for fighters-its impossble to get a proper fighter buff including mages resistances atm,28 buffslots are not enough and the counter skill make it even more freaked up,when they activate 4 at a time.
On the other hand mages need 1st-fewer buffs to get fullbuffed,and 2-it takes 2x less slots to get buffed vs archers than mages.
Adding the recent SOF nerfs,the powerfull hb OL debuffs and the lowered archers dmg, we get a greatly unbalanced gameplay.
What we had some months ago -sort of a balance between mages archers and much longer pvps than now (4k 4k by ols on ur pt's bps and its all over) should be remade.

1)make ols drains dark attacks as in IL
2)reduce mages overall dmg OR give more range/dmg to archers
3)as track said 28 buffslot IS the max we can get,BUT there is other ways to reduce the needed buffslots.u could merge some buffs such as holy+elemental protection etc. ,move the counter buffs to the debuff bar,because thats what they are most of the time.

And for the flamers,im a fully equiped pr/sk with dnet boss set and icarus and i know how to buff and play so dont bother

how about that OL attacks dont have attribute boost which doubled all other mage's damage and if they want to have attribute boost they have to enchant nukes on fire attack

besides why the hell its all just about archers vs mages which usually ends up at whining on forum about nerfing each other

pay some attention to ty/pal or ask why resist buffs lower damage only from dagger (2 resists make attribute in dagger useless) and mages and doesnt lower damage from bow attacks.
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on February 27, 2010, 01:58:48 AM
how about that OL attacks dont have attribute boost which doubled all other mage's damage and if they want to have attribute boost they have to enchant nukes on fire attack

besides why the hell its all just about archers vs mages which usually ends up at whining on forum about nerfing each other

pay some attention to ty/pal or ask why resist buffs lower damage only from dagger (2 resists make attribute in dagger useless) and mages and doesnt lower damage from bow attacks.
Its not just about mages/archers, its about Mages >all atm


Quote from: Furesy on February 27, 2010, 12:26:38 AM
Why it's always mages vs archers? Oh wait, cause all the other classes don't stand a chance on PvP vs mages/archers so that's why almost nobody plays them! Yay xd
cuz 70% of the servers populations are Archers and GMs should serve mainly to the majority =p
Salerano ~ PenaFuriqta ~
Team Severance


Quote from: mark_elesse on February 27, 2010, 10:57:01 AM
why dont you leave this shithole huh ? NM is a huge suckage, mages rolling everything, and you barerly can find a normal pvp.
the old good days are so far away, time to change to some other server mens:)

One more thing .... for now temps have only one enemy ally proud 1 pt of bh and 1 pt of resitance  and myb 1 pt of carebears.... after few mounths only temps ll play on this sserv :)
JACKSPARROWPL th/pp  |  Prototyp3 wc/bp  |  xMortalMagicx sps/ee 


Quote from: mortal on February 27, 2010, 01:01:26 PM
after few mounths only temps ll play on this sserv :)
after few months no1 ll play here, i saw a lot of my ally mates on arion :)
NM x30
Emek - ne/bp
iEmek - ne/pp
HeYYa - ne/da
xEmekx - bd/se
Skatawa - sps/ee
PokaCycki - ee/sws
NeedForWeed - ss/wk


Quote from: Furesy on February 27, 2010, 12:26:38 AM
Why it's always mages vs archers? Oh wait, cause all the other classes don't stand a chance on PvP vs mages/archers so that's why almost nobody plays them! Yay xd

Yeah... my thoughts exactly.

This so called "balance" only seems to nerf all other chars that doesn't fit into the "mages/archers" criteria to oblivion. My char is 1 nerf away from becoming worse then useless and it's all because of nerfs made to balance other chars.

And at the ppl complaining about ty/pal...... rly? That class has absolutely no practical use, even with the 4th buffslot book i doubt he could be in a party without having to rebuff every 3 mins with all the selfbuffs that char has.
And since it's a mutant it's already nerfed by not being able to get FS.

@Author OL/EE is immortal for as long as he has MP. You said you are pr/sk..... Mb use SoF? Veng? UD? He can only spam you for around 20 seconds with that drain before his mana runs out anyway.

But I do agree that buffing resists is absolutely impossible now... Even with all buffslots and every improve you can get, u barely have enough room for anything.

MB it's about time to delete all the P.def m.def p.atk m.atk pots from DN? They don't really serve a purpose anymore and they eat buffslots.....



Quote from: kidicarus on February 27, 2010, 06:18:08 PM
MB it's about time to delete all the P.def m.def p.atk m.atk pots from DN? They don't really serve a purpose anymore and they eat buffslots.....

Or have an extra slot for potions...
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"

