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Started by BeGood, March 01, 2010, 01:07:39 AM

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Quote from: Dhart on March 01, 2010, 04:57:11 PM
the way exists and it's even quite easy lol , frapsing feeders > reporting > ban ban ban xD is it so hard?xD...the real problem is that feeders are not forbidden...
and how ull prove its feeder not a player? wear it on a grade set and here u go... and what next? ull tell to ban all ppl in a grades at oly? nonsense...
Quote from: Dhart on March 01, 2010, 11:41:26 AM
sorry sali , stupid answer you gave him. It's known like water that olympiads in DN became pathetic...and still we gm's don't do a shit about it...
ofc, it is, just to point now its bit harder since Class based fights are removed, so u still have this some % of chance ull face true opponent not bot :P And well it wasnt that much stupid, its clear this dude somehow got butthurted by some of "fake heroes" so he came to forum screaming for justice, its a bit pathetic too :P
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Sali on March 02, 2010, 03:21:38 AMban all ppl in a grades at oly? nonsense...
i wear b grade on olly and i'm ok xD
doom set+7 on tank ftw
SK/PS - on x15 server since C2 ... ex-HERO /OFF
BP/DA - first on x15 /OFF
BD/SE - buff bot... /OFF
TH/PP - DF ninja /OFF
PR/WL - PWN-Dwarfie /RIP


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on March 01, 2010, 03:12:33 PM
I dont really get what your trying to say to be honest...

Anyways i dont play anymore, stoped being active at the end of c4 and stoped completly in interlude... But i was a hero in c4 times alot and transfering points always pissed me off, even if i catched some transfering guys and pwned them, but for that i needed to be online almost every day to be able to catch them... After c4 alot of people made tons of nobless bot chars, some people had over 5 chars nobless so transfering became really easy for them since everyone had lots of chars to transfer... If the quest would be longer and harder, almost nobody would make these quests with their bots to be able to transfer in oly right?

i dont think people make chars only for noble, i think its more players that stop player and other people has their accound and take their points, or some alt/buffer... i dont think someone take time to make a char ONLY for oly... at least not on infinity when its 5x

btw FDX... nice doom...  but dnet ftw :P


Quote from: BeGood on March 01, 2010, 01:07:39 AM
ok ppl 1 more month behind us, and once again we have a lot of nice heroes that I never even once saw on oly, is that really ok?
I mean, i can understand some little share of points, but omg now oly is like who have more chars with noblesse wins, this way normal ppl dont wanna join cause they now its no use, I really like this part of game and I would like it to be at least a little bit fair. Probably this post is uselless anyway, but still Im pissed of cause I worked hard for my points whole month and now I see im defeated by some noob I never even saw on arena. I wonder if its really impossible to stop these kinds of action, because no matter how U look at it its simply cheating, and gm should at least to do something about it.

U have to either make a good char(like bish/da, sps/ee etc) for oly and join all the time and be better than hero's


Choose a char that doesnt need many points for hero, get some friends to help you, i mean not only transfer but watching who's fighting and telling when to join and if ur lucky enough maybe one day ull become a hero. Thats how I had became a hero last month.


Quote from: GekKey on March 02, 2010, 10:37:46 AM
btw FDX... nice doom...  but dnet ftw :P
agree, but when you have no coins and no time and desire to farm anything doom is also ok... and its shield block is nice against prety much any fighter
SK/PS - on x15 server since C2 ... ex-HERO /OFF
BP/DA - first on x15 /OFF
BD/SE - buff bot... /OFF
TH/PP - DF ninja /OFF
PR/WL - PWN-Dwarfie /RIP


Quote from: Sali on March 02, 2010, 03:21:38 AM
and how ull prove its feeder not a player? wear it on a grade set and here u go... and what next? ull tell to ban all ppl in a grades at oly? nonsense...ofc, it is, just to point now its bit harder since Class based fights are removed, so u still have this some % of chance ull face true opponent not bot :P And well it wasnt that much stupid, its clear this dude somehow got butthurted by some of "fake heroes" so he came to forum screaming for justice, its a bit pathetic too :P
yeah , that would be an idea putting at least S grades ( normal ones not lame dinasty's/icarus... ) as minimum grade for oly
Quote from: Torek [IF] on June 08, 2010, 12:34:09 PM
Dhart è un gladiatore (all rights reserved to Dhart)


Quote from: Dhart on March 02, 2010, 02:26:49 PM
yeah , that would be an idea putting at least S grades ( normal ones not lame dinasty's/icarus... ) as minimum grade for oly

are you joking?
almost no mages use  MA set.. either DC (or tallum) or DNET
many fighters use NG or C grade robe sets for buffs....


Quote from: flamingAwe on March 02, 2010, 02:30:27 PM
are you joking?
almost no mages use  MA set.. either DC (or tallum) or DNET
many fighters use NG or C grade robe sets for buffs....
so the ones who fight in D grade , xD key?
Quote from: Torek [IF] on June 08, 2010, 12:34:09 PM
Dhart è un gladiatore (all rights reserved to Dhart)


No idea if it possible but my idea would be a IP registration.

Once you registered into oly with a char, your char name and IP is loged and you not able to log with another char on the same IP.
So you really need friends to help you in oly if you want to transfer but this also means they will fight.

If it is possible I guess it is hard work. I had something in mind like they have in WOW and their dungeons thingie.


Quote from: Spelly on March 03, 2010, 11:35:43 AM
No idea if it possible but my idea would be a IP registration.

Once you registered into oly with a char, your char name and IP is loged and you not able to log with another char on the same IP.
So you really need friends to help you in oly if you want to transfer but this also means they will fight.

If it is possible I guess it is hard work. I had something in mind like they have in WOW and their dungeons thingie.
Still...feeds organizations would ruin everything... the only possible thing is having a GM who bans OBVIOUS feeds...
Quote from: Torek [IF] on June 08, 2010, 12:34:09 PM
Dhart è un gladiatore (all rights reserved to Dhart)


Quote from: Dhart on March 03, 2010, 02:43:57 PM
Still...feeds organizations would ruin everything... the only possible thing is having a GM who bans OBVIOUS feeds...

Could you explain me in which way feeds would ruin it ? Please explain it like to a kid ^^ I only got a under average knowledge of feeds.
Because it is somehow intresting how a programm tricks another programm :o.

Thanks in advance if you have the time.


well, new update made feeding pretty hard task now xD
15 fights -> 50 fights
5 wins -> 30 wins