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About your so-called recap.



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About your so-called recap.

Started by thehunted, March 10, 2010, 02:49:19 PM

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Quote- Hellbound
- All areas in hellbound
- Hellbound quests
- Transformations
- All forgotten scrolls working
- Kamael fully working
- All dungeon raids working
- Hellbound skills working
- All Castles and fortresses working

You know these items on your recap list are still barely working on all other DN servers? For example you claim that all castle and fortresses will work. You mean this will work like on all other DN servers or as it should be, like on retail? Cause these are totally different things.
Flatline Delivery:



Quote from: thehunted on March 10, 2010, 02:49:19 PM
You know these items on your recap list are still barely working on all other DN servers? For example you claim that all castle and fortresses will work. You mean this will work like on all other DN servers or as it should be, like on retail? Cause these are totally different things.
Well castels will work as they are working curently on all other servers (except we might change time of sieges, we will see there is time for that), and about fortress out main concern is to make most of them siegeable and to make them worth something in a way that people have will to fight for them everything rest is just modifications who can be edited on the fly.


and what bout castle buffs/teleports/bracelets S/shits S and shirts enchanting to CP/MP/HP ,castle instant dungeons ? will it work some day ?


Quote from: -MichU- on March 10, 2010, 04:05:06 PM
and what bout castle buffs/teleports/bracelets S/shits S and shirts enchanting to CP/MP/HP ,castle instant dungeons ? will it work some day ?

Instanced dungeons (and therefor Bracelets, S grade shirts etc) are unseperatly linked to the castle/fortress relations. So unless an admin customizes a npc, you will never see any of these items ingame.
Flatline Delivery:



what about spawnpoint's/knight epaulette from castle/fortress guards, what about working rb's on HB(i mean tower)?

it's will by same Drake-mage-age aka sps/ee powa?

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D