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Started by Ber1l, March 16, 2010, 11:19:16 AM

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just to know....with all the problems we have with the other servers....what's the point to open another one?it's like someone who doesn't have the money for food and decide to buy a Porsche... ;D
DRAGON (Retired)
Beril    (Duelist/Hierophant)                    Off   6458  pvp
PrinceValiant   (Archmage/Evasaint))     Off  10684 pvp
AliGi  (Soultaker/Evasaint)                     Off    1980 pvp
F1atLux (Dominator/Doomcrier)             Off    ???? pvp


Quote from: Ber1l on March 16, 2010, 11:19:16 AM
just to know....with all the problems we have with the other servers....what's the point to open another one?it's like someone who doesn't have the money for food and decide to buy a Porsche... ;D
Hmm , looks like you didnt read all what we have written here, as we said we will try solve most of "problems", however what specific problems we are talking about here, saying problems is too general for me.


what is weird is that u said u helped drake as coder but there is a big lack of coding and common sense, we always have unbalanced/bugged  stuff for monthes till this get fixed and then some other bugs show up.
Bourrin - Catseye - Eyestac - Bourr1n - Ouga -
Jibito - Pussyfr0mHell


Quote from: Torn on March 16, 2010, 12:23:46 PM
Hmm , looks like you didnt read all what we have written here, as we said we will try solve most of "problems", however what specific problems we are talking about here, saying problems is too general for me.

againi i'll try to repeat...what i mean is: maybe this server is the heaven but wha's the point to open a new one while dragon (my server) is dying?
DRAGON (Retired)
Beril    (Duelist/Hierophant)                    Off   6458  pvp
PrinceValiant   (Archmage/Evasaint))     Off  10684 pvp
AliGi  (Soultaker/Evasaint)                     Off    1980 pvp
F1atLux (Dominator/Doomcrier)             Off    ???? pvp


Quote from: bourrin on March 16, 2010, 01:10:21 PM
what is weird is that u said u helped drake as coder but there is a big lack of coding and common sense, we always have unbalanced/bugged  stuff for monthes till this get fixed and then some other bugs show up.

it reminds me previous spin offs of DN servers.. shadow, judgement, luna.. etc.. ops they're all dead :P


Quotewhat specific problems we are talking about here

I think you already know about this problems, but here are them:
-Custom armors, weapons(only donateable).
-Donate system(tradeable donator coins, OE and boss jewel donates)
-Nerfs. If you nerf a character, there will be another, what is too strong, and you have to nerf again, and again, and again. Like on other servers. Its simple. Delete mutants, and there arent so overpowered characters, a mage without tank sub will be free frag for a full buffed archer, but archer will loose vs a mage with tank sub. Ofc only if you are enough skilled. Deal with it.
-Adena bug freaked up the economy of other servers. The enchant event was a slap to the shit, dont try things like this, if a exploit happen, just make a rollback, or delete the exploited adena/items.
-Corruption. When a clan take a castle with 3 sec cresting time... Ok, bugs can happen. But when on a siege all ppl from 1 side get mass crit error... And only from 1 side... Pls, dont say it was bugs, cause it wasnt.

I think its all, here are the bigest problems, why the other servers died.

On the road again. :D


Quote from: Ber1l on March 16, 2010, 03:06:03 PM
againi i'll try to repeat...what i mean is: maybe this server is the heaven but wha's the point to open a new one while dragon (my server) is dying?

maby bcoz NM is already dead ,  maby ppl who left will move there and start everything from zero   ;)

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


Quote from: Toszi on March 16, 2010, 03:59:14 PM
I think you already know about this problems, but here are them:
-Custom armors, weapons(only donateable).
-Donate system(tradeable donator coins, OE and boss jewel donates)
-Nerfs. If you nerf a character, there will be another, what is too strong, and you have to nerf again, and again, and again. Like on other servers. Its simple. Delete mutants, and there arent so overpowered characters, a mage without tank sub will be free frag for a full buffed archer, but archer will loose vs a mage with tank sub. Ofc only if you are enough skilled. Deal with it.
-Adena bug freaked up the economy of other servers. The enchant event was a slap to the shit, dont try things like this, if a exploit happen, just make a rollback, or delete the exploited adena/items.
-Corruption. When a clan take a castle with 3 sec cresting time... Ok, bugs can happen. But when on a siege all ppl from 1 side get mass crit error... And only from 1 side... Pls, dont say it was bugs, cause it wasnt.

I think its all, here are the bigest problems, why the other servers died.
Thats the point man, we will fight all those problems you mentioned above, so have no worrys.

Quote from: kang on March 16, 2010, 03:38:01 PM
it reminds me previous spin offs of DN servers.. shadow, judgement, luna.. etc.. ops they're all dead :P
Maybe, but they died cause of other reasons which will never happen on Valkyria.  (reminder: Shadow=wasnt in charge of drake , Luna was test server from start never ment to be a real server and Judgment had a  bad menagment team)

Quote from: Ber1l on March 16, 2010, 03:06:03 PM
againi i'll try to repeat...what i mean is: maybe this server is the heaven but wha's the point to open a new one while dragon (my server) is dying?

So why we shouldnt open the new server ? Just because your server dieing (even i think is not dieing with 2,5k players online) ???
However we have learned some menagment GM-s mistakes, so you dont need to worry we gonna repeat them.
Quote from: bourrin on March 16, 2010, 01:10:21 PM
what is weird is that u said u helped drake as coder but there is a big lack of coding and common sense, we always have unbalanced/bugged  stuff for monthes till this get fixed and then some other bugs show up.

We are not gods to claim we wont have some bugs here and there, but we promise a constant fixes and balances on the fly and we will write each time a progress and real ETA of some fix, be sure on this one.
Quote from: PainMaster on March 16, 2010, 05:04:17 PM
maby bcoz NM is already dead ,  maby ppl who left will move there and start everything from zero   ;)
Looks like you are type of dude who like deatha lot, since i dont know how u can call someone dead with 800 people online playing it, and 4-5k players in whole network, but i wont judge your opinions since they are irelevant to me.


Quote from: Toszi on March 16, 2010, 03:59:14 PM
-Corruption. When a clan take a castle with 3 sec cresting time... Ok, bugs can happen. But when on a siege all ppl from 1 side get mass crit error... And only from 1 side... Pls, dont say it was bugs, cause it wasnt.

Are you such a dinosaurus or this didn't happen just once few years ago on one of the first sieges on Shadow? =D
Shaileena - Atlant1s
Revan - † Blades †


Quote from: Barnie on March 16, 2010, 10:01:38 PM
Are you such a dinosaurus or this didn't happen just once few years ago on one of the first sieges on Shadow? =D

It happend on nightmare too, not 1 time. ;)

On the road again. :D


Quote from: Torn on March 16, 2010, 08:47:23 PM
looks like you are type of dude who like deatha lot, since i dont know how u can call someone dead with 800 people online playing it, and 4-5k players in whole network, but i wont judge your opinions since they are irelevant to me.

being GM dont mean u know everything...

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


QuoteThats the point man, we will fight all those problems you mentioned above, so have no worrys.

I forgot something. On other DN servers have an idiot rule. You cant buff and heal the rbs, if im right(i dont played here ~1,5 year ago). Its a realy dumb idea. In C4 times, there was many awesome pvp for raids, but this rule killed it. Let ppl to buff/heal rbs, its an important tactic in pvps for rbs, and nobody cares about farmers, who cry cause of it.

On the road again. :D