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Its new Month! - Vote!

Started by Biolo_idiota, April 01, 2010, 10:26:51 AM

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Quote from: Furesy on April 03, 2010, 04:36:50 PM
Ah yes, it takes skill to pull a trigger.

can u do it ? hmm ....  take a look to mans eyes, he begg u dont do it pls ....  can u be like me ? u dont need skill for pull trigger, but u need the will to sleep with it. if i ever do anything wrong ever i would never sleep but hey! i sleep like a baby!

@scary  muslims control my country :D ?haha! what a joke!
i mentioned history cos that was tiume when turky had war vs serbia, i n newr history no so i cant name it, and yes as i told 1 serbian soldier > 15 turkish , and as i tld u may have numbers but i dont have skills ^^
and we got strongest army in region , next to us is army of bulgaria , curreently we hire 40  thousand proffesional soldiers and aproxim 60 000  regualr soldier /wo command counter (officiers & logistic ) , how much soldiers curently hire ? u got 20 000  soldiers! that is  cos u are member of nato i beleive and that is limit for every member of nato :D
EvE> KMV - Tepir -Amarr


Quote from: zule88 on April 03, 2010, 06:17:59 PM
can u do it ? hmm ....  take a look to mans eyes, he begg u dont do it pls ....  can u be like me ? u dont need skill for pull trigger, but u need the will to sleep with it. if i ever do anything wrong ever i would never sleep but hey! i sleep like a baby!
I wouldn't know, yet I see no honor of any kind in pulling a trigger and ending another man's life by doing so. Ever a one year old is capable of pulling a trigger and taking a life, whether he/she will understand the coinciquences of what he/she just did or not. It takes skill? Willpower? Hah no, just mere ignorance and maybe a little stupidity to do so, especially seeing you admit you killed others yet sleep fine, says enough I think.

You wish to kill with skill though? Take sword in hand and fight an opponent in a one-on-one, will see who wins.


Quote from: zule88 on April 03, 2010, 06:17:59 PM
can u do it ? hmm ....  take a look to mans eyes, he begg u dont do it pls ....  can u be like me ? u dont need skill for pull trigger, but u need the will to sleep with it. if i ever do anything wrong ever i would never sleep but hey! i sleep like a baby!

@scary  muslims control my country :D ?haha! what a joke!
i mentioned history cos that was tiume when turky had war vs serbia, i n newr history no so i cant name it, and yes as i told 1 serbian soldier > 15 turkish , and as i tld u may have numbers but i dont have skills ^^
and we got strongest army in region , next to us is army of bulgaria , curreently we hire 40  thousand proffesional soldiers and aproxim 60 000  regualr soldier /wo command counter (officiers & logistic ) , how much soldiers curently hire ? u got 20 000  soldiers! that is  cos u are member of nato i beleive and that is limit for every member of nato :D

You know, a 'friend' (even though saying "hi" cannot be counted as a friendship, but I am lazy to find any other words) of mine is dangerously alike you.

He has a green brainwashed brain, loves nothing more than army, nobody really likes him much but he is pain in the ass and nobody can get rid of him. He likes to talk about stupid army craps (such as which motherfreaking gun shoots better and how many soapy soaps he picked up on his last mission), especially when he is not spoken to and when the topic is completely different. He has almost no 'real' friends except those who he had met in the army and those are just like him. Yet, he always come uninvited without any useful word to say, just to act like a true champ, while spreading the awful stupidity and ignorance which makes everyone whose IQ is over 15 want to puke.

You must be twins. Seriously.

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Furesy on April 03, 2010, 06:32:15 PM
I wouldn't know, yet I see no honor of any kind in pulling a trigger and ending another man's life by doing so. Ever a one year old is capable of pulling a trigger and taking a life, whether he/she will understand the coinciquences of what he/she just did or not. It takes skill? Willpower? Hah no, just mere ignorance and maybe a little stupidity to do so, especially seeing you admit you killed others yet sleep fine, says enough I think.

You wish to kill with skill though? Take sword in hand and fight an opponent in a one-on-one, will see who wins.

those times of chest to chest combat is over, i cant go with sword rofl ( i would take an axe instead ) vs sniper , greande launcher etc etc?   u tell me u would go ??? with sword  vs gun ?  k...

ok no honor in taking other mans life ?? what about muslims ?  they got honor ? i did not start anything but for sure il finish it , that guy i see in crosshair killed my brother wife, daughter, son , father , he is not innocent, he is in my backyard, with blood on his hands and gun in hands, so i watch him continue what he do ?? would u ??? imagine that! hes pressence there is threat for ur life, its not a game its freaking real! u protect your self, protect brother next to u, u are willing to die in achiving that goal!!!! they come with that in mind ! they know they will die! they arent friendly and they are on my territory!!! they want war!!! if they did not want it they would never come here! can u get it man ??? i did not call them! i did not provoke but yet they are here plundering destroying temples odl, 1400 years!! why ??? i let them do that ?? u joke now right ?? just answer on this do i let them ? its all i ask
EvE> KMV - Tepir -Amarr


Quote from: Ashlynn on April 03, 2010, 06:44:08 PM
You know, a 'friend' (even though saying "hi" cannot be counted as a friendship, but I am lazy to find any other words) of mine is dangerously alike you.

He has a green brainwashed brain, loves nothing more than army, nobody really likes him much but he is pain in the ass and nobody can get rid of him. He likes to talk about stupid army craps (such as which motherfreaking gun shoots better and how many soapy soaps he picked up on his last mission), especially when he is not spoken to and when the topic is completely different. He has almost no 'real' friends except those who he had met in the army and those are just like him. Yet, he always come uninvited without any useful word to say, just to act like a true champ, while spreading the awful stupidity and ignorance which makes everyone whose IQ is over 15 want to puke.

You must be twins. Seriously.

actually i speak 4 languages +mother launguage , in my company iv got doctors with 5 times larger IQ than ur own , my liutenant god 20 years of education , warfare has doctrines , stupid ppl ?  with 15 IQ ? i see u know alot about it. Genius people lead in wars! i have a guy who have photogrpahic memory! he can remember all in 4 seconds! can u do it ? yup 15 IQ , how much languages u speak ? 1 ?  2 ?  i know much more than u ever will, i can survive anything with only a knife, what can u do ? dont make me laugh lols , go sitt to ur car and grab a beer , cos u got better friend that i do :D yes all my friends serve in army, 1 is doctor, other is has PD in electronics, other is engineer , third traveled entire globe, but hell! they arent people cos ur friend know how to open beer with his eye! oh mannn!!! ur friend pwn!
EvE> KMV - Tepir -Amarr


Quote from: zule88 on April 03, 2010, 06:52:36 PM
those times of chest to chest combat is over, i cant go with sword rofl ( i would take an axe instead ) vs sniper , greande launcher etc etc?   u tell me u would go ??? with sword  vs gun ?  k...

ok no honor in taking other mans life ?? what about muslims ?  they got honor ? i did not start anything but for sure il finish it , that guy i see in crosshair killed my brother wife, daughter, son , father , he is not innocent, he is in my backyard, with blood on his hands and gun in hands, so i watch him continue what he do ?? would u ??? imagine that! hes pressence there is threat for ur life, its not a game its freaking real! u protect your self, protect brother next to u, u are willing to die in achiving that goal!!!! they come with that in mind ! they know they will die! they arent friendly and they are on my territory!!! they want war!!! if they did not want it they would never come here! can u get it man ??? i did not call them! i did not provoke but yet they are here plundering destroying temples odl, 1400 years!! why ??? i let them do that ?? u joke now right ?? just answer on this do i let them ? its all i ask
You fail to understand the point, but I expected nothing less from you. No, going with a sword vs a sniper is not a smart thing to do. Yet I fail to see any honor or skill in fighting with guns and such, but well, too many people in this world share the common misconception as you and merely want to fight, and they will use the tools our age provides them, whether it is any good or not.

But yes, fighting for your country or freedom is nothing bad, as long as the ends justify the means. Yet... There's no need to talk like it is something grand what you are doing, something special, something that takes skill, because it is not. Chase a dog into a corner and he will bark louder then he ever did, it's nature, nothing special.

War is war, something stupid and senseless, wrong from both sides, do what you must, no need to share that here though, or let alone brag about it. lol


zule u cant explain to ppls from west what life is around us and i dont wish to any1 of them to fell it

ne mora bre da im objasnues sta je...svi su noobove zemaju po xxxx eura vo jedan mesac...mi trebamo da radimo celu godinu za tie pari
ovie ne znaat sta je reallife...reallife je mnogu surov nija bas life :D
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: zule88 on April 03, 2010, 06:57:47 PM
actually i speak 4 languages +mother launguage
If those 4 languages are on the same level as your English is, please don't count them.

Quotein my company iv got doctors with 5 times larger IQ than ur own , my liutenant god 20 years of education , warfare has doctrines , stupid ppl ?  with 15 IQ ? i see u know alot about it. Genius people lead in wars! i have a guy who have photogrpahic memory! he can remember all in 4 seconds! can u do it ?
Thanks for letting me know, not that I care, but anyway.. I am sincerely not interested at all how smart are your pals, employees, call them as you wish. Genius people don't lead a wars. Genius people are those, who make you believe you are fighting for something more than their own money. Whether it is one of those Gods, freedom or whatever...

Quoteyup 15 IQ , how much languages u speak ? 1 ?  2 ?  i know much more than u ever will, i can survive anything with only a knife, what can u do ? dont make me laugh lols , go sitt to ur car and grab a beer , cos u got better friend that i do :D yes all my friends serve in army, 1 is doctor, other is has PD in electronics, other is engineer , third traveled entire globe, but hell! they arent people cos ur friend know how to open beer with his eye! oh mannn!!! ur friend pwn!
Thanks for asking, I speak just 3 languages and my native language, but I really can speak them, not like you with your twisted and warped form of English.
With the hilarious ending you just proved my point that you are just not capable of understanding.

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: trooperXkoki on April 03, 2010, 07:07:46 PM
zule u cant explain to ppls from west what life is around us and i dont wish to any1 of them to fell it

ne mora bre da im objasnues sta je...svi su noobove zemaju po xxxx eura vo jedan mesac...mi trebamo da radimo celu godinu za tie pari
ovie ne znaat sta je reallife...reallife je mnogu surov nija bas life :D

ma znam bre kome da objasnis .... kada njemu bude siptar dosao na vrata pobio i oteo sve ce se seti  da smo mi pricali a nije veravao .....  

@furesy , u will never understand it, 1 day but i hope it will never happend, somebody will come to ur doors, kill everything and burn everything , u will not look in weapon with hate, u will look in gun as savior, a holly grail that was sent by god to protect u and the ones u love . u cant understand , u are pacifist, but remember . And yes we are barkling from our ass off , but we bite also, wounded best is more dangerous than ordinary one. But when day come and those people that are here now, u think they stop ?  conqerers never stop! 1 day they will be at yours doors step ! u will remember! hell ....  some people cant see that pppl like me and my country are safe belt btwen u and them! w/e i will not try to explain anything anymore!

About this muslims trying to justify thers action and make us guilthy one , keep in mind, they are in my country, i am not in thers country. In every country on this world i can shoot even president if he is trasspasing , this is not different . its self deffence .
EvE> KMV - Tepir -Amarr


Quote from: Ashlynn on April 03, 2010, 07:15:57 PM
If those 4 languages are on the same level as your English is, please don't count them.
Thanks for letting me know, not that I care, but anyway.. I am sincerely not interested at all how smart are your pals, employees, call them as you wish. Genius people don't lead a wars. Genius people are those, who make you believe you are fighting for something more than their own money. Whether it is one of those Gods, freedom or whatever...

Thanks for asking, I speak just 3 languages and my native language, but I really can speak them, not like you with your twisted and warped form of English.
With the hilarious ending you just proved my point that you are just not capable of understanding.

i dont even try to understand u , they dont persueded me anything , their money?  i fight to stop rats like u penetrate more in my country! what monay u talking about ???  u are here trying to kill burn destroy everything i know!!!! what money u talk about asswipe ??? i would never put my arm on u if u stayed where u are now!! kepp ur retarded ass out of my country and we are all happy!  retard, this was last topic replyed u, cya
EvE> KMV - Tepir -Amarr


Quote from: zule88 on April 03, 2010, 07:24:23 PM
i dont even try to understand u , they dont persueded me anything , their money?  i fight to stop rats like u penetrate more in my country! what monay u talking about ???  u are here trying to kill burn destroy everything i know!!!! what money u talk about asswipe ??? i would never put my arm on u if u stayed where u are now!! kepp ur retarded ass out of my country and we are all happy!  retard, this was last topic replyed u, cya
Oh sweetie you still don't know that the one and only worldwide worshiped God is money? ... You don't remember that even the almighty God needed money back in the middle age? Ever heard about Churches selling the indulgences? "Your sins may be forgiven! All you need to do is buy this piece of shit and God will have mercy on your souls!" How very pathetic.

Go fight your wars against Muslims, tiger. During the middle age Christian crusades tried to convert people to Christianity and it was ok for you. Now Muslims are doing the very same thing and they deserve to die. Sort of hypocrisy, isn't it? And all of that in the name of some invisible guy sitting on a cloud, called God.

You (together with all religious fanatics) are the very best example of the mind-freaking power that religion has over the people.

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired