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again cross race subs ? (mutants)



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again cross race subs ? (mutants)

Started by happysad, March 22, 2010, 09:39:07 PM

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in anounc. they wrote that will be "special sub system" so im guessing will be difrent than normal subs like other servers.
I love play weak chars <3


Quote from: Sanncheeez on March 22, 2010, 09:50:48 PM
in anounc. they wrote that will be "special sub system" so im guessing will be difrent than normal subs like other servers.

on normal server weren't cross race subs like on 15x. I just want know there will by sub system like on old dn server or new one w/o criss race shits.


Quote from: torn
Hi, thanks for the votes and comments regarding whether or not to keep the dn sub system. As you can see from the results the sub system will stay, however we are implementing a new sub system that will be different to the other existing servers.

I love play weak chars <3


GEEEEEEEEEEEZ, that it'll be diffrent than normal dn subsystem doesn't mean they change (delete posibility to make them) mutants, right?
+1 For question, I'm also looking fowarf for answer.



Quote from: Kerth on March 22, 2010, 10:46:41 PM
GEEEEEEEEEEEZ, that it'll be diffrent than normal dn subsystem doesn't mean they change (delete posibility to make them) mutants, right?
+1 For question, I'm also looking fowarf for answer.


a ja to P@#$%^&le zdejmuje kominare gdy ide na robote!

ok so torn explain for us . ;p
I love play weak chars <3


xd Sanczez ty jesteśmocny (jak to ten którego pamiętam z dfk na dragonie), jak coś dopierdzielisz to można paść :)

Yes, could any gm set more info for us about new sub system (don't need details, just info like will there be mutants or something else etc)? If you can, thanks.


Quote from: Kerth on March 22, 2010, 11:16:11 PM
xd Sanczez ty jesteśmocny (jak to ten którego pamiętam z dfk na dragonie), jak coś dopierdzielisz to można paść :)

Yes, could any gm set more info for us about new sub system (don't need details, just info like will there be mutants or something else etc)? If you can, thanks.
owszem to ja :) z kim mam przyjemność? ^^
I love play weak chars <3



i would keep pp/bd makeable bcz it's a pure support.
Nightmare 30x :
M1RO - De/Wc
H0GAN - De/Ty
Frintezza 20x :
M1RO - De/Ty

I'm nothing but a lone wolf, misunderstood and labeled to be dangerous.


Quote from: M1RO on March 23, 2010, 12:24:12 PM
i would keep pp/bd makeable bcz it's a pure support.
Agree. Noone want mutants, neither do I, though idea of subbing pp or wc into sws or bd sounds reasonable.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 01, 2014, 10:16:44 AM
There will be no armors nor weapons at donny. Spoil/craft them.


Quote from: M1RO on March 23, 2010, 12:24:12 PM
i would keep pp/bd makeable bcz it's a pure support.

No wai !

at least peoples wont farm everything alone with their bots..

Also i would make dualboxes not allowed,but it will never happen i guess
Nightmare x30
Grosse - Necro/PP

Valkyria x9