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no NPC to leave monster track?



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no NPC to leave monster track?

Started by Jedimindpimp, March 31, 2010, 01:01:53 AM

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I was on my char Bigsack0weed on dragon server and thought I'd checkout the Monster track to see if I could find some familar faces and realized noone is here, and I am now stuck at the track.
There is no track manager NPC to let me leave the track and return to town.
If a GM could relocate me outside of the track it'd be great, I dunno if everyone knows about this or if its a new bug
PPL BEWARE OF THE MonsterTrack and GM plz help!


Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


no soe or unstuck just puts me right back in monster track
I need GM to move me or some creative thinking involving trading a summon stone to me then someone summons me outside, (dunno if I can trade through the wall, or if the skills working been outta game a while... who can summon a OL or WK? anyone have one that can help)
I love this game, GMs plz read this fast and help I miss playing this is like jail


Quote from: Jedimindpimp on March 31, 2010, 01:26:51 AM
no soe or unstuck just puts me right back in monster track
I need GM to move me or some creative thinking involving trading a summon stone to me then someone summons me outside, (dunno if I can trade through the wall, or if the skills working been outta game a while... who can summon a OL or WK? anyone have one that can help)
I love this game, GMs plz read this fast and help I miss playing this is like jail
well if unstuck doesn't work, just tell someone to bring you SoE to Clan Hall/Castle or any PS/WK/ES/WC to summon you. That should do the trick ;)

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


can any summoners or WC help me get outta the monster track I am there now pm Bigsack0weed,
GM's please help I have been outta game for over 6 months and this is my first day back on DN and I am screwing up one of my chars please help asap


Yay! I got someone to summon me out but the monster track is still a jail cell beware!


it's been like this for over a month
and at least on 2 servers (nm+infi), have no idea, how it is on dragon
and dev team has it in an ass, so just go there....


Unfortunately derby has been that for a while.... Since about the same time they re-opened Coliseum.
