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Started by Biolo_idiota, April 01, 2010, 10:26:51 AM

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Quote from: zule88 on April 02, 2010, 12:22:05 AM
we shall come for Kosovo and u will run, like u did 1999
where they went??? -.-
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: zule88 on April 02, 2010, 02:18:08 AM
unleast Russia dont make wars cos of resources as some cancer type people does ^^
Ye, it doesn't.
It makes them to show off or w/o any reason.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Quote from: 48Bit on April 02, 2010, 01:07:17 PM
Ye, it doesn't.
It makes them to show off or w/o any reason.

how much wars Russia started in last 50 years?  and how much USA made ??  rofl ! everything Russia did was Reaction to USA action, nuclear development , Space exploration, Mility show off .....  everything USA did and Russia must co-respond, u know expression that good exist with evil .......  negativ and positive .... USA is coutry where are in 17 century or was it 18 , all worse, or worse scum from UK , France, Holland, Belgium come there, prisoners to work, slaves, worse from the worse , evolution is ruined there.... evolution is killing bad individues during longer periods of time..... when u get bad man and good women , they got baby, most likely she will get gens from mother, cos it gives greater % for specie to continue, that is how evolution works, In USA everybody was scum and bad, u cant good in any nar future from there, evolution cant refine that, while in Russia evolution is refining last 2500 years ..... sooooo conclusion, Russian are higher, durable, and apsolutely more valuable race than USA , Same goes with Norway, Finalnd, Germany, Italy , Serbia ...... Eu race is above all other Races on this world , only Japs and Chinese are near there ..... its prooved by Darvin, and its a fact not a theory . USA made God knows how much no reason wars, Russia made none , Entire world Hate USA , who hate Russia ? only muslims and USA .
EvE> KMV - Tepir -Amarr


Quote from: zule88 on April 02, 2010, 01:32:29 PM
how much wars Russia started in last 50 years?  and how much USA made ??  rofl ! everything Russia did was Reaction to USA action, nuclear development , Space exploration, Mility show off .....  everything USA did and Russia must co-respond, u know expression that good exist with evil .......  negativ and positive .... USA is coutry where are in 17 century or was it 18 , all worse, or worse scum from UK , France, Holland, Belgium come there, prisoners to work, slaves, worse from the worse , evolution is ruined there.... evolution is killing bad individues during longer periods of time..... when u get bad man and good women , they got baby, most likely she will get gens from mother, cos it gives greater % for specie to continue, that is how evolution works, In USA everybody was scum and bad, u cant good in any nar future from there, evolution cant refine that, while in Russia evolution is refining last 2500 years ..... sooooo conclusion, Russian are higher, durable, and apsolutely more valuable race than USA , Same goes with Norway, Finalnd, Germany, Italy , Serbia ...... Eu race is above all other Races on this world , only Japs and Chinese are near there ..... its prooved by Darvin, and its a fact not a theory . USA made God knows how much no reason wars, Russia made none , Entire world Hate USA , who hate Russia ? only muslims and USA .
i didnt say a word about USA, i dont like them also, especially Bush.
but about reacting to USA actions/exploration/development u r totally wrong!
Latest history: 2008 South Ossetia war - russians explorating space there, ye? none, u say...
About hate. U forgot every country, where russia put its nose also. russia still cant live with knowing ussr is no more. Tho, their politics is kinda similar & they've still  totalitarian rule.

An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines normally contradictory  terms. They appear in a variety of contexts, including inadvertent errors such as extremely average, deliberate puns like same difference, and literary oxymorons that have been crafted to reveal a paradox. Examples: Cold sun; Living Dead; Russian Peacemakers.

About 'Eu race is above all other Races on this world' - pretty close to "aryan race".
u r freaking nazi tbh!

So, stop smoking that shit & licking so deeply.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Quote from: 48Bit on April 02, 2010, 02:23:38 PM
i didnt say a word about USA, i dont like them also, especially Bush.
but about reacting to USA actions/exploration/development u r totally wrong!
Latest history: 2008 South Ossetia war - russians explorating space there, ye? none, u say...
About hate. U forgot every country, where russia put its nose also. russia still cant live with knowing ussr is no more. Tho, their politics is kinda similar & they've still  totalitarian rule.

An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines normally contradictory  terms. They appear in a variety of contexts, including inadvertent errors such as extremely average, deliberate puns like same difference, and literary oxymorons that have been crafted to reveal a paradox. Examples: Cold sun; Living Dead; Russian Peacemakers.

About 'Eu race is above all other Races on this world' - pretty close to "aryan race".
u r freaking nazi tbh!

So, stop smoking that shit & licking so deeply.


about that i am nazi i wouldnt call it that way, i just my put my Race to #1 after all others, i put my country mans to #1 after all others , i am nathinalist who love its country . Nazi ? lol

u think other countries in this world have free speach ??  ahahaha! u got free speach zones, u cant go vs rulling oposition in UK , in France, IN usa, in all moders superpowers!! its false democracy where puppet masters rulle, not the nation  , u need to open ur eyes!
tell me , who invested wolrd bigest investion ever in 4 decade of 20 century for devolompent of nucrlear bomb ???? and use w/o any reason ????? rusia or usa ?????  who killed 200 thousand japs for no reason\ ??  they was allready defeated!  u speak about experiments ???? USa goverment hired foreign counries to make human testings! wanna speak about AIDS ? qq clan ?  h1n1 ? h1n5 ? Sars  ? Variola Vera ? Vietnam ?? Iraqe ???  u speak about monstrosity ????? everything Russia created in militry/science /nuclear development was reaction, attempt to make balance, u want imagine world with  USA as only country with nuclear arsenal ??  u think it will be different from middle age tyrany ? i bet it wouldn't , and yea its good u hate Nush but put ur finger on forhead and think! does 90 % of people who know who Bush is hate him ? how much people hate Putin ?  War in Osetia ?? is was for perseving Russia!!! its on border with Russia!! direct threat!!!! USA make wars in iraqe, kosovo, bosnia, vietnam , Panama , Columbia  wtfff ???? are they threats for USA ?  or USA only want thers resources?  army base there ?? if u are not blind u can see that players are moving chess figures on the board......
EvE> KMV - Tepir -Amarr



Lets go back to voting.

I dont think that any of your statments and arguments will change the fact that

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBSdEwucpxA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBSdEwucpxA)

I cant say that Muslims arent cancer, you are right but lets stop here. Not all and not each..
They just have some hell lot of GayLords coming to our land and doing shit like that.. ok

Adena Plix.


Quote from: Biolo_idiota on April 02, 2010, 04:32:44 PM

Lets go back to voting.

I dont think that any of your statments and arguments will change the fact that

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBSdEwucpxA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBSdEwucpxA)

I cant say that Muslims arent cancer, you are right but lets stop here. Not all and not each..
They just have some hell lot of GayLords coming to our land and doing shit like that.. ok

i soooo dont like ur post . either the video or any of pictures .

about video
Fact is Russia invaded signle country in last 50 years and thats big deal ?  what about 9 countries USA invaded and made puppets?
Fact is that USA got 1600 more gay couples  than Russia
Fact is that is USA Gay Marriage is legal
Fact is that USA losted all wars they started
EvE> KMV - Tepir -Amarr


hello racist, im muslim , plx  meet me and i`ll show you  what muslims can do  retarted prick

ps : i know ur hurted about Moscow, since im not from Russia , im hurted also , why u blame All muslims  ? do u think its their fault ?  u `ll should blame trrorist  , even im turk( muslim)  we are againts terrorist`s .. so next time think before u write smth..
Carebears,BlackHand - 15x,30x
 sc4ry  , c0t ,  CrystalTear  ,  sc4rry , Phenomen
Since 2005


Quote from: zule88 on April 02, 2010, 03:20:01 PM
about that i am nazi i wouldnt call it that way, i just my put my Race to #1 after all others, i put my country mans to #1 after all others , i am nathinalist who love its country . Nazi ? lol

u think other countries in this world have free speach ??  ahahaha! u got free speach zones, u cant go vs rulling oposition in UK , in France, IN usa, in all moders superpowers!! its false democracy where puppet masters rulle, not the nation  , u need to open ur eyes!
tell me , who invested wolrd bigest investion ever in 4 decade of 20 century for devolompent of nucrlear bomb ???? and use w/o any reason ????? rusia or usa ?????  who killed 200 thousand japs for no reason\ ??  they was allready defeated!  u speak about experiments ???? USa goverment hired foreign counries to make human testings! wanna speak about AIDS ? qq clan ?  h1n1 ? h1n5 ? Sars  ? Variola Vera ? Vietnam ?? Iraqe ???  u speak about monstrosity ????? everything Russia created in militry/science /nuclear development was reaction, attempt to make balance, u want imagine world with  USA as only country with nuclear arsenal ??  u think it will be different from middle age tyrany ? i bet it wouldn't , and yea its good u hate Nush but put ur finger on forhead and think! does 90 % of people who know who Bush is hate him ? how much people hate Putin ?  War in Osetia ?? is was for perseving Russia!!! its on border with Russia!! direct threat!!!! USA make wars in iraqe, kosovo, bosnia, vietnam , Panama , Columbia  wtfff ???? are they threats for USA ?  or USA only want thers resources?  army base there ?? if u are not blind u can see that players are moving chess figures on the board......
Did i say smth about USA? U r just pointing there by every sentence u say. Also u say too many non connected bs tbh.
Kinda no point arguing with u

Nationalism is good, but u got too low in common with it. u r just nazi.
From what u say everywhere we can see u dont belong to any higher race, but to lowest (or its not about race, but just 1 individual - you)
Quote from: Biolo_idiota on April 02, 2010, 04:32:44 PM

My last reply.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Quote from: scary on April 02, 2010, 05:08:24 PM
hello racist, im muslim , plx  meet me and i`ll show you  what muslims can do  retarted prick

You find muslims a race? Ok ..

Love the fact how peacefull muslims are. Just as I said each religion has some realy freaked up guys, but lets face it muslims are kind'a leading the run. (if it comes to %)


http://islamistwatch.files.wordpress.com/2007/03/peace-sign_suicide_bomber_belt.PNG <-- Can you see the irony?
Adena Plix.


Quote from: Biolo_idiota on April 02, 2010, 05:13:53 PM
You find muslims a race? Ok ..

Love the fact how peacefull muslims are. Just as I said each religion has some realy freaked up guys, but lets face it muslims are kind'a leading the run. (if it comes to %)


http://islamistwatch.files.wordpress.com/2007/03/peace-sign_suicide_bomber_belt.PNG <-- Can you see the irony?

as i  said , Muslims who`s killing ppl`s, no1 count them as Muslim , they are terrorist`s ... from pic i can see that ..
Carebears,BlackHand - 15x,30x
 sc4ry  , c0t ,  CrystalTear  ,  sc4rry , Phenomen
Since 2005


Well yes but there are hell lot of muslims that just act like those on my first pic's they dont need to kill any one...

They are just freaked up, and they are seen by the society as a muslims.

Im not in the topic about your religion authoritis etc. So I dont think Im the best to argue about that.

Any way have a nice day
Adena Plix.