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Started by kuko, April 14, 2010, 09:47:28 AM

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We should move market back in Giran. It was long time we moved to Aden it's not bad but we are missing ppl in that way.
I've propose to 2 friends to play here they started and guess what they said to me "WTF there no ppl in that server Giran is empty no one there" so even if we vote and new ppl come what they should do in empty town where is dmn hard to buy even SSD.
Track think about it


Quote from: kuko on April 14, 2010, 09:47:28 AM
We should move market back in Giran. It was long time we moved to Aden it's not bad but we are missing ppl in that way.
I've propose to 2 friends to play here they started and guess what they said to me "WTF there no ppl in that server Giran is empty no one there" so even if we vote and new ppl come what they should do in empty town where is dmn hard to buy even SSD.
Track think about it
Me to think about it?????

I was saying (trying) to tell to people 1 year ago the same thing you are saying now, wel they told me gotfo,nothing i can do is between u players.
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Quote from: TrackZero on April 14, 2010, 11:14:19 AM
Me to think about it?????

I was saying (trying) to tell to people 1 year ago the same thing you are saying now, wel they told me gotfo,nothing i can do is between u players.

Add to the Welcome Announcment that the mine market place is Aden.. that can be the solution :P

Also you culd move the HB entrance from Heine to Giran (I know that sounds like x5000 server but well thats a suggestion)
Adena Plix.


Track - this have very nice decision. You just need to agree. In all other servers there for shop is allowed xxx boxes. That was even alowed by Drake himself. In that reason Dragon is probably well populated and in GIRAN/Rune/Goddard.So you may allow ( let say not xxxx box ) but one EXTRA box if box is in GIRAN and only in GIRAN !.
That will bring back ppl in Giran and yes when some new players come there he will see Giran not empty and that will be good reason for him to stay there. You rly should think about this cuz if Giran is populated this is rly good adverstment for new ppl.

p.s. Im sure if you take this decision in moment when you will announce this ingame in giran market will pop-up xxx selers/buyers.


It's very simple to make Giran the Main market place.

You need to do that, by giving Giran something special (especially compared to Aden) as previously suggested, moving the HB teleport there might work.

You can also simply remove all ways of teleporting to Aden Castle Town and leaving it only at Giran, this way people who want to go to Aden are forced to go through Giran.
By removing all the teleport options (except for the near hunting grounds) at the Aden GK, people cant use Aden anymore, adding all the towns to Giran GK (some still lack) will given Giran another edge.

Promote Giran, block Aden! Gogogo!


Quote from: Furesy on April 14, 2010, 03:08:17 PM
It's very simple to make Giran the Main market place.

You need to do that, by giving Giran something special (especially compared to Aden) as previously suggested, moving the HB teleport there might work.

You can also simply remove all ways of teleporting to Aden Castle Town and leaving it only at Giran, this way people who want to go to Aden are forced to go through Giran.
By removing all the teleport options (except for the near hunting grounds) at the Aden GK, people cant use Aden anymore, adding all the towns to Giran GK (some still lack) will given Giran another edge.

Promote Giran, block Aden! Gogogo!
I think my idea is better instead of codding/mess with game option. Cuz like i said Dragon have well populated giran/rune/goodard  not cuz there is things that you suggest, but cuz xxx box for trade is alowed in town. So there on Nightmare with alowing just one extra box for GIRAN will be easy. And actualy Track may allow this one extra box just for 1 monts to see if there will be effect. If not have effect he may forbid again this extra box.


Actually, aden has its advantages - tp to allmost every town/village; higher lvl area; wh is closer to gk; npc shops have bigger choice compared to Giran (c grade, talismans) and maybe some others which didn't come on my mind. Personally I like Aden more.
Quote from: surecom on April 14, 2010, 03:22:42 PM

I think my idea is better instead of codding/mess with game option. Cuz like i said Dragon have well populated giran/rune/goodard  not cuz there is things that you suggest, but cuz xxx box for trade is alowed in town. So there on Nightmare with alowing just one extra box for GIRAN will be easy. And actualy Track may allow this one extra box just for 1 monts to see if there will be effect. If not have effect he may forbid again this extra box.

With allowing that box giran won't become overpopulated i think. Count ppl with shitty PCs, ppl who play only 1 char, etc. Those ones who will (as u think) use that box most probably doing it already. There's allways a bunch of bot shops at Aden & some multibox.
Quote from: Furesy on April 14, 2010, 03:08:17 PM
It's very simple to make Giran the Main market place.

You need to do that, by giving Giran something special (especially compared to Aden) as previously suggested, moving the HB teleport there might work.

You can also simply remove all ways of teleporting to Aden Castle Town and leaving it only at Giran, this way people who want to go to Aden are forced to go through Giran.
By removing all the teleport options (except for the near hunting grounds) at the Aden GK, people cant use Aden anymore, adding all the towns to Giran GK (some still lack) will given Giran another edge.

Promote Giran, block Aden! Gogogo!

About HB teleport. Do you think it has so high importance to change our main trading town? I doubt. It might add few shops there with shots/pots, but nothing more.

About removing tp options. That most probably would solve the dilemma... but at what cost? Killing Aden totally? Bad one, imo.

As for newbies and shots D/C - i'd suggest to put those at giran npc (as it was in c4). Cuz its really hard sometimes to find them and their prices aren't any pleasant for newbies.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Quote from: surecom on April 14, 2010, 03:22:42 PM
I think my idea is better instead of codding/mess with game option. Cuz like i said Dragon have well populated giran/rune/goodard  not cuz there is things that you suggest, but cuz xxx box for trade is alowed in town. So there on Nightmare with alowing just one extra box for GIRAN will be easy. And actualy Track may allow this one extra box just for 1 monts to see if there will be effect. If not have effect he may forbid again this extra box.

Right now Im sure that the shops in Aden are already 3 box.

Your idea would start the Xbox 360 era ..

Quote from: Furesy on April 14, 2010, 03:08:17 PM
It's very simple to make Giran the Main market place.

You need to do that, by giving Giran something special (especially compared to Aden) as previously suggested, moving the HB teleport there might work.

You can also simply remove all ways of teleporting to Aden Castle Town and leaving it only at Giran, this way people who want to go to Aden are forced to go through Giran.
By removing all the teleport options (except for the near hunting grounds) at the Aden GK, people cant use Aden anymore, adding all the towns to Giran GK (some still lack) will given Giran another edge.

Promote Giran, block Aden! Gogogo!

I think your idea is good but imagine that Im a new player here.. and If I want to go to Aden I need to teleport to Giran first..

That would be annoing. Also considering that NM is not that much custom (pots/subs/scrolls) nothing was changed mostly added.

So changing those things (like moving HB) will make NM look like one of the x200 x500 x1000 servers.

The reason Giran is dead is that there are not so many low lvl chars any more.

But the main reason is that you people dont VOTE.

Next idea is to make the Aden shoping area smaller so people will move to other spots ... (that can also stop them from making any shops).

Adena Plix.


But the problem is that we dont realy want to kill Aden...
Adena Plix.


why to go in giran? village wahh
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: trooperXkoki on April 14, 2010, 04:32:29 PM
why to go in giran? village wahh
Because 99% of new people who comes on server checks 1st the giran cause there is old rule to say u can see power of server by giran market (for me this rule sux tbh, but for most ppl is like bible), so thats the main reason of moving there in order to keep new players.
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Give Giran a bigger stairs than Aden has, so more people can camp it. :)

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

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