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Can't login my newly made account...



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Can't login my newly made account...

Started by TrickShot, April 18, 2010, 05:02:01 AM

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Track, is there any problem right now on creating new accounts? Coz' i've just made another account on the Dnet site, it was already confirmed on my Email add., but that newly made account can't login... Why is that? Is there any way to fix or reset it?
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Try making next, acount if It wont work then post here.

Probably you have made some mistakes with login or pass :P
Adena Plix.


I've already checked on my Email & on the Dnet registration, And nothing's wrong on my registration or spellings, but still can't log it in... You're right, i'll just try to make a new account, & incase it still won't work, i'll repost again the error... Thanks anyway dude... :-\
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