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Started by JohnyCZE, April 19, 2010, 09:17:38 PM

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/ l2 offline ... finally ...


Quote from: cumshot on April 20, 2010, 08:11:52 PM
I dunno u guys but I sincerely prefer quiet GM's that just inform when is worth informing than spammer Gm's that are 24/7 posting just talking crap and saying : we are working on it, we are working on it, we are fixing it, we are considering it, we are... bla bla and then they really dont do a shit.

Maybe those 2 have had some issue with their pc's that dont allow them to connect to forum, maybe theyre not giving any more info ( to avoid leechers ) and theyre runing a closed " secret " beta test to avoid useless and stupid Open Betas that normally are full of ppl that dont test a crap...

It can be lots of things, but guys, dont get mad, if u think logically, they got the server machine, so they have to pay for it, this means theyre the first ones that are interested in running this server cuz a offline server doesnt give u any money, and I think they know it very well.

If I were u guys, I would try to bring back all ur friends and old clanmates as much as u can, and see if we can enjoy again what old times in Dragon Network meant to be

The issue here isn't, at least in my opinion, that the server opening hasn't occured yet, or that it might take weeks until it's launched.
What I think most people are annoyed with, and me included, is what can be percieved as a lack of respect to the hundreds, if not thousands of people who's currently waiting.
The fact that there has been numerous posts on this forum regarding the lack of information and activity from Descent and Torn makes you wonder whether or not they actually are working at all on fixing whatever issues they've stumbled upon.

We are all greatful and excited about this server. But it really isn't too much to expect, or even demand, that we recieve some kind of report on the progress. I think it would satisfy a lot of people if either Descent or Torn just told us that they're actually working on a few things, and estimate that it could take anything from (whatever time frame you need) to get the server up and running. To either reply or to create a new thread on this forum takes 2 minutes, it's not a matter of lack of time.

Lastly, I hardly think that it's a question of impatience when people start to ask what's going on after having waited for a month. It's a big difference between waiting and being left out in the blue.


In my opinion this lack of info makes no sense  :-\

I mean, c'mon, any1 who is going to setup a L2 must have access to the Internet in many ways .. PCs, laptops, mobile phones, lan houses, whatever ... so the problem with PC excuse is not valid I think.

Perhaps they are having some troubles and can't arrange server on time and prefer not to tell until they fix(I don't believe it cuz at first they were giving infos and now suddenly they will stop?). Anyway it's their choise if they eventually decide that way but its not a smart one imo.

So if they dont tell to us whats going on we might lose some players which is bad ... I mean, we can w8 ofc but if they let us know whats going on every1 will be more chilled out  :-\ Cuz atm it seems like admins don't care with the community, which is one weakness of this whole network  :-X




Quote from: tevebord on April 20, 2010, 11:50:26 PM
The issue here isn't, at least in my opinion, that the server opening hasn't occured yet, or that it might take weeks until it's launched.
What I think most people are annoyed with, and me included, is what can be percieved as a lack of respect to the hundreds, if not thousands of people who's currently waiting.
The fact that there has been numerous posts on this forum regarding the lack of information and activity from Descent and Torn makes you wonder whether or not they actually are working at all on fixing whatever issues they've stumbled upon.

We are all greatful and excited about this server. But it really isn't too much to expect, or even demand, that we recieve some kind of report on the progress. I think it would satisfy a lot of people if either Descent or Torn just told us that they're actually working on a few things, and estimate that it could take anything from (whatever time frame you need) to get the server up and running. To either reply or to create a new thread on this forum takes 2 minutes, it's not a matter of lack of time.

Lastly, I hardly think that it's a question of impatience when people start to ask what's going on after having waited for a month. It's a big difference between waiting and being left out in the blue.
Quote from: DezZzO_ on April 21, 2010, 12:27:17 AM
In my opinion this lack of info makes no sense  :-\

I mean, c'mon, any1 who is going to setup a L2 must have access to the Internet in many ways .. PCs, laptops, mobile phones, lan houses, whatever ... so the problem with PC excuse is not valid I think.

Perhaps they are having some troubles and can't arrange server on time and prefer not to tell until they fix(I don't believe it cuz at first they were giving infos and now suddenly they will stop?). Anyway it's their choise if they eventually decide that way but its not a smart one imo.

So if they dont tell to us whats going on we might lose some players which is bad ... I mean, we can w8 ofc but if they let us know whats going on every1 will be more chilled out  :-\ Cuz atm it seems like admins don't care with the community, which is one weakness of this whole network  :-X

U may be right ofc, but still I think that is not a fact that theyre doing nothing, is just their way of regarding the community that has always been the same in DN.

If u think back, I remeber when DN implemented some updates or take for example IL , it was just lol cuz they announced like 4 months before or so, after they didint said anything else, and then in 1 night aprox without barely any info they turn down the servers, and implemented it ( full of bugs, but there it was ), so this attitude of GM's is the characteristic in this community, u have to get used to it , as I said, there are places where GM's speak a lot with the community ( but most of its talking is useless or false ) and here GM's dont talk much they just say a word 24 hours before some update or so...

I mean, ure right that this lack of info sux, but u just have to get used to it cuz is how it works the community, anyway even if the server was playable this very night ( lets imagine ) , They should at least wait 1 week to open it in order to make a good advertisement campaing among all forums and building a strong community ( to avoid fails like in l2frintezza ).

In conclusion I think one thing is clear, if DN doesnt open this server or fail at it, this network will die for sure .... if they open it succesfully they will take again the leadership on l2 servers, so is clear that they got lot of interest on it.


QuoteUpdate News 08-04-2010
« on: April 08, 2010, 12:18:10 am »
We will keep you up to date more regularly and thanks for your patience.

it is kinda childish saying something like that, or they must have big excuse for this long break...