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Started by Dalyana, April 20, 2010, 06:38:57 PM

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Your pet is with Michael Jackson now  :'(
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Si tu Brutus?
Stop joking on my thread … As the more time it passes the more I’m disappointed of all including GMs.
I wonder … What a GM can do and cannot … Or what is the reason of posting on forum… But if GMs don’t fix my problem I bet is because they CAN’T
I don’t give up here.


Quote from: Dalyana on April 20, 2010, 11:19:32 PM
First, Biolo_IDIOTA (sorry for caps), no one asked your opinion… If you have such a worthless shit, keep it for yourself. I didn’t ask you anything.
I ask only what is MINE and I lost it because of serves fault.

I lost my am+a+8 .. I want it back !
I m only asking what is MINE because of server's enchant rate  .


Come on, DogsAreSoCute … I’m not asking one item over enchanted… And stop posting if you don’t have something to say. Because of mentality how you have we , players , cannot claim our rights having a decent way of playing.
I want my Fenrir level 80 back , with his items including food that he has in the time server goes down also login too.


Quote from: Mab on April 23, 2010, 05:18:18 PM
soo pro  make him pet.

Ok and If I will make a GayRir In one hour to lvl 80? then what?

Quote from: Dalyana on April 25, 2010, 06:52:42 PM
Come on, DogsAreSoCute … I’m not asking one item over enchanted… And stop posting if you don’t have something to say. Because of mentality how you have we , players , cannot claim our rights having a decent way of playing.
I want my Fenrir level 80 back , with his items including food that he has in the time server goes down also login too.

You know its not about your right's .. You arent paing for the game right? You arent a client so why would they care about your request.
I lost my self a lot of item's because of dc's etc. But well you know, If I were Track I woulnt even care about one lost fenrir.

Also some players were offering you a new one, just to satisfy you... but nooo you want to waste the GM's time.
It cant be solved that simply..

Lets make a big buzz about some thing that is not realy worth more than a post.

Ps. Great Wolf has Bigger P.Atak than Fenrir just a hint if you use it to exp:P
Adena Plix.


Quote from: Biolo_idiota on April 25, 2010, 09:22:03 PM
Ok and If I will make a GayRir In one hour to lvl 80? then what?

You know its not about your right's .. You arent paing for the game right? You arent a client so why would they care about your request.
I lost my self a lot of item's because of dc's etc. But well you know, If I were Track I woulnt even care about one lost fenrir.

Also some players were offering you a new one, just to satisfy you... but nooo you want to waste the GM's time.
It cant be solved that simply..

Lets make a big buzz about some thing that is not realy worth more than a post.

Ps. Great Wolf has Bigger P.Atak than Fenrir just a hint if you use it to exp:P


Quote from: Dalyana on April 25, 2010, 06:52:42 PM
Come on, DogsAreSoCute … I’m not asking one item over enchanted… And stop posting if you don’t have something to say. Because of mentality how you have we , players , cannot claim our rights having a decent way of playing.
I want my Fenrir level 80 back , with his items including food that he has in the time server goes down also login too.

-Im sorry to be a 12y.o kiddo .

Anyway when you made this thread did you rly think you would have a chance to get back ur lol pet ?
Moreover it isn t the 1st thread 'bout a loosing Fenrir ...


Quote from: DogsAreSoCute on April 25, 2010, 09:53:15 PM
-Im sorry to be a 12y.o kiddo .

Anyway when you made this thread did you rly think you would have a chance to get back ur lol pet ?
Moreover it isn t the 1st thread 'bout a loosing Fenrir ...

I can't tell for sure, but according to her post counter she is obviously new to the forum, so I guess she didn't read all the topics "I lost item XY, plx plx gimme back!". Hence your dull note is completely irrelevant.

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Ashlynn on April 25, 2010, 09:57:52 PM
I can't tell for sure, but according to her post counter she is obviously new to the forum, so I guess she didn't read all the topics "I lost item XY, plx plx gimme back!". Hence your dull note is completely irrelevant.

Easy. He first time met girl. Let him to get used.


Biolo_IDIOTA (no sorry for caps) You aren’t Track and you’ll never be. And as I know I didn’t name one GM to can fix this… And … about your “GayRir” , use him in the best way you can. You gave me 2 posts, so it worth something  ;)

Ashlynn … I’m new on forum … but not a new player. And why should I care about other topics? I made my own and if this will be closed I will make another … And don’t count my posts, I don’t post on forum just to have one number of posts as “someone” here.


Quote from: Dalyana on April 25, 2010, 11:46:29 PM
Biolo_IDIOTA (no sorry for caps) You aren’t Track and you’ll never be. And as I know I didn’t name one GM to can fix this… And … about your “GayRir” , use him in the best way you can. You gave me 2 posts, so it worth something  ;)

Ashlynn … I’m new on forum … but not a new player. And why should I care about other topics? I made my own and if this will be closed I will make another … And don’t count my posts, I don’t post on forum just to have one number of posts as “someone” here.

That's the spirit! Fight for your rights! :D

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Finally! Someone understood my reason. Yes, it’s about rights. (If you didn’t write ironic) After I’m done with this and all will be fine, I will try to get some rights and benefits for NEW players as I spoke with Track and he didn’t make anything. And for sure this is not a selfish request.