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when you finally get up valkylia



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when you finally get up valkylia

Started by Antxdextorges, April 22, 2010, 02:13:30 PM

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The client writes in the 72 hours that are gone
hen you have all the servers involved
can see that it is difficult to write off gm


Quote from: Antxdextorges on April 22, 2010, 02:13:30 PM
The client writes in the 72 hours that are gone
hen you have all the servers involved
can see that it is difficult to write off gm

its DN... be patient !  :P
I love play weak chars <3


I wonder how many topics like this will be opened till the server gets up.

The most I wonder is why ppl are so unpatient and still dont understand the DN "time shedule".

Anyway I wish all the best in waiting (^_^)


its only good that so many ppl are involved in gameplay on Valkyria :)


I think it will happen in june or so ;D
/ l2 offline ... finally ...



/ l2 offline ... finally ...


C4 was delayed for 3 months (if I remember correctly), Interlude 4-5, Hellbound 6-8, so, if its a pattern, we will have this server next year !
Odtag from Infinity.


So who the hell is better? O_o


Quote from: Handrail on April 22, 2010, 03:15:33 PM
C4 was delayed for 3 months (if I remember correctly), Interlude 4-5, Hellbound 6-8, so, if its a pattern, we will have this server next year !

Hahahahah. I love that calculation XD


Quote from: Handrail on April 22, 2010, 03:15:33 PM
C4 was delayed for 3 months (if I remember correctly), Interlude 4-5, Hellbound 6-8, so, if its a pattern, we will have this server next year !
sad but true
Infinity x5                                                      
Moondust - SR/SWS Nobless                          
iMEXX - SPS/EE Nobless                              


bla bla bla gm is suck.... 0 answer 0 info ;D i love it <33333333 server will up in 5 years:P


Quote from: Bav3 on April 22, 2010, 04:43:02 PM
Name:  Torn
Posts:  57 (1.326 per day)
Position:  Administrator
Rec's:  13 
Date Registered:  March 09, 2010, 09:35:51 pm
Last Active:  April 13, 2010, 07:39:59 pm

you can see from the server are not interested in
for what