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Akamanah/Zariche nerf



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Akamanah/Zariche nerf

Started by Agent, May 02, 2010, 12:35:40 AM

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why i had 502 hp on akamanah (lv10), and why i havent earned any xp at all from any mob/raid?

Why would you nerf them so badly.
On the other hand Void burst (the 600 range one) is dealing waaaaay to much damage (like 3-7k at lvl1). I made 60+ pk with it and literally everybody died in 1 void burst.
and the cp reg... its about 10k cp/hour (107k max cp on necro, do the math).

now some may write that retail like akamanah/zariche is OP and such, but thats how they should work. they're worthless here. even now its easy to kill since when you pick it up you'll have 0 cp and around 500/500 hp. later it'll be one shoted by any nuker/archer, not to mention daggers with backstab.
DNet sucks donkey balls: bot/bug paradise


LOL akamnah/zariche on official SUCK a lot. I was TH and i get zariche/akamanah so many times and... no one want buy it, no one comming to kill me.Why? Because this swords suck. Yes i had 5000hp, 62kcp, 1k/sec cp regen, 10k p atk, 220 speed, 3000 p def, 2000 m def but.. Its still too low to kill ppl in s80. :p You cant take buffs and your critical rate suck a lot. In c5 destroyer with frenzy had 100k+ p atk with zariche, now its suck. You cant even use your class skills. :p

And there it is nerfed? I laughted a lot :D


Quote from: Question on May 02, 2010, 01:07:01 AM
LOL akamnah/zariche on official SUCK a lot. I was TH and i get zariche/akamanah so many times and... no one want buy it, no one comming to kill me.Why? Because this swords suck. Yes i had 5000hp, 62kcp, 1k/sec cp regen, 10k p atk, 220 speed, 3000 p def, 2000 m def but.. Its still too low to kill ppl in s80. :p You cant take buffs and your critical rate suck a lot. In c5 destroyer with frenzy had 100k+ p atk with zariche, now its suck. You cant even use your class skills. :p

And there it is nerfed? I laughted a lot :D

true, but in theese early C grade levels they would mean a lot.
(fun fact: a lvl 19 ratman warrior have more hp than akamanah......)
DNet sucks donkey balls: bot/bug paradise


yet cursed swords on retail are 100000000x more powerful than on dn.. and yeah they still suck
slow, crit rate suk, no ss and 1 hit from hero = bb ^^