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BUG!!! KAMAEL Soul Breaker skils!!!!NEXT UPDATE xD



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BUG!!! KAMAEL Soul Breaker skils!!!!NEXT UPDATE xD

Started by Lote, May 03, 2010, 01:25:24 PM

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Skill Steal Divinity not working.... when i target some1 and i use skill nothing happens. There is no reuse for skill and it's not taking any souls at all !!!. That skill is one of most important skills from that char, pliss fixed ASAP. THX.
Also there is problem with Chackmate skill, when i put deathmark it's not working....


Also armor mastery is bugger since 49 lvl i can take 1 armor mastery per lvl skils XD
On 62 lvl i got 24lvl of mastery(have to be 38 LOL). FIX THIS PLOX!!!!


2 weeks later.... still same as was before + reuse delay kamaelskills are little to slow twice or 3 times slower... seems like skill Guilted bosy also not working... LOL >>>> BEFORE SERVER STARTS>>>>>> in server spec was: FULLY WORKING KAMAEL SKILLS xDDD, AND THIS F....K DC EVERY 2h


Same situation on berserker. on 64 i got 25lvl light armor mastery and i should have 40. Torn or Descent can u do smth with it ?
NMx30 2007
SimonSays SH/SE
Niunius TH/DA


 Thats not all... Pride of Kamael should give M.atk and bla bla , and it gives only P.atk


Why dont you tell that for those rush skills you dont have keep distance? Usefull bug isnt it? Today my buffer got killed bya berserker who mas doing that rosh or some other skill without distance. You need to be further from a target you are going to rush. Fix


Can any game master fix it at least ? My char is a little retarded w/o these important skills.
Hyde - Soul Hound - 76 - OldSchool Clan Member



TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80




TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


it is that way for zerker's another skill, contagion, it doesn't work i have met all requirement, sword, souls and stuff, it should streghten bleed after i use blade rush, but it doesn't work at all i cannot use it on enemy if he is in bleeding state or not


 Steal divinity not working
Curse divinity not working
Checkmate not working

Soul breaker not working?

PLS GMS !!!!  >:( >:(