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Started by Sanctus, May 08, 2010, 03:32:51 PM

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Quote from: ChujoZord on May 08, 2010, 03:47:35 PM
No freaking wipe are you idiots?
search idiots at home you child. Do you call GMs idiots ? lolz, what an imprudence :O


Quote from: Torn on May 08, 2010, 03:51:56 PM
No (total wipe) we did it only on most exploitable adena + something esle, no rollbacks needed after we scanned,checked,compared everything its really no need for any rollbacks just stop listening rumors and other people who say xxxx things about it, rollback is always easyest solution to do but really there is no reason for it. When issue happened there was barely 400 people online and 115shops , so have no worries everything will be back as it was. Cya online quite soon.
good work dude


Quote from: Torn on May 08, 2010, 03:51:56 PM
No (total wipe) we did it only on most exploitable adena + something esle, no rollbacks needed after we scanned,checked,compared everything its really no need for any rollbacks just stop listening rumors and other people who say xxxx things about it, rollback is always easyest solution to do but really there is no reason for it. When issue happened there was barely 400 people online and 115shops , so have no worries everything will be back as it was. Cya online quite soon.

Good job and Cya :)


Quote from: k0rina on May 08, 2010, 03:57:35 PM
ps  back in topic stfu now all and wait server get online and u will see  what u miss or not

Some respect too each other pls:)


Quote from: Bav3 on May 08, 2010, 03:59:34 PM
was 400 ppl and if even 10 ppl make 2 kkk is to much
and i still dont und wh bloodseeker baned
cause his a tard  :D
Horse Juice on ya lips.

Ima Winnah


Quote from: Bav3 on May 08, 2010, 03:59:34 PM
was 400 ppl and if even 10 ppl make 2 kkk is to much
and i still dont und wh bloodseeker baned

Tell me one thing. Are you going to use l2walker in the future?

I Think yes


imho anyway server will be a sh1t next week when l2w users will have drac bows :) 4 days = A-weaps, 14 days = s-weaps :D


This is pure bullsh1t i didn't vote for any option cose none of them solves the problem, server needs a wipe and no other way can be fixed. People got clan halls with this exploit, is not just about adena amount ppl bought dys, shots, crystals, stacked sh1t load of items on different chars and is a way to big advantage for those who did legit. So this server either gonna get wiped or gonna take ages till ppl forget about this and new ppl join. I for sure wont play further if there wont be wipe or at least if there gonna be adena wipe to make it wise and wipe and search for logs, etc, etc is allot of work but you cannot fix the fact that there is ppl who got clan halls this way and is pure bullsh1t.

So GF to server if it doesn't get wiped.


Quote from: SplichO on May 08, 2010, 04:06:47 PM
This is pure bullsh1t i didn't vote for any option cose none of them solves the problem, server needs a wipe and no other way can be fixed. People got clan halls with this exploit, is not just about adena amount ppl bought dys, shots, crystals, stacked sh1t load of items on different chars and is a way to big advantage for those who did legit. So this server either gonna get wiped or gonna take ages till ppl forget about this and new ppl join. I for sure wont play further if there wont be wipe or at least if there gonna be adena wipe to make it wise and wipe and search for logs, etc, etc is allot of work but you cannot fix the fact that there is ppl who got clan halls this way and is pure bullsh1t.

So GF to server if it doesn't get wiped.
If you don't like it then you can GET OUT
Horse Juice on ya lips.

Ima Winnah


If they will remove A/S grade from coin shops there will be l2w spoilers crawling in spoilspots so fast drac sets are unavoidable. Anti bot system needed, or a good GM supervising.


Quote from: Boolets on May 08, 2010, 04:02:42 PM
imho anyway server will be a sh1t next week when l2w users will have drac bows :) 4 days = A-weaps, 14 days = s-weaps :D


Quote from: SplichO on May 08, 2010, 04:06:47 PM
This is pure bullsh1t i didn't vote for any option cose none of them solves the problem, server needs a wipe and no other way can be fixed. People got clan halls with this exploit, is not just about adena amount ppl bought dys, shots, crystals, stacked sh1t load of items on different chars and is a way to big advantage for those who did legit. So this server either gonna get wiped or gonna take ages till ppl forget about this and new ppl join. I for sure wont play further if there wont be wipe or at least if there gonna be adena wipe to make it wise and wipe and search for logs, etc, etc is allot of work but you cannot fix the fact that there is ppl who got clan halls this way and is pure bullsh1t.

So GF to server if it doesn't get wiped.

i think nobody care about you,... your just a stupid flamer,..
and i promise you i didnt used any walker to make 100kk (until CH auction was) just me !!,.. and a clan or my clan have 40+ ppl so 100*40= 4kkk ... i dont say that we made this,.. but it would be possible, if everyone in clan is focused on making adena.. if you use your brain you know how to make adean (for now i have ~200-300kk, wihout any lol bugs or something)

btw i wann know your level, pls tell me,.. i bet you are ~53 or maybe lower
Fragzilla.... what else ?!
--->Exci <<----------------

Quote fromTemptME:1. Makes no sense, obviously u dont know what you're talking about, baium never went to sleep.
INFO for you...bevor baium was killed first time... many many ppl waked him for quest.. its 30min just for inf